Nulsoft WMA Input Plugin v1
Old Winamp WMA Input Plugin
Old Winamp WMA Input PluginThis WMA Plugin uses the output plugin. (Very Very useful)You can use things like crossfade and dsp effect plugins
Download pluginSeptember 2, 2002 by Darrell Dominey | 617559 downloads |

Staff review
WMA pluginUse crossfade and dsp effects
Good But - I have had mixed results with this plugin. On two fresh xp installs on the same machine the first time it was installed it worked fine, after the second reformat it was installed again and now refuses to identify any installed codec. If it works it works great but at the moment i cannot listen to wma files in winamp :-( - August 20, 2007 by Howard Harvey
I have a question. - When I upgraded my Windows XP computer to Service Pack 2 my WinAmp stopped playing MP3's. It said it needed a WMA Codec. I tried installing this one and it didn't work. I removed the WMA Output Codec and now I can play MP3's. Have I done anything wrong? - December 30, 2005 by Michael Arford
Comment to Donald Henderson - Had the same problem at first when using the light version of Winamp 5. Installed the full version, removed it and then installed the light version again. Installed the plugin and it worked perfect. So try install the full version and see if it works. - February 3, 2005 by Erik Strom
wma files still will not play - I'm using Winamp 2.81 and wma files will not play. Under the plugins, it says-"no codec installed" for both the input and output plugins. I do have all the codecs for wma versions 7,8 and 9. This plugin did not solve the problem - February 1, 2005 by Donald Henderson
Jenny - The sound works perfectly and i can play all wma files now that i have this plug in ;) thnks - November 28, 2004 by jenny jackson
Windows media player trashed Winamp - When I installed Windows media player 10 it ripped the wma codec out of winamp 5. I redowloaded and installed 5.5 and the version 2 of the wma codec played with many gaps and stutters. The sound quallity was very poor. I downloaded this plugin and it works perfictly - October 15, 2004 by Jeff Frieske
DOES it work?! - Well, I tried this on the following stream: It doesn't work but I'm not sure if this is because of the strange URL (/.wma) or because of this plugin. Any ideas? - June 29, 2004 by Out Law
fixes wma - Don't know what else it does, but it lets you play wma files without crashing. You'd think the ability to play wma's would be built into winamp 5... hint hint boys. - June 22, 2004 by Neil Pridgeon
More Compatible than the latest - At least this version doesn't freeze up winamp whenever a WMA file is played. - March 27, 2004 by Leon B
It Works - Solves annoying problems with WMA incompatabilities - extremely useful. As far as i can tell, it works and does what it should. - March 6, 2004 by Jonas Muir_Wood
toll - toll - October 10, 2003 by xaver plo?
Thanks very much! - This plugin is the very one I want.You are the best! - August 13, 2003 by Chen Qiang
O melhor - Antes, eu tinha problemas para copiar arquivos no formato MP3 a partir de arquivos WMA. Isso sem falar que agora o equalizador funciona!!!! perfeito.... - June 28, 2003 by Perry Mason
You saved me! - this is what i have been looking for for so long! I ripped some cds at my friends, but they only had standard windows shite, so it had to be wma. since then ive had these shitty wma files i cant rename, called just "artist inconnu - piste 01" and so on. your excellent posting has allowed me to re-encode them as mp3, so Goddess bless you! - June 2, 2003 by g b
Fantastic - Just what i have been looking for its a brilliant Plugin its a Must have! - May 9, 2003 by Gav Owen
wma - microsoft sucks! - December 9, 2002 by Kyle Gerik
Perfect! - That's what I call cool. Exactly what I needed. - September 10, 2002 by sztivi vander
Wow - Wow... this is perfect! I wouldn't change anything, but i would love to see a config window.. dunno what u would put in it to change but hey, at least you can - July 26, 2002 by Noel - ?\_/?\_/
Comment on a review - i submitted this plugin and i just want to asy something about Bertitus B's comment Bertitus B gave it **** Excellent for decoding WMA posted on December 4, 2001 @ 8:09 AM This is the best, gapless option for decoding WMA into wav format (by using the out_disk plugin). However, I recommend using WinAmp 2.60 in_wm.dll, which is more recent and does the job too. The plugin that i submitted is the ONLY winamp wma input plugin that can decode wma files and use output or dsp effect plugins. (He probably tried using the newer plugin after he installed the older 1, it will get overwrited. - January 8, 2002 by Darrell Dominey
protected WMA - Where is a in_wm.dll wich can read protected WMA files, without having a internet connection? - January 4, 2002 by Borg Number_One
Excellent for decoding WMA - This is the best, gapless option for decoding WMA into wav format (by using the out_disk plugin). However, I recommend using WinAmp 2.60 in_wm.dll, which is more recent and does the job too. - December 4, 2001 by Bertitus B
Allows MP3 encoding, unlike the newer version - This older version of in_wm.dll allows MP3 encoding with output plug-ings like Chun-Yu Shei's excellent Out_MP3.dll. The newer version of in_wm.dll does not work for this. - October 31, 2001 by Chad Conrad