NSFten 0.1
Play NSF (Nintendo Sound Format) Through WinAmp
Play NSF (Nintendo Sound Format) Through WinAmpThis plugin plays music from the good old Nintendomachine... Look at NSFten Readme.txt for sites tofind music this plugin will play...
Download pluginAugust 7, 2000 by Thomas Steen | 50601 downloads |

Staff review
This plug in is great. Video game nostalgia...Wow... it's really funny how many memories are triggered by hearing some 8 bit tunes that you haven't heard in over 10 years. These are the actual songs ripped from the games themselves... all in their low budget melodic glory. Each file contains all the music included in that particular game... and all for about 10kb per file. The best part is that the songs are in multichannel format...meaning, if you only like the percussion to a particular track, you can fully isolate that channel... vice versa with the square shape synth melody or the triangle bass, etc. I know this may not appeal to those who didn't experience NES back in the 80's...but, for those that remember the good old 8 bit days... try this out even if it's just to spark some forgotten memories. A couple of suggestions... is it possible to fully associate NSF files with Winamp? Also... it would be nice if we could continuously play all the tracks without pauses. And if you don't have NSF selected in your input settings, and you try to play a Nintendo file, Winamp will crash. Aside from those minor issues... this plug in is great. -dg
Good, just a few things that i didnt like... - If you Want to get NSF files from games try www.nesfiles.com - July 5, 2002 by Kent- /Kevin
Good to have, but there's better - I can't really rate any working NSF player below 3, but the Nosefart plugin, albeit having a strange name, works much better. It's up to version 1.92, and you can find it at http://www.zophar.net, along with other NSF players. (In the "Utilities" section, it's "NSF Players". There's also a "Winamp" section with all the plugins they have.) - December 21, 2001 by uge tab
Nice, nicer if it didn't crash on exit - Works well, except for the crashes on exit. (Which is only mildly annoying, though.) For those who keep asking where the NSF files are, read the readme! It pops up during install and answers you question: Where to get NSF files? http://tripoint.org/kevtris/nsf.html http://www.zophar.net/nsf - October 7, 2001 by Dan Potter
Awesome! - I can't honestly think of anything that could make this plugin better (maybe a skinnable interface). Awesome, to hear all these terrible songs after so many years! Brings back fond memories of hours wasted... m|a|g http://www.mgermani.net - April 1, 2001 by Mark Germani