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First experiment

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February 18, 2003 by David Brannvall5324 downloads

Netamp2 - PrmDynx

Staff review

Control Winamp over network

Allows for you to control Winamp over a network. Includes a helpful reame file that makes setup fairly easy. Features are somewhat basic for this release; you can control the basics such as volume, panning, stop, start, play, jump forward/back, shuffle, repeat, etc. However, you cannot load playlists from the client machine yet...which can be somewhat frustrating. Hopefully, that feature will be included in a future version of Netamp.


Lo mejorcito en CR/LAN(TCP/IP) - La interfaz grafica esta un poco mejor comparada con la version anterior. Le falta el "Always on top" y se sigue "colgando" el playlist. La version anterior tenia mas opciones; esta nueva version es mas pedorra en ese sentido pero esta un poco mas pistera De todas maneras es la mejor solucion que encontre por ahi. - August 15, 2003 by Gabriel Bueno

Multiple uses for this one - Useful where you have a number of stations in one office and one of them is running Winamp. Also useful on a fast-user-switching machine (NT server or XP) so one user can run winamp and leave it playing while another works on the machine. - April 23, 2003 by Amir Yalon
