Multiple-DSP Stacker
Featured Plugin, February 13, 2003.Stack as many DSP plugins inside Winamp as you want! This plugin allows you run many DSP plugins inside winamp. Now you can do normalization, Crossfading, effects & more and still stream to Shoutcast!
Download pluginFebruary 11, 2003 by Louis Louw | 158268 downloads |

Staff review
Combine different DSP pluginsNicely layed out and functional plugin that allows you stack different DSP plugins on top of each other. The interface lets you add/remove DSP plugs, as well as move them up or down within the chain (sound will be different depending on which DSP effects occur first). Nice download for any fans of DSP audio effects and enhancers.
Bug - Good plug-in, but its have a small problem... After selecting "Add new DSP module" we take a window "Choose a DSP plugin to add" with fields "Select Plugins" and "Select Module"... All work good, but "Module" param will not saved in plug-in cfg-file and after first Winamp reload will work incorrectly plug-ins, which have a several modules inside. Fix this problem please, this plug-in will be great without this bug. Thanks and respects. - December 17, 2008 by Michael Sa
Crashes with Winamp 5.5 Streaming - This worked perfectly, up until Winamp 5.5, where it caused consistent crashes whenever it was active and streaming radio (not shoutcast) was being played (even if no actual DSPs stacked).This crash somehow occasionally caused BSODs as well.Tested on a clean install on WinXP, ogg and RSTP streams. - October 28, 2007 by Jonathan Rennison
works for me - I also had to uninstall this at first. After doing that, I reinstalled and set stacker up to run the dsp's I wanted, stereo tools2 and shoutcast source dsp 1.9, and it seems ok. The dsp's start up with winamp, and stacker has an icon on the toolbar.I do get a winamp crash when I close winamp sometimes. I have winamp 5.35, running on XP Home, using a 2GHz P4. - August 11, 2007 by Jesse Gilbert
slurps donkey testicles - all kinds of promlems. go get the music fx 2 now. i use that with music enhancer 017 and the wide and dynamic. sounds jump out oeasyie to use too.f my speakers. - August 4, 2007 by randy crawford
Must have - For anyone who actuly likes sound quality, this stacker is a must. You can mix things like beter equalizers, with dfx, with 5.1 plugins. Unfortunatly in the last couple releases of winamp 5.x it has crashed it. But not to worry! You can use winamp 5 lite and it works fine. If you care about the sound, and not how your winamp looks, use lite and this plugin. - April 28, 2006 by white guy
Does not work with latest Winamp - As mentioned above, this plugin seems to crash Winamp. Perhaps it works on older versions; however, for version 5.X, this plugin, when installed, crashes Winamp immediately. - December 2, 2005 by Eric Bragg
Crashes - Do not download this plugin. Every time I tried to use it it crashed winamp. Would not start just crashed winamp. The only way I could get rid of it was to actually goto the winamp plugin dir and manually delete it. I repeat do NOT download and install this plugin. Nice Idea, to bad it don't work. - November 16, 2005 by Mike clark
Simply Works - It's a little confusing at first to use. There are some other reviews of confusion on how to operate it. If you open it once, every time you try to configure it from the winamp DSP plugins menu after that point, it pops up with the stacker plug-in info (not the configurater). But you need to take a look at your start menu notification area. That's where you can access the plug-in configerator. It kinda sux in this way: (maybe there's another way around it) but I have to rename DSP_SPS.dll to DSP_SPS1.dll and make a copy to DSP_SPS2.dll and DSP_SPS3.dll... and so forth to run multiple DSP_SPS plug-ins. When you do the above, every time you re-open winamp it will run the plug-in you have loaded into DSP_SPS3.dll in three layers (same plug-in loaded on DSP_SPS.dll's 1-3). You have to re-load each DSP_SPS plug-in seperately each time you ecit and re-open Winamp. ^ Does that make any sense? I really like it with ABE3k compressor (for sound normalization) loaded on DSP_SPS1, Sound Colorizer (for the bass kick) on DSP_SPS2, and my own (rejected from winamp) Enhancer v2.7(for stereo seperation) on DSP_SPS3. If you could tell me another way to load three DSP_SPS plug-ins at the same time and get them to stick between sessions, that would be great. [email protected] subject: DSP Stacker DONT SPAM NO ATTACHMENTS ACCEPTED - September 5, 2005 by Tyson does_not_matter
just what I needed - When it works, it's great. unfortunately, as of yet, I only seem to be able to configure it once, and then any future attempt to configure it just brings up the "about" information until I uninstall it and reinstall it. - July 26, 2005 by Eric Flak
Uhhhhhhh... - Damn thing keeps zapping WinAmp 5.08e on me! Whenever I attempt to click on a DSP plug-in from the dialog (including this plug-in) the music currently being played goes into an acoustic equivalent of a minor epileptic seizure and then crashes WinAmp. It\'s sort of neato ... but not what I was actually looking for at this time. - March 29, 2005 by Thomas Toth
Sound Solution - Warning !!! This plugin does not work with Sound Solution v1.1 , v1.2 - December 6, 2004 by Steve Wilson
crashes on videos - i liked it with all the stuff running together and it wasnt always on your desktop and all but the thing froze on me when i was trying to play a video (.avi) file. too bad. but awsome work overall for the mp3 - August 30, 2004 by Joshua Reyes
Doesn't work for example with pacemaker - Sorry, but it works only with few dsp-plugins. For example.. pacemaker can be enabled in DSP-stacker... but DSP-stacker disables Pacemaker from working. You can change all setting in pacemaker - but nothing happens :( - August 24, 2004 by Oliver Kellermann
Touchy - Very good way of managing several DSPs, but it tends to crash WinAmp whenever I try to switch it off, especially if I do it in the middle of a song. By "switch it off" I mean selecting some other DSP or selecting [none] from the preferences window. Gonna try some other things and see if it crashes. - July 16, 2004 by Jeffrey Teo
Uhg - First happen to need more than one install of winamp (I'm a shoutcast broadcaster and I find it easier to have 3 winamp installs with different configurations, than 1 winamp that I have to change all the time). The installer for this plug in just assumes that the most resent is the right one instead of asking like every other winamp plug in I've ever seen. Get used to amateurish details like this if you are going to work with any software from Spacial Audio. Second this plug in seams to crash with a lot of DSPs that MuchFX handles just fine. Of course this stacker doesn't kill your title streaming like MuchFX does. That is the only reason I am giving this any stars. - May 16, 2004 by Cyril Grey
Works well - Npretty, but it works great... nuff said. - February 6, 2004 by Tracy Boehrer
WOrks fine - If you have gamut200 And enchacer it sounds COOL if dee3 has the correct config. - February 1, 2004 by Diego Ahumada
Perfect! - While MuchFX2 does offer the same functionality it lacks one important feature, being able to hide in sysTray when the configuration is complete. I mean, why do you need to waste all that screen space once you have configured your DSPs? I use this with DSP2DShow, it basically allows you to use your Winamp DSPs as a DirectX plugin. So now you can use that Equilizer and/or a Bass enhancment DSP on all you AVIs. - December 7, 2003 by Amelia Red
Just What Someone Can Dream Of! - I Don't see any problems. I am running Winamp 2.9 With Windows XP Pro, I only have 2 DSP's Running, Dee and NTPitch and it works beautifully! This is what i have been dreaming for a while but never looked up because i didn't think it existed. I highly recommend this although it may crash because of non-compatibility with some PLug-ins. But if for some reason you are running Dee and NTPitch like me, it will work FANTASTICALLY (if thats a word) - November 2, 2003 by Steve Benoit
Hey why are there only five stars - Finally ! Why didn't I find this earlier ...grrrr EXcellent and stability is OK with me - October 26, 2003 by Carsten Molle
MuchFX2 wins! - Multiple-DSP Stacker does not 'dock' to Winamp, MuchFX2 does. Multiple-DSP Stacker closes the main window of the application that you deselect, MuchFX2 does not. When I deselect a plugin, it's usually because I'm comparing on/off. To have the plugin window disappear just because I deselected it sucks. Make Multiple-DSP Stacker dockable, skinable, smaller by default (no larger than Winamp main window), and no NOT close the plugin window, and you'll have.... wait... YOU'LL HAVE MUCHFX2 !!! So why did we need another DSP stacker?? - August 22, 2003 by Paul Gallo
Great! - Really great! - August 22, 2003 by AKX -
Looks good, but too unstable - Maybe it wasn't made for WindowsXP, but I've never had any plugin crash winamp more. Crashes when loading a plugin, crashes when unloading a plugin. Can't get this thing to work. - May 13, 2003 by Nate Rabiroff
Lovin it!! - Nice, simple and very effective! Just what the doc ordered! - April 15, 2003 by Steve Mitts
Excellent even if you don't stream!!! - This beats all other plugins because it allows you to use all other plugins at once. Extreamly good for beefing up sound when you want to use more than one plugin. Used this with WOWThing and Enhancer because the WOWThing just outputted sound too low forcing me to pump the volume higher than what I wanted to run. Now, I give WOWThing a little boost, thanks to you. And no, I don't stream yet, but this plugin is great anyway. - March 6, 2003 by Professor Tom
My love can not be put into words!!! - I've always whanted a stacker or something of the sort.And now finaly I have found one, or something of the sort. - March 6, 2003 by dj ell_exs
Exactly what I was looking for! - Perfect for DJs!!!! Although it does have some problems, but I'm working that out |DJ ScYtH's Pick| - February 22, 2003 by DJ ScYtH
Great plugin! - This is the best DSP stacker yet! MuchFX was nice, but it would prevent Shoutcast from sending the song info. This one keeps everything working! - February 14, 2003 by Timothy Storey
It Rocks! - I love ths plugin, I am currently using 2 plugins. The Enhancer 017 + Bobware Stereo Delay Plugin 2.0. And I am Very satisfied! - January 31, 2003 by Matt McB