Multiple DSP 1.6
Use multiple DSP modules with Winamp
Use multiple DSP modules with WinampThis simple and easy-to-use plugin lets you use multiple dsp plugins and modules at a time. It now allows you to change each DSP's strength (only for those, that don't change the number of samples). The order of the modules can be changed. The configuration is automatically saved at exit and loaded at Winamp start. More info:
Download pluginApril 7, 2009 by Peter Horvath | 83138 downloads |

Staff review
Multiple DSP StackerDid what it said and even works with newer plug-ins designed for Winamp 5.5+ which is nice to see. Works well and does what it is designed to do very well.
Perfect plugin. It does exactly what it says. Many thanks to the author for this great plugin. - March 29, 2011 by [email protected]
The author has an update for 5.6 on his website. You can check out the link to his website in his user profile. - January 24, 2011 by Scptre
Great plug-in, but requires an update to the latest version of Winamp 5.60. Unfortunately, right now the plug-in does not functioning at all. - December 7, 2010 by baryoni
Perfect! Could not be a better plug in. Well done, been waiting - April 13, 2010 by [email protected]
Useful and easy to use. - This thing works well and almost no issues except for plug-ins not showing up when starting Winamp (5.56) with it as the selected DSP Plugin.Remedied easily by toggling the plugin until they show up. - July 17, 2009 by Truth Unknown
Could this really work - Well, I was at first skeptical about this thing of running more than one dsp at a time. But this actually works. Some dsps sounded better together than others. The ones like YouWa Shock sounded good with DFX by Soundspectrum. I suppose because YouWa has next to no settings on it, but it's loudness capabilities added to DFXStereo tool 3.53 and DFX left a bit to be desired. You really have to work with the controls in Stereo tools and you know how much that can be to take on if you use Stereo tool 3.53 Hint: work on the highs and mids in Stereo tool and DFX to make them sound good together.Overall Multiple dsp is great fun to work with. Don't be affraid to try. I think you will like it.Musicforallofu! - April 15, 2009 by Tom Spencer