The DSP Winamp Plugin Stacker
The DSP Winamp Plugin StackerMuchFX2 lets you stack several DSP plugins. It also runs Winamp 1.x DSP plugins under Winamp 2.x.Now with improved compatibility for ShoutCast!
Download pluginFebruary 4, 2002 by Marc S. Ressl | 440758 downloads |

Staff review
Yes! Very handy to stack/chain several DSP plug-ins, for example...Sending DSP effects out to a SHOUTcast stream. Recommended highly for people looking to be creative with their SHOUTcast streams. Updated version with improved ShoutCast compatibility.
simple great - November 7, 2009 by voineamirela
Good, but crashes with Sound Solution - Yeah, this is a really good plug-in.-: This plug-in is not better than the Multiple DSP Stacker, if you want to add the Sound Solution 1. It crashes WinAmp on Vista and probably on XP, too. Don't try to add Sound Solution!+: This plug-in has a good design and it's working with the most plug-ins. It is working with the SPS Plug-In and with all Streaming Plug-ins.All in all, it is a very compact and working plug-in.For all those, who can not configure this plug-in: You mustn't select MuchFX and click on "Configure". You must double-click it! - March 9, 2009 by Carl Kittelberger
Sweet - I would be lost without this one. - October 10, 2008 by Herb Stanley
WTF???? - Dont know what the fuss is about. cany get this to work. "Non-Configurable". can any1 help????? - October 1, 2008 by drmnys x
Very good, one issue - This plugin is very good, but there is one quite annoying issue.Only the DSP plugin module name, and not the actual plugin name is displayed, hence plugins such as Hans van Zutphen's, which have too modules: window visible and window hidden, are displayed as one of those.This is very counter-intuitive particularly when two such plugins are stacked... - October 28, 2007 by Jonathan Rennison
Good - A very nice plugin - October 8, 2007 by RK Veluvali
w t f oh ok - im a dumass and i got this to work.after you bring it up click bottum left key and your option will appeart and u add them. i run mine with enhancer 017 wide and dynamix and the 32 band eq. i have 7.1 with thx and my music has never sound so alive. chubbin sound. - July 18, 2007 by randy crawford
Works, but not with SPS - Doesn't allow addition of Nullsoft Signal Processing Studio DSP in Winamp 5.32. To stack that, you'll have to use DSP Stacker, which is slightly less stable during initial setup: select (none), restart Winamp, select DSP Stacker. - January 27, 2007 by lex ein
great - no problems installing no crashing. and works great!! awesome plugin!! - July 3, 2006 by Lorne Graham
Best. Plugin. Ever. - This would make an excellent substitute for the Thinger in the classic skin interface, and best of all it does something that has been missing from WinAmp since the year dot. Nullsoft should seriously consider making this guy's plugin standard, it is that good. This is always at the top of my download list when installing WinAmp on a new computer. Highly recommended. - March 10, 2006 by David H
Frustrating to Get Working - When you install the plugin and then select "configure" you're told that there's no configuration for this plugin and that you should "click 'ok' or 'apply'" to get it working. Winamp doesn't have "ok" or "apply" dialogs anywhere in any version. You have to select another plugin, then select this plugin again to get it to display, then it shows up in the lower-left corner of the screen. - February 18, 2006 by Majik Fox
Excelente - es una herramienta muy versatil a la hora de cargar varios plug ins - January 29, 2006 by john becerra
tweeker_p - I prefer the basic winamp skin and this works well with that. It recognizes any of the quality dsp's I use with no effort. Very simple to use and it's been one of my choices, 'so far'. I'd like to see it snap to win amp and have the ability to vertically resize. I've introduced it to hundreds of people through the years with little backlash. That's a good thing. It's a little buggy with no fixes in sight. I'm losing interest! - April 6, 2005 by paul nope
Shoutcast Yes! - I use this with adapt-X and the Spacial Audio DSPs. Works awesome! Only draw back is it dosen't stream titles. But this stacker works with more DSPs than the Spacial one. - May 16, 2004 by Cyril Grey
Extremely good! - Yeah, this is realy THE plug-in. I couln't find any DSP/Effect plugin that was perfect for me (I have 5.1 speakers) so I tried to combine 2 of them - BMBN and 3d spatial surround. The one gives perfect sound, the other 5.1 surround! That really kicks the ass! - April 6, 2004 by Martins M
Awsome - This plugin allowed me to stack plugins much better than anything else like it. I like the skin instead of a plain windows interface. Great Job :) - February 24, 2004 by Robert Murphy
Top notch - Never had a problem with it - October 31, 2003 by Neil Gregory
Not Fully rocking... - This is a cool plugin if u want to load some DSP plugins same time. But it has got some limitations as well. Its not compatible with shoutcast source plugin, u can broadcast, but ur listeners wont be able to view the title of the song ur playing. Also whatever u type in the DSP plugin box, it is treated as a hotkey/command key for the MuchFx. For eg: u name ur server in shoutcast configuration (this plugin being one of the stacked plugins) if u type s in it, u will b prompted to name the stack list(a feature of Muchfx)..... rests fine for it... - August 19, 2003 by theza bonda
Can't hear music without it - This great plugin allows you the use of more than one DSP plugin at a time. And that's exactly what I need, I use it to run iZotope Ozone (a sound enhancer) and TomSteagy (an Automatic Gain Controller). You can dynamically turn plugins on and off and set the order in which the sound data is processed by the plugins. I have encountered a few random crashes, but only when I was adding or removing certain plugins while music was playing. - July 8, 2003 by Bernhard Kohlhaas
Essential plug-in - should be IN the winamp exe ! Without this plug-ing winamp is not winamp !!! The first plug-in to install for enjoy the others. - June 15, 2003 by CAZAUBON Laurent
GREAT! - A great plugin easy to use, stable, what more can you ask? - May 10, 2003 by Claudio Adenti
Very usefull - Not 100 % compatible but compabitle enough to rock your music world. Combine some DSP's and rock on!! - April 16, 2003 by Ruben Stolp
kewl - DFX and Dee at the same time. Imagine that. Double-click the yellow bar at the top to hide it. - February 21, 2003 by Rafael Blanes
WTF???????? - The ONLY downfall to this plug-in is, no way to close it (hide) and non-skinnable...otherwise, kick butt job! I love it!! Wouldn't play my tunes without it, and you know what?......I don't. - January 21, 2003 by Randy Meyer
uh..... - It can't send out Song Titles when brodcasting SHOUTcast, fix that and maybe I'll consider it. The DSP Stacker by Spacial*Audio is wayyyyyyyyyyyy better. - January 18, 2003 by Kyle Gerik
Magical... - It's really a good tool. It mixes the other acoustical Plug-ins and makes a better effect. But a little bad is that I can't hide the control window -- It matches no skins except the basic one! - August 12, 2002 by Brad Cain
The most used of my plugins - This is the most useful plugin I've ever downloaded. It works nearly perfectly (only a few crashes here and there, but, what doesn't crash on Win98?). Combining my plugins is a GREAT feature. Pacemaker and Dee work great together. Don't think I could live without it! - August 8, 2002 by Jordan Sampson
Crashed lots - I tried to do a netcast on Radio Freedom ( using Shoutcast and Pacemaker to increase the tempo of the music. Before connecting it crashed the system to a status of full reset. Then about 20 minutes into the cast it crashed again to a state of full reset. It would be good if it worked. As for putting Shoutcast at the bottom I tried putting Shoutcast at the bottom and WinAMP terminated as I was adding it. I find Shoutcast to work fine and Pacemaker work fine on there own so I presume it must be this utility (although SqrSoft Crossfading additional DSP selector doesn't like me to have both Pacemaker & Shoutcast running either but that just slows the music down not crash). - August 7, 2002 by Darren Forster
Its a MUST! - Its the best, a must for all winamp users. Jam it loud every 1 - July 21, 2002 by butch shaffer
Superb! - Really fantastic and cool! Keep up the good job! =) - May 12, 2002 by Teo Linda
5 x 1000000000 Stars!!! - @_@ This Plug-Ing ROCKS!!!!!!!!!, Marc S Ressl "TE VOLASTE LA BARDA"... SUper druper Plug-Ing. WAITING FOR A NEW VERSION!!! - April 4, 2002 by Jafo C-Null
Use this with SHOUTcast - Using this plugin, make sure SHOUTcast plugin is the bottom of the list. - March 26, 2002 by Player 1 ďż˝
THIS IS THE SHIZNIT!!!!!! 10000000000000000 STARS !!!!!!!! - MOTHER F***ING AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW I CAN BROADCAST WITH SICK MOTHER F***ING SOUND, B****ES!!!!!!! - March 16, 2002 by Brendan Mangiafico
Can't ask for more - This is truly the most useful plug-in there is. Surprised your not selling it for an aem and a leg. I was not able to get the right sound using just one DSP. This let me stack three together. Everyone should try it. Only downside is that it's not self skinnable. - February 28, 2002 by Don Perrett
A must have - A must have for any winamp plugin user!! It's too bad Alex Palex doesn't understand how to use his computer. - February 28, 2002 by Andrew Ensley
Very good - This plugin is very good. But I can't use the keyboard with the selected plugins. Esse plugin ? muito bom. Mas eu n?o consigo usar o teclado nos plugins. - February 25, 2002 by Luis Fernando
Shoutcast at its best! - Finally I can hook up several Shoutcast streams using only one Winamp module. Great work! Thanks for repairing that problem with the Shoutcast plugin! - February 18, 2002 by Martin Breydel
SO TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! CAN YOU SAY 10 STARS - Team this up with dee and enhancer and you have the sweetest music on the planet! Awesome! 10 stars......... - January 10, 2002 by David Rose
In A Word, AWESOME!!! - This plugin is nut just great for audio FX. You can use it for mp3 streaming as well. I can easily stack 4 or more OddCast plugins, each encoding it's own ogg or mp3 audio stream and send them out to a server. My only gripe is minor. The hotkeys can make configuring plugins from within muchFX2 difficult if you have to do any typing, such as with oddcast or shoutcast. It's a minor gripe, however. This plugin is very cool, and GPLed Free software to boot! - January 1, 2002 by Tim Gort
Hmmmmm....... - Well.......this is so good.....i can only stacked up...Enhancer 0.17 and Dee DSP...and the sound wuz awesome.....but for some reason...i cant load SoftAmp VirtualSound gives me an error..and crashed WinAmp. But overall this stacker ownz!! - December 30, 2001 by J�ttFU��i�|\|� SiNgh
A Must! - This is exactly what I have been looking for. I needed to open more than one effex tool and this is just the thing to use for that. - November 24, 2001 by Travis Harper
Much FX2 - This pluggin is fantastic!! It is so cool to be able to use more than one pluggin at once! But....for some reason it sometimes crashes Winamp. This probably happens when you select more than two pluggins. Even tho I love it....but please somebody take out the bug. - November 1, 2001 by bassthebomb1 bomb
ya - yo this kicks ass great for when u wanna use more then 1 thing, cuz some plugs r great but dont' have everything u neeed - October 21, 2001 by Matthew Golus
Very good - Very good. Download it!!! - October 19, 2001 by Giacomo D.
Where Winamp was not meant to tread... manyfold! - Most likely, if you have a slow machine, you wouldn't want this plug-in. However, if you have one fast enough and can't decide between two or three (or four or five, etc.) plug-ins to use, you can use 'em all! Completely ingenious! I can use several cheap/free plug-ins at once with various purposes to get a nice setup. Fun! - October 2, 2001 by Dane M
good idea - weey now i can run shoutcast dsp and other tempo changing plugins to amuse my listerens =)... whoops "error loading plugin" (shoutcast dsp) oh well.. gbye to that idea.. - September 17, 2001 by Alex Palex
MuchFX2 A.K.A. The God of Pugins - This is the best winamp plugin I have ever installed on my PC. - August 17, 2001 by John Clements
I'm in love - Eh... a must for evry winamp owner that playes music. DOWNLOAD IT .... NOW - July 26, 2001 by Loxuz Punitor
Rocks Hard! - It's so great to be able to use a pitch DSP with a echo one. Great effects for my dj set :-) - June 20, 2001 by Jason Martin
Check this out. - Try this:use DFX and Enhancer together with Sqrsoft advanced crossfader. Tune it properly, and you have your own club in your house. You might also want to try this: Before you burn your mp3s to cds, with the above plugin activated, use the Sqrsoft ACF diskwriter to make it into a wav file. Then put the wav files in order to make your CD. Now you'll have a digitally remastered CD. - June 10, 2001 by Eddy Vlad
A must-have plugin! - Currently running it with Bobware Stereo Delay 2, Simply Surround and iZotope Vinyl. Instead of having to put up with an all-singing all-dancing plugin that tries to be everything to everyone, you can use the combination of individual plugins to tailor the sound to your own ears. It's almost criminal that nullsoft didn't put this feature in the first place, but MuchFX2 makes this oversight almost forgivable. :) - June 9, 2001 by Tony Sander
the starting point for a plugin miracle pack - use that with DFX first, Bobware Stereo Delay 2 (second), and Zu-software Wide & Dynamix effects (third), and you have the best combination control one can imagine to play your mp3s and audio files (fine tuning is essential to limit overboosting) - May 18, 2001 by claude lavoie
Good idea but buggy - I tried it worked well but the next time the whole winamp wouldnt show up! So i had to reinstall,time to recontuct my playlists ;/ - May 11, 2001 by Mike Treadwell
An indispensable plugin - Makes Winamp a still more amazing player. Now I can use Dee v1.12 and Spectrum Tool, and use the later to configure Dee to avoid clipping. I can also use Dee with Bobware Stereo Delay and still use Spectrum for the same purpose. Congratulations Marc !!! - May 6, 2001 by guillermo etcheberry
good! good! - vERY Good! Useful. - May 1, 2001 by Ganada A. Hayashi
The Best Suite - One of the "The Best Suite" plugins. Probably you won`t use it very often, but when it comes to some special tasks this plugin is a must. - April 2, 2001 by Kyril Golovatchev