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MPHPNow Playing

The most useless plugin ever, but people seem to want/like it..

The most useless plugin ever, but people seem to want/like it..

Now you can show people whatever you're playing in winamp, on your website! YAY!Requirements- Winamp 2.x- A php enabled webserver configured with --enable-sockets and lib gd with lib jpeg (You dont have to, if you can program in ASP/PERL/Whatever skip to chapter 4. Developers- A static IP could be of use, or some static host (such as hosts provided by, etc)ps... due to some stupid bug or lazy people they got my plugin mixed up with something else..

Download plugin

June 10, 2003 by Mathijs Futselaar6767 downloads

MPHPNow Playing - The most useless plugin ever, but people seem to want/like it..

Staff review

Displays current Winamp info on php enabled website

Make sure and read the included 'readme.txt' file that installs to the Winamp/plugins directory. You need a php enabled webserver for this to work. The readme file also has instructions for usage; there are no configuration options available in the Winamp plugins menu.


nice - i wanted my current song to appear on my profile of a nameless 'place for friends' page, with the help of this plugin, i used phpgd to generate a live jpeg that displays my now doesnt work when im not at home, but still very nice.i think i might give the gen announce ago to get the last few songs happening via mysql - August 27, 2007 by dark noise

Lies! - This plugin is great, i dont understand what the other guy is talking about, " another PHP version just to get it working", its not as if you have to compile php yourself, all you need to do is run the install and it will even config itsself for most webservers. Anyway, whats the point in running the php file from the same box winamps on? The app works a treat for me, whenever someone goes on my site, i have done a php include so it executes the php file and asks my home pc for the current song. I can include the current song as text or make an image using GD, couldnt be better. - October 27, 2004 by Martin Grayson

No... the socket issue is too much - I realise this requires a version of PHP with --enable-sockets compiled, but I just found it too much trouble. I'm a Windows user - we don't compile other peoples' source code on a regular basis. I'm just not bothered enough about np to want to compile or download another PHP version just to get it working [specially as PHP is so damn temperamental on Windows anyway! :)]. I'll either use another np plugin or write one myself. Suggestion: how about making it so us non socket enabled folks can use it too? - November 23, 2003 by Fat man
