MP3 PlusV Decoder For mv3 Files
PlusV / MP3+V Decoder v1.1
PlusV / MP3+V Decoder v1.1This is the second version of Ionific's MP3+V decoder, allowing its users to listen to MP3+V (.mv3) files with full audio quality. This decoder complies to the new PlusV Specification 1.10, allowing for higher quality sound with higher bit-rates.Also notice that PlusV source code is now under GPL.
Download pluginJanuary 8, 2002 by Henrik Herranen | 41876 downloads |

Staff review
Get the most out of mp3 + V filesA decoder that allows Winamp users to get the full audio quality out of MP3+V files. MP3+V is an extension of mp3 compression that maintains audio quality and makes file sizes much smaller. Definitely check out for more details.... there is also a sample m3v file to check out.
More Junk - Their site compares 64MB of ram holding 1 hour of 128kbs MP3 vs. 3 hours of MP3+V. Would you rather listen to 1 good CD or 1 hour of scratched up vinyl? Then why would you want to listen to 3 hours of scratched vinyl? Insist on high bitrate or lossless and time shift. With huge and cheap HDDs it is time for channels to move to the foreground again and download overnight if you don't have the bandwidth. I've quit most streams when they started falling to 128 and below. Video and sound together need 500+ for something bigger than a postage stamp. - September 13, 2002 by N Thums
Finally competition for MP3Pro - MP3+V seems to provide the same advantages as MP3Pro but its algorithms are publicly available! Sound quality is very good even at 48kbits, depending on the material of course. All we need is streaming support and then modem/ISDN users can start enjoying the same quality as DSL users do today. - November 13, 2001 by Otto Chrons
Unrateable - howcan we rate this? most people have never heard of mpv files and they arent exactly the easiest things to get hold of. theres more chance of me getting hold of your pubic hair and riping it off. still, good idea for some i suppose. - November 12, 2001 by Miteau 1st