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minimal signature plugin

minimal signature plugin

minisign v0.3

very simple plugin do not expect high configurability.

i did it for me, not for you.

it takes an input template and substitutes all occurences of some variables with data about the current

song (title and artist). if winamp is not playing nothing or it's closed all occurences are replaced

with... nothing.

it can be used to produce a signature file in any format you need as it is based on the template you


This program uses code from:

Ed Zaleski's DoSomething plugin

Released under GPL license

v0.3: added contact information

v0.2: first public release

Download plugin

May 25, 2004 by Marco Parmeggiani6381 downloads

minisign - minimal signature plugin

Staff review

Make signature files based on input templates

Straightforward plugin that uses a user customized template file to produce a signature file.


All I needed - Well, I needed a "Now Playing"-signature, and this plugin gives me exactly that. It's very simple but does its job well - October 29, 2004 by Thomas Jespersen
