MikroAMP skin pack 3 Phooey
Hong Kong Phooey !
Hong Kong Phooey !MikroAMP v2.50 Skin Pack 3 - Hong Kong Phooey
This is a skin pack for MikroAMP. MikroAMP is a general purpose plugin for Winamp.
MikroAMP can be found here:
Winamp can be found here:
This pack of skins provides a collection of skins for MikroAMP only. MikroAMP can have a seperate skin to the skin that is on winamp. Many skinners produce stand-alone MikroAMP skins, and many don't provide skins for MikroAMP in with their standard Winamp skins.
The purpose of this pack is to provide a set of skins for you to use on MikroAMP if the skin author has either badly skinned MikroAMP or not skinned it at all. Drag'n'Drop the skins onto MikroAMP to apply them.
The skins will be stored in the:
c:program fileswinampskinsMikroAMP
(the first part of the path will be substituted with your winamp skins folder on your system)
This MikroAMP skin pack and contains skins by Mr Jones
All skins in this pack are copyright Mr Jones , and remain exclusive property.
Skins in this pack:
Hong Kong Phooey
Sgnt Flint
Spot the cat
Generic Phooey stuff
Find more of Mr Jones skins here:
June 13, 2001 by Jones Owns | 10522 downloads |
Staff review
MikroAMP skin pack 3 PhooeySome Hong Kong Phooey to spice up your MikroAMP.