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madLyrics Plugin

madLyrics searches for lyrics of your songs and displays them [*new version*]

madLyrics searches for lyrics of your songs and displays them [*new version*]

I wrote this plugin three years ago (for Winamp 2.x) and I think it has become somehow obsolete. Try it if you want to. But I recommend "Leos Lyrics Plugin", which works perfect for me.

madLyrics downloads the lyrics for the song you are currently
listening to and displays them inside the Winamp Minibrowser.
Downloaded lyrics are cached on your hard disk, so you can
even view lyrics if you are not connected to the internet. New: madLyrics automatically scrolls the lyrics!

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February 26, 2003 by Bernhard Caspar97276 downloads

madLyrics Plugin - madLyrics searches for lyrics of your songs and displays them [*new version*]

Staff review

Lyrics management.

No more humming because you don't know the words.


was the best - it works really great on my winamp 2.9 but not with the latest version. Really love to hav it if it got upgraded though. - July 9, 2005 by fairuz rashid

Internet connection failed! - it found the lyrics but failed to show them properly in the browser... Internet connection failed! URL: "" Reason: The URL does not use a recognized protocol [ Autoscroll on ] madLyrics V1.2 - June 18, 2005 by esurfer esurfer

Didn't Work - Winamp 5.09 It's supposed to show up in "Now Playing" in media library? It didn't. - June 14, 2005 by Blake Randolph

Finds almost all songs even spanish... - Searching a Winamp lyrics plugin I really treid a lot of them. This one finds almost every one and is integrated into the media librarry window which makes it as flexible as any winamp window. Also caches lyrics for ofline viewing. Thanks for this great programm. - January 15, 2005 by alex s

Good Idea, but This plugin just Sucks. - This plugin was a good idea.. But it is just a horrible example of a lyrics finder. It gives a bad name to the good lyrics finders (i.e., LeoLyrics). It does NOT Even find the lyrics half the time, personally I couldn't get it to find lyrics to any of the songs I wanted it to. PLUS It's in the minibrowser, it interferes with the NowPlaying Option that is included in the minibrower, and you have to literaly push a ton of buttons to get it to come back to the madlyrics page. I only gave this plugin 2 stars just because it took some effort to put this piece of crap together. To the Creator:: Please, work on this plugin. It definitly was a good idea, but It needs A LOT of WORK before it can be given a 3 or 4 star rating. Probably more effort than it's worth. Peace. -Mischief - October 10, 2004 by Mischief Monkey

Best for my needs - This plugin shows itself in the mini-browser very well. I didn't find it to be good at finding lyrics for most of the songs that I listen to, but you can easily edit the HTML files and enter your own lyrics. Very easy to use. I highly recommend this plugin! - July 4, 2004 by Anne H

Good, but - I think madLyrics is really good. But it doesn't search the internet for the infos written in the id3-tags. This plug-in only searches for the name of the file at least at Winamp 5. Is it possible to change this?? - June 26, 2004 by Andreas Schulz

Ok: it works - It works (also on WA5), but the "Search again" option won't work. It finds the lyrics of more popular songs, but sometimes just gives a biography in stead of the lyrics, and hitting the F11 key doesn't improve that. - June 19, 2004 by Assurancetournix B

Great Automated Lyric-Search - It gets the lyrics automated via google and caches them in a folder. There you can even edit them. You may edit the search-order of the lyrics-sites to speed up the process or include newer/better sites. I've found no better solution by now. Unfortunately, I can't get it to work with WA5. That's the reason for me to stay with WA2. I hope there will be an update some time. - June 13, 2004 by Sascha unbekannt

Wow! - Now this is a kick ass lyics program.. finds the songs no problem, and damn quick too... - April 24, 2004 by Terry Matthews

need an update.. - works fine with winamp 2.x , but seems like the search function doesn't work on winamp 5.x. It always says "Internet connection failed! URL: Reason: The URL does not use a recognized protocol" - April 19, 2004 by Aditya Warhana

I like it but... - I really like it! It's very easy, but not all of the song's lyrics come up and I have no idea how to change it to make it do it...If someone could help me that would be good cos I don't have a clue! =) - March 1, 2004 by Lindsay Saltsman

autoscroll - I`m using it. but only one issue that i have. I have to close autoscroll for every new lyric. Why???? - February 5, 2004 by inci cebeci

Good GEN plug-in - PROS: SYMPLE. It loads with Library SOFT. it runs even in my P-I :) CON: You can add ur lyric if it?s not in servers (well u can but is too complex) - January 15, 2004 by Oco Mad

AWESOME!!!!!!! - THANX MAN! You saved my bandwith! Every time I had to search lyrics, but now... EXELENT work. - November 30, 2003 by Steven MacLean

very nice - it's working great, find every song i'v tried, good integration with mini browser also caching options is a good thing.. - November 12, 2003 by Squall Leonhart

Quite simply, the best and the easiest! - Finally, Somebody finally got it right. The program is flawless. Add your own lyrics sites. View previously obtained lyrics. The only SLIGHT flaw is that you cannot refresh the lyrics window while highlighting the winamp browser, you have to highlight one of the other winamp windows (A minor inconvienience, not worth losing half a star.) - October 16, 2003 by Mehmet Karsilayan

Near-Perfect - PROs: + Automatically download lyrics from various sites via Google + Meta-search for multiple results + Store lyrics in HTML format in directory + Auto-Scroll Lyrics + Customizable looks CONS: - Search is 90% of the time to be matched with the lyrics - Auto-Scroll sometimes too fast or too slow This plugin should be on the top of the list. I took two hours installing cr** on my computer (the plugins above) and finally found the best lyrics plugin, this. - September 3, 2003 by Davy Stratton

Awesome - This is the best out there and I've tried them all.The next version is going to be released soon (the maker sent me a beta version!) and its even better. Good on you Bernhard!!! - August 5, 2003 by Evax Algernon

OK - this one works - Works better than the others. Nice plugin. - June 6, 2003 by peter zawacki

Cool plug-in and Easy to use - This plug in is cool, easy to use and most all of the mp3's lyric will be found and display and yet easy to use. But, for the plug-in itself can look and display the chinese charecter. So, if possible, to built the language in the plug-in so that it will be display for each mp3 in diferent language. Well, Bernhard Casper, I am really this plug-in, keep on going and wish you success, good luck and all the best. - May 24, 2003 by Jim Boynton

Wonderful Stuff! - Very easy to use and the lyrics can be found very quickly and precisely! Why four stars? Because broadcasted music are not supported... But I love this stuff!!! Hats off, Mr. Caspar! - May 18, 2003 by Victor Victor

Excellent! - The only reason I even installed this plug-in was because of a Technical Support question in the Winamp Forums. But really, this plug-in does a heck of a job. Lyrics on demand, and if you're like me on dialup, you don't have to waste precious bandwidth on searching for the song, then going to the site to look at the lyrics. Let madLyrics do it for you in one small step. Great job! - April 21, 2003 by Fabio Vieira

Don't work - I can't get this F11 button thing to work. - April 14, 2003 by Bekim Abazoski

Well, it works - As of 25 March, 2003, at right around 6:30 pm Central Standard Time in the good 'ol US of A, I think this is the only properly working lyrics plug-in on the entire site. It's a little slow, but considering it searches a bunch of sites, that's expected. It works pretty good, fairly accurate. It's a little slow pulling up lyrics that were supposedly saved, but hey, it works, period. - March 25, 2003 by Martin Nilsson

Works Great! - Great Thing! it found about 7 from 10 songs I listened to. Even if it doesn't find lyrics to every song, it still saves much time, as you don't have to search fopr every song manually! - February 9, 2003 by Will Truesdale

cool when it gets em - Not bad ,it doesnt always get the lyrics ,sometimes goes to a site that MIGHT have them. It beats sufin to find them. I'd give it a higher rating but the sites need to improve - January 20, 2003 by Bjorn v. d. Osten
