MAD libmad 0.15.1b
Much improved IN_MAD 24 bit mp3 decoding plugin by MoSPDude
Much improved IN_MAD 24 bit mp3 decoding plugin by MoSPDudein_mad new version by MoSPDude.You are about to experience exceptionally high-quality MPEG audio. This plug-in is a replacement for the default MPEG audio decoder that comes with Winamp. MAD is a high-quality MPEG audio decoder with support for output resolutions from 8 to 32 bits. This is a new version of the Winamp MAD input plugin with, * libmad 0.15.1b compiled with OPT_ACCURACY. * libid3tag 0.15.1b with ID3v2.3 support. * zlib 1.23. * Gaussian dither and noise shaping from Shibatch SSRC 1.30. * Working ID3v2 tag editor and support. * APEv2 editor and support. * ReplayGain support. * Gapless playback from LAME tags. * Gap removal for files without LAME tag. * ID3v2.4 EQU2 EQ curve frame. * Internal EQ based on Shibatch supereq. For more information about MAD and the MAD plug-in, please visit:
Download pluginApril 25, 2008 by gm kater | 38723 downloads |

Staff review
Approved.Untried and not tested. Please submit your user review.
The best plugin. This will make u relisten to your music again. Depth, clean bass, amazing top end clarity. Should be standard with Winamp. No more headaches listening to mp3. Like CD sound. Just get it. - August 30, 2010 by Pete Zawacki
Is not seen in Winamp 5.57 under Windows7 - April 8, 2010 by Davetea uk
Fabulous! - It seems it doesnt matter where you extracted, but i extracted just in the plugins map just to be sure. And copy and paste the in_mad.dll in the plugins map. Just like - Braduku RO says how to do it.The sound is incredible with 24 bit i can actually hear the drums much clearer than before.i have a creative audigy se 24 bit sound card and it works great. ***** stars :) - August 4, 2009 by bannedjun
Finally got it working! - have done us all a good deed, and audio tweakers the world over rejoice....."YAY-YAY!"Let the music PLAY on! Oh let it PLAY, and play loud! But I would not be saying this unless some nice person posted the INSTALATION instructions.....which were thankfully clear enough for me to figure it out. REmemeber not all of us are FULL BLOODED "GEEKS" like some people might assume! But I DO have some "geek" in my genes. Why my grandfather was a full blooded GEEK, and a proud Engineer from the Western Washington Tribe known as BOWING! YEP.... he even worked on the B-2 Stealth bomber! Like before it was even known to the public! He also said UFOs are REAL! As if he actually KNEW or had some secret knowledge to back that statement up! Hmmmm, makes me thing of OUTER SPACE...dude! But indeed, mighty GEEK was he! I could have been as technically minded myself, but we all take different paths. Like the hippies did....for example! Oh.....thanks for the plugin! :) - March 18, 2009 by Jiminy Maxawow
Usable - It have a very big CPU usage. - February 8, 2009 by vitaly zhalimov
Works great, nice difference in output. - Noticeable difference in audio quality. Only (minor for me) drawback is not having docs for install, but it's really simple, as the other reviewers indicate. Combine this with breakaway audio enhancer, you'll be very pleased!Great work!Sandro - December 11, 2008 by Roberto Sanchez
Simply the best mp3 decoder - The quality jump -especially with 24 bits computation- is just incredible.Not only it's one of the few decoder able to pass the mp3 compliance test, but it also get the smaller errors: it seems not to reduce the dynamic of the sound as much as other decoders.Install: simply copy the dll in the winamp\plugins directory. - November 14, 2008 by Syl Sly
Installation - Select an arbitrary path at your desire for the self-extracting-archive. Go to that location and identify the file "in_mad.dll" wich is the plugin's core and you copy it in "[...]\Winamp\Plugins" folder. In the same time you must deactivate other mp3 input plugins such as in_mp3.dll by renaming them (eg. or something similar). Anytime you can reactivate those, by just changing back their names. Start Winamp, go to Options->Preferences->Plugins->Input: select "MAD Plugin" and click "Configure". The "Enabled" case must be active in order for the plugin to work. I'm very satisfied whit this plugin and I hope you can enjoy it too. - November 5, 2008 by Braduku RO
Extremely Disappointing - Could not install this plug-in after extracting the zipped file onto the desktop folder. Ironically, no installation instructions accompany the software. Methinks the developer secretly enjoys listening to the woes of potential users of this plug-in. - August 8, 2008 by Manuel Carifa
Installation?? - How about some installation instructions? - May 10, 2008 by Robert Base
Especially nice on 24bit sound card - Sounds great. Works flawlessly. Highly recommended, especially for owners of 24 bit sound card / external DAC. Best used in combination with ASIO or Kernel streaming output (only if you're on XP or Win2000).If you're serious about sound quality, you should definitely try this out! - May 5, 2008 by gm kater