Search,display and save lyrics of played song.
Search,display and save lyrics of played song.The lyrixPLugin has acces to a database with over 85000 lyrics and can automatically search,display and save (for offline use) in a text file or in mp3 tag the lyrics for all your songs!Lots of minor features (use winamp skin,dock to winamp,karoke mode..)Don't forget to visit the web site for more information,suggestions or language packs!Accept now multiple servers (V0.22).
Download pluginApril 9, 2002 by Fabien Kauffmann | 46322 downloads |

Staff review
Fairly useful lyrix pluginUtilizes the Winamp minibrowser to display lyrics to the currently playing song. Easy to setup and configure. I personally didn't have too much luck finding lyrics to the songs I was listening to...hopefully others have better luck with the database.
piece of junk - what a piece of garbage, it should just be DELETED. i've got 30,000 mp3s, and after giving this poor program a chance, it could not find ONE of my test mp3's lyrics. all this crappy program does it pop open google everytime. how can this program get 3 stars when it NEVER works? delete this plugin! - September 25, 2005 by MR oblivous
such great - hi the database is now with more than 190.000 songs, compatible with winamp 5 (transparency effect too) incredible - January 1, 2004 by FRENCH WINAMP
Maybe it works for your songs... - Didn't find Rolling Stones, Prince, Sheryl Crowe...none of my songs. At least it didn't crash on install/uninstall - September 16, 2003 by Jonathan Wooldridge
Great! - The best lyrics plugin here. One of its best resources is to automatically skin the lyrics window using your skinned minibrowser. - July 14, 2003 by Jefferson Niitsu
Long live the Lyrix ! - I guess it's the best way to obtain and store lyrics. Purelyrics is dead because of an basic misconfiguration. Lyrix is greater : 1st time you access the lyrics, you store it on your computer (ID3 tags or txt file). Next time, it will read the lyrics on your computer, without accessing the Net. A great concept, which works great ! Thank you, frenchie boy ! - July 31, 2002 by Manu Devil
When does it work? - It works just when it wants to..This is just crap - March 21, 2002 by Mafita -