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Speacial Brownies

Show the lyrics int the MiniWebBrowser =)

A Plugin for Winamp that shows you the lyrics of the songs. more than 400.000 songs and all Argentine discography

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December 19, 2002 by Tomas Rawski Hernan Gips92949 downloads

Lyrc - Speacial Brownies - Show the lyrics int the MiniWebBrowser =)

Staff review

lyrics galore

Sing along with your favorite music with the right lyrics.


did not like - To uninstall:remove ml_lyrics.dll from C:Program Files/Winamp/Pluginsand restart winamp - May 6, 2008 by byron drake

Not so good... - Some lyrics came out wrong, and it didn't have the lyrics for some songs. It has to switch to autolyrics every time I play a song(Really annoying). There are better ones out there. Does anyone know how to uninstall it? - November 15, 2006 by Chris Medina

? ? ? ? EXTREMADAMENTE BUENO ! ! ! ! - Es un plug-in que nos permite conocer al momento las letras de las canciones, tanto en castellano como en otros idiomas, con muy pocas omisiones. MUY RECOMENDABLE y ? FELICITACIONES A LOS AUTORES! - April 5, 2006 by carlos aldo

its really cool this goddam plugin - yeah, i think its great! congratulations, im argentine too!!! you have miranda lyrics!! ejjee, but i dont need them any way, they are easy - February 28, 2005 by soledad plazas

Excellent - fast lyrics for your songs without effort, symple and effective - October 26, 2004 by Chico Dl

the best - the best ever - October 23, 2004 by ad zon

VERY GOOD - I think this is the best one. It shows it correctly in the minibrowser. I find allmost all the lyrics i want, even if the ID3 isn't complete the same, it gives suggestions. If it isn't found in the database, it suggest to search it and then you can easily add it! great work. Thanks T. Rawski. - June 20, 2004 by Assurancetournix B

Finally, a good lyrics plugin... - Good lyrics plugins seem very hard to find. Either they are shareware or have a terrible database of lyrics. Lyrc had lyrics for every song I tried. What more could I ask for?? Great job! - February 15, 2004 by Jerri Blank

The best lyric plug-in - I tried almost all of the lyrics plug-ins available ... and this is , by far, the best of them!!! - February 11, 2004 by Rafael Bayona

OMG this is simply to cool to not have - Ok this Plug in just rocks. I think those of you that cant get it to work are either computer iliterate or you cant find the lyrics of your songs cause no one submitted one for it. I think these have to have id tags and be rip songs from internet group freaks that do this for a living. I just read along with coldplay and it was so cool to see how simply they're songs are yet so complicated they can make it sound. I'm a new fan of theres just from this pluggin!!!!!!!!! Rock on Rock ON!!!! - December 9, 2003 by Duong Tran

The Mutts Nutts - This is the second time I've installed this plug-in, god know why I ever got rid of it in the first place. I've tried nearly every one of the lyric search engins on winamp and so far this one is WAY out there. Well Done Guys - December 1, 2003 by Billy Steen

Espectacular - Me parece muy bueno, hasta el momento tiene todos los temas que queria saber las letras. - June 18, 2003 by Fernando Marques

This is it! - Pass on the others, this is easy to use! Fast installation, nothing to mess with, no secondary google searches... Straight forward to the lyrics! - June 6, 2003 by Jim Boynton

Great Plug-in here... - If you don't like this plug-in you probably shouldn't have downloaded it in the first place because it is exactly what it says, and if it doesn't have your song it will soon enough, more songs being added all the time!! I personally can't see anyone not liking this - May 27, 2003 by Bart Seager

I was needed something like this - Damn, you two guys are the best. Its very useful. I was looking some kind of program to archive all the lyrics, and search for them (i hate my english). So, you par de argentinos, al fin un plugin como la gente, carajo!!! Con este plug-in, soy Gardel con guitarra elctrica. Gracias, locos.- Diego.- - May 20, 2003 by Dok Schy

remove - if you don't like this shit, you can remove it by remove the file: gen_wampin.dll in the directory C:\Program Files\Winamp\Plugins - April 10, 2003 by mijnopa3000 0003aponjim

It'd Be Good - KICK ASS - March 27, 2003 by Patrick Mac Manus

question - how do i get rid of it? - March 25, 2003 by Sarah Leatherwood

It WOrks - It works if the ID tags are correct - March 12, 2003 by P B

Wow, finally. A good one. - This is so great. It automatically finds the words in the Internet in seconds. About 85% of my song's lyrics were found. Please add lyrics to the plug in - it's simple. - January 24, 2003 by Yoni A

Does Not Load! - When I go into Winamp and try and load this thing, nothing happens. Then I restarted winamp and tryed to load it again. I did this like 5 times. Tne plug-in sounds cool but I can't get it to work. - January 24, 2003 by DJX

F***in' Briljant - I am from Holland, and I must say that this is really a great plug-in... If the lyric is not available, it will automaticly search the web for you so you can add it (also automaticly by copy-paste) to the database of Lyrcs... I already added 224 lyrics, but I'm not ready yet :) - January 11, 2003 by Maarten Stil

Excellent / excelente - I am from Argentina. and think that this plug in is better than Pure lyrics, it is because i have got ADSL, and pure don't search my music with it..... but lyrc is ok. Soy argentina y me recomendaron este plug in. Creo yo q es mejor q el pure, porq yo tengo ADSL y el pure no anda con ADSL. El plug in esta perfercto sencillo y a la vez excelente. - January 8, 2003 by Jorge Bilbao

very well! lyrics instantaneous! - (i'm french so scuse and yoti translation ^^) me I say cheer! the song changes we see the lyrics immediatly! nirvana - system of a down - manson etc.. most a matching and if that does not match for the pleasure of all and to keep this up to date program it is enough to even add! frankly test it! very light very simple! without bug! - January 3, 2003 by Nicolas B.
