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Live playlist duplicate remover

Removes duplicates from a live playlist

Removes duplicates from a live playlist

Commercial jukeboxes constantly scan the unplayed playlist and removes duplicates. This stops listeners from getting bored by the same tracks. This plug provides the same functionality. Really useful if you let people add tracks to your playlist at a party.

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June 29, 2005 by Eric Healing26522 downloads

Live playlist duplicate remover - Removes duplicates from a live playlist

Staff review

Timed duplicate remover

Installed and up and running in a few seconds. You can specify the interval of the scans of the playlist and on an initial test duplication with a small playlist it worked as promised. However when trying with smaller update intervals and a much larger playlist then Winamp became locked up due to it re-scanning all of the playlist entries.

For small sized playlists then this is what you need if you want to ensure no duplicates are added in.


Long Playlist Long Scan Time - I first used this with the default setting and sure enough Winamp locked up. I then reset the scan time in seconds to 24 hours and gave it over night. All the duplicates are gone!!!!! Great plug in! I am going to uncheck the scanner until I need it again. I want to thank you for this nice tool. THANK YOU. John - May 18, 2006 by John Amirault

Gut - Gut - July 16, 2005 by Jens Jens
