jetCast DSP plugin for Winamp V2
Ultimate broadcasting server plugin for Winamp
Ultimate broadcasting server plugin for Winamp - MP3/Ogg/WMA support,SHOUTCast full support*jetCast DSP plugin for Winamp
- broadcasting server included, just click broadcast button.
- SHOUTCast yp support
- SHOUTCast server listener information support
- MP3(MP3 Pro)/WMA/Ogg support
- Private broadcast(MP3/Ogg)
- Changeable Metadata format
- Improved microphone input support
- Station Homepage supports & XML status reporting (MP3/OGG: http://ip:9000 in IE)
- Supports external servers (jetCast Server, SHOUTCast server, Icecast v1,v2)
*broadcasting addresses
MP3: http://ip:9000
Ogg: http://ip:9000/listen.ogg
WMA: mms://ip:9000
(or find your station in
** port 9000 is a default,and can be changed.
May 31, 2004 by jetcast | 310544 downloads |

Staff review
Broadcast your musicA DSP plugin that allows you to broadcast live. Check out for more information.
bothing of functions... the jetcast_directory is empty, not recommended - January 9, 2010 by Roberto Nunez
cvc - cvcv - August 30, 2007 by djsbarni djsbarni
I HAD IT WORKING FOR 1 DAY! - It was working fine until I tried to listen to it from two pc's and it crashes. It can hold one connection but any more then that and it messes up. I like the way it works but its annoying when you run a radio show online. - August 13, 2007 by pehden moblis
Excellent - It works fine, all the features. - February 19, 2007 by Okin Seira
Alex N - Tjaba - January 21, 2007 by Alex Nord
Staff Review is misleading a little - The website is And I haven't tested it out yet, I am just downloading it and setting it up. My 3 rating does not mean anything, maybe just neutral, I guess. - May 20, 2006 by Just Blank2001
What are the actual requirements? - As many users before, I've installed this plugging expecting it would properly operate...jetCast window is on my desktop but nothing happened when I stroke broadcast button. From my second linux box I can't even find it thru nmap, provided I turned off all kind of firewalls :(. Have I downloaded a hacked version of this plug-in ? Or is it because my Winamp is too new ( if ever it would mean something ) under windows XP pro SP2? Older version of JetCast DSP works so well with winamp 2.9 series. I am really disappointed. I was expecting that an embedded server would be a consistent solution...... Hope some day I'll come accross some trustfull explanations... - April 4, 2006 by Jeanseb Astienback
It Ain't Just The DSP Folks - I've got the full version of the latest version of Jetcast 6.x and IT WON'T EVEN TALK TO MY SHOUTCAST SERVER (let alone list me on some directory!). Tried Icecast as well. Same result. Heck, just for grins, I even tried my StreamCast. Same problem. It's as if the makers of this software are forcing people to use their PROPRIETARY server by listing SHOUTcast & Icecast support just so we would download it. :( WHAT A RIPOFF!!! Anyone know of a program that's like the JetCast of old that still works? As it stands now, one of my radio stations is OFF THE AIR until the issue is resolved. :( - February 14, 2006 by Pat Cook
jetcast under windows xp - jetcast has a problem runing under windows xp. as soon as my windows xp upgrade early october 2005 that was it . now im lucky if it shows in shoutcast directory... what i find is stupid. u bring out a new winamp but an old jetcast.. try bringing out new winamp/jetcast at the same time.. whats also stupid is who in the right mind would give a program out with loads of bugs in it. why not sort the bugs first. then offer it out... its a bad way to run things.. its like selling a car with no wheels. ow sorry madom its a bug in making the car. we will make a patch to fix it lol. yeah ok.. jetcast could be the best if u just get ur act together... - December 5, 2005 by glenn whitehouse
It Use To Be So Good! - I use to use this plug in quite reqularly, but then upgraded my winamp to 5.111 and now I can't get it to work at all. It crashes and says its a problem with winamp. My Station doesn't show up on the jetcast directory, although I did get it to show up on the shoutcast once. This never happened with the old I dare go back to the old one and lose all my new features? Maybe this product needs to be updated for the new Winamp? Maybe my brain needs to be Im not sure..but it sure is disappointing not being able to use it anymore :( - November 28, 2005 by Michael Colley InternetRadio - listin online to the music - September 18, 2005 by stefanweb online
wierd. - used to broadcast with this, i formatted my machine, now new winamp and this, nothing. i have it on my dsp plugins but when i choose jetcast window, can just configure it and nothing broadcasting. sucks. thou it was nice when it worked. - September 5, 2005 by antze otaku
jetcast radio - it is better that shoutcas but there is still a bit of room four inprovement as it still get the odd buffer now and again - August 24, 2005 by mogaly 2005
Not going 'On Air' - Ok there seems to be a problem with my JetCast. Whenever I click the broadcast button, the preferences button becomes unselectable (as it would normally when going on air) but the broadcast button remains unselected and the 'On Air' sign remains unhighlighted. I've tried restarting Winamp but no such luck. I'm quite new to all this, so I may just be making some stupid error, but any ideas? I think this subject has been touched on before, but there were no replies to it. - August 19, 2005 by debobo lumi
Shoutcast-like features nearly useless - I can't get it to broadcast on Shoutcast, and so many of the other users can't make it work at all but still rate it a 5. I don't understand that. The MP3 support for me was limited to disturbingly low bitrates. Just use the Shoutcast DSP Plugin if you're using it now. Don't bother with this--if you're looking for a Shoutcast plugin replacement, this is virtually useless. - June 12, 2005 by Tom W
Dedicated user, use some add on's with it.. - I've been using jetCast for a few months now and recently swtiched from using the "full" version to broadcast to using this plug-in and the difference is remarkable, because of the ability to use not only the Winamp EQ to tweek stream quality, but if you add the "MuchFX" plug-in stacker, "DFX audio enhancer" and "KG Volume Dynamics" end up with a real nice radio stream sounds as good as many who broadcast at higher bit rates and I'm sending at 56/ freekin rocks..(thumbs up) It takes a bit of experimenting to get the EQ and DFX sliders set just right but once you do.. you'll never broadcast again without this combination of sure to place DFX 1st. on the MuchFX stacker list, then KG Volume and finally jetCast.. trust me you will be amazed how good you can make your stream sound.. Set-up can be a challenge for some the "How2 jetCast" tutorial at jetCast forums and you should be up and running within 30 mins. Visit "GHOSTRIDER INTERNET RADIO" to hear all of this in action http// - May 15, 2005 by Rod GHOSTRIDER
Tis alright - If only I could get Shoutcast working with - May 15, 2005 by max hawkins
DILEMMA - I dont know why jetcast.exe is crashing every time i want to broadcast something in mp3 format if i want to start server it crashez....every time..... I was using this dsp before and works great....i don\'t know what 2 do ....somebody help me .....i want this plugin i like it very much.....but i want 2 use mp3 streaming format....has anyone any ideea??.....if yes please e-mail [email protected] please !!! - March 10, 2005 by Iulian Sorin
What is it doing?? - I have no idea what this plugin is doing! I'm not listed on Jetcast en not on Shoutcast and I get no listeners.... does this plug-in work at all?? - February 22, 2005 by Kazz van_Dam
!!! - THIS THING RULE!!! GJ DUDES! :D - February 20, 2005 by Alex Rynty
spoko plug-in - wszystko by?o by dobrze gdybym wiedzia? jak to uruchomic pomocy... help ...... - January 25, 2005 by Artur P
jetCast_DSP_plugin_for_Winamp_V2.exe - it's great ! but i don't know how to use'it and configure ... i need help ! :)))) - December 28, 2004 by radu cuprian
it's good plugin - it's good plugin but i don't know why not working ,more information about these i hope it's necesary coz some pipple not use these plugin never ,maybe in m'i country not working i don't know - December 20, 2004 by Urmes Alexandru
CWS -Caio Portella Station-Brasil Connection - Realmente muito bom...Vale a pena criar sua radio com o progrma... - December 4, 2004 by Caio Portella
AWSOME! and EASY TO USE! - I tried to use a plug-in like this once before from here and I couldn't get it to work. but with this one it took me about 10 minutes to get everything figured out and my music set in a playlist, after theat I was sending my music out. Love this plug-in EASY TO USE!! - November 21, 2004 by Damien Flemmer
Very funny and usefull - I tried JetCast and I love it... the problem is that not support video files... (I think!!!) and a help file will be usefull ... or a "readme.txt" ... thanks - October 28, 2004 by Nelio Andrade
jetCast DSP plugin for Winamp V2 - Good plugin. Everyone: use it! Alexandru Lucian LESU IT Department YAZAKI ROMANIA LTD. - October 28, 2004 by Alexandru Lesu
very nice and easy - to bad it don't work well in new winamp 5.05 i hope a new version will come out to fix it... - October 22, 2004 by D A
pretty good- for beginners - Good plugin, I like that it supports ogg. But for some reason it quits broadcasting sometimes when I'm away from home and I have to remote-in and click the broadcast button again... very annoying. Also, it would be nice if it could disappear to the system tray. Otherwise a good streaming plugin though. I am now using oddcast and Icecast V2 for broadcasting- a little more complicated to setup but works great. - October 19, 2004 by Joe Camel
NO? - If i could figure it out it would be great - October 18, 2004 by mike kohnson
Crash on connect... - I set it up as a relay for my TiVo... It crashes as soon as anything connects to it. - October 10, 2004 by Mark Mark
Well done - This is great - it worked no troubles at all on the local network havnt tried over the internet yet. It was exactly what i was looking for and i just love things that work no hassles. - August 13, 2004 by A Warfield
Would be nice if it worked - Well, MP3 and WMA don't work at all and you can't listen to the streamed OGG in winamp, it worked in GSPlayer2, but how many people have that (its for PocketPC)? - July 1, 2004 by Altimit Exyle
Streaming done simply and elegantly. - This plugin is amazing! I've been wanting something like this for a long time since the setup I use isn't too Shoutcast server friendly. There needs to be more genre titles to select for your station though. - June 5, 2004 by Nuroticat R
Easy Streaming Audio - I downloaded it and was streaming in less than five minutes. Very easy to setup and use. I am using it to stream music from a Request music server that has all the music stored in flac, to my WiFi PDA that is running PocketMusic and listening in Ogg. GREAT PLUGIN!!!!!. - June 1, 2004 by Kent Miller