Jammix Enhancer 031
Nilesh raval's CommentsI have made these presets specially for bass effect lovers.After 2hr work I made it.Just extract the file in to Winamp/Plugins/jammix folder & Njoy.I have added more presets for Enhanced system so Please download it again.
Download pluginOctober 20, 2006 by Nilesh R | 149178 downloads |

Staff review
Jammix presetsGroup of presets for the jammix enhancer dsp plugin (also available on the winamp.com site)
bye bye dfx 9 - I no longer need my hacked pro version of dfx 9. This by far more superior and way more customizable. Now I do not have to use a paid (i did not pay) commercial software. Where is the donate link so I can paypal you some funds. I have spent over $700 this past year by donating to freeware/gnu developers. I would like to support Photoshop though, but they cost to darn much. Lower your price to about $275 instead of charging $699 and I will use a purchased version instead of "my" version. Take note other companies. - June 11, 2009 by john brown
Brilliant - I have been using this enhancer for quite a while now with very little difficulty and I can promise you I am no Einstein with the pc but have found this easy to use and the sound effects are brilliant. Wouldn't swap this for the world but always looking to enhance further my speakers and pc. - December 1, 2008 by alistair higgins
please help - i extracted the files to the specified folder but then it doesn't work i use winamp version use big bento skin. anyone please help me send Ur guidelines to ([email protected]) - July 26, 2008 by Adhav kumar
alin - i use this plugin since 2006 and it\'s very good, i dont need anthoner. thx uploader. 5 stars - March 12, 2008 by lsd_alin -
Very Helpful - Hey man, can you make more presets or sort of make a guide on how to configure for maximun bass, treble, etc? Sort of make a user's guide with definitions (like "Bass AGC depth means...") cuz the originial plugin doesn't really have one. This would help people configure their sound. Thanks. Good presets anyways. - January 19, 2008 by Jorge Arias
hmmm - i can't make it work....plz help me :( - September 14, 2007 by ciupik sopik
Nice work - A good alternative to the other presets. I especially like the "Deep Bass".Thankz... - July 12, 2007 by vizion a sound
Outstanding Presets - Excellent presets. In particular I enjoy "nil_Super Hi-Fi", which produced superb results with both earbuds and mid-size speakers. In fact, it's the only preset I need. - June 26, 2007 by Devin Cassidy
Great work - Jammix is the best DSP out there and this is an excellent set of presets. - February 8, 2007 by Pallab De
hmm... - Good for parties :) Try it! For normal listening better make own presset that fits best to your speakers. - January 17, 2007 by Nikolay Kirilov
NO ME GUSTÓ - Sólo encuentras los presetes... No tienes el programa. - December 31, 2006 by Andres Mejia
Fantástico...! - Un DSP Effect muy bueno. Lo recomiendo. Mejora substancialmente al Winamp. Pero debes de tener un juego de parlantes por lo menos 4.1 para sacarle provecho. - December 23, 2006 by Guayo Barrios
ok - 5 this goood - December 16, 2006 by peter bartos