iRiver iHP-100 DB Creator
Creates a iDB for your iHP-100 Series MP3 player from your Winamp Playlist
Creates a iDB for your iHP-100 Series MP3 player from your Winamp PlaylistCreates an iDB file on your iRiver to allow faster searching though your files.
Works so long as all your media on the machine has the same base directory (i.e. all in \"My Music\", though you can have as many sub-folders as you like, so long as the files structure matches that on your iRiver).
Works better than the database creator that is packaged with it as it creates it\'s database from Winamp\'s listing, so if it works in WA it works in your DB, even if there is no proper tagging it grabs the title and splits it from the \" - \".
Source Included.
October 24, 2004 by Chris Thingy | 19381 downloads |
Staff review
Database support for iRiverStraightforward plugin that allows you to easily create and iRiver database file (iDB) from within Winamp.
Good job. - Hi there, good job on this, it must have taken some work! To the person who rated this before: The Music root is the root folder where you keep your music on your hard-drive (EG C:\My Music). The iRiver root is the drive that your iRiver appear as in My Computer. (EG G:\) - February 10, 2005 by Alex Spencer
Um, how does this work? - What is the difference between music root and iriver root? Does this plugin copy music to the player in addition to creating the db? I keep all my music on my iriver, and nothing seems to happen when I use the same location for both fields... - October 27, 2004 by Sean Merrigan