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Winamp 'Now Playing' plugin

Winamp 'Now Playing' plugin

Yet another one. Supports file output (of course :), OSD, ID3v2, W2K layered effects, song substitutes, etc, etc.

Download plugin

January 22, 2002 by Andrew Dolgov9981 downloads

gen_np - Winamp 'Now Playing' plugin

Staff review

Now playing plugin

Nicely configurable plug-in that allows you to output 'now playing' information. The readme file gives an update history, but, doesn't really explain the features all that well... that would probably be a helpful addition.


Need docs - Looks good but I can't find docs for it. How do I use it? - November 23, 2003 by Fat man

Spare, but works - I need something that will output the current song info to a file. Ideally it would upload to my ftp, but I can work with a file if the plugin doesn't. This one doesn't upload, but it does output a file. I don't need or use the OSD stuff so I can't judge that. - July 9, 2003 by Andrew Rich

Super - The best Titlespy PlugIn fur TheBat! I have WinXp and TheBat! 1.62i - February 21, 2003 by Manfred Kassler

GREAT! - thats just what i'm lokking for, but some improvment can make it more greater: 1. there is a problem with HEBREW,the only font that sopport HEB is "MS SANS SERIF" can you fix it? 2. it will be nice if you add an option to make font BOLD and/or centering alignment in thw background window - November 16, 2002 by Omri Rosen

This is what i need... - This is just the type of plugin i was looking for. Too bad i can't make it work. Nothing happens. Maybe it dosen't work i WinXP? Well, i'll try to play with it some more. Andrew Dolgov, the stupid users need documentation....please :-) - June 2, 2002 by Lars Jorgensen
