G15 LCD Display
A Display for the Logitech G15 Keybord's LCD Diplay
A Display for the Logitech G15 Keybord's LCD DiplayThis shows Winamp's song information on your Logitech G15 keyboard's LCD display in a compact and useful manner. This requires that you have a G15 keyboard plugged in and the drivers installed. Otherwise, this plugin may cause unexpected results (or nothing at all).There is only one known bug: if you are playing a song at the very top of your playlist and manage to find a different song with the same length and start playing that, the LCD display will display the info for the first song.
Download pluginAugust 20, 2008 by John McDonald | 38682 downloads |

Staff review
Can you see it?This plugin seems to work for the creator. Nevertheless I cannot test since i havn't such a keyboard, so use this on your own risk.
awsome nice one - the older versions of the g15 were blue. i assume that this image is from one of those. you are right though they do not support colour. - October 1, 2008 by grant draper
Colour? On the LCD? - Works great. - The G15 LCD doesn't display in colour though so that image isn't correct. - September 14, 2008 by Andrew Schnellback