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Full Playlist 0.1

Loads all files in certain dirs to your playlist on startup. For those who rename/delete/download a lot.

Loads all files in certain dirs to your playlist on startup. For those who rename/delete/download a lot.

You can configure which directories and which file extensions to search for on Winamp startup.When you start Winamp, this plugin searches all of the configurable directories (such as c:\mp3, or whatever you set) for file extensions you also specify (such as "mp3" and "mid"), and then all of these files are added to your playlist, so you don't have to add new files manually, or remove old files that don't exist anymore.More to come in later versions, such as automatic directory watching for renamed/deleted/new files.

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July 31, 2000 by Keith Lea25880 downloads

Full Playlist 0.1 - Loads all files in certain dirs to your playlist on startup. For those who rename/delete/download a lot.

Staff review

If you don't like manually loading music ... this is for you

This plug-in really appeals to me in that I sometimes get lazy about loading mp3 files. Full Playlist allows you to select directories in which on startup, Winamp will load any file of the type you specify. And since it loads at startup every time, you don't have to worry about any files that you have since deleted or moved. The only suggestion I have, is to maybe include some sort of disable button... because, I find that sometimes I don't want to load any mp3 files on startup, yet, I don't want to have to re-type my directory settings in the Full Playlist window. Also, I think it would be a nice idea to change the 'add directory' option so that you can browse instead of having to copy and paste the dirctory name in the field. All in all, this plug-in will make you happy with it's automated goodness. It even has an option to start playing on startup... how easy is that? Just open Winamp, and your music starts playing just like that. -dg


Sub Folders? - Just begenning to try, and asking myself before a bad (or a good indeed !!!)... constatation, if this plug' in effectivly scan sub-folders ????? - February 1, 2008 by Yves Rousseau

Great... but! - As many people have said this addon clearly "pwns!!1" but I have spotted one problem that could through a user or two. If you were to enter "E:" not "E:\" it will crash WinAmp whenever you try loading it. To get round this problem open: C:\Program Files\Winamp\Plugins\plugin.ini and change the values in there. I decided to post it here and not just e-mail the author in case anyone had this problem. Regards, Phil - November 15, 2005 by Phil Sturgeon

Love it! - It's brilliant I used to continually have to change the playlist whenever I got more mp3s or if I by mistake opened a single mp3 instead of enqueing it which was very annoying but now i just reload winamp and all is solved :) fantastic!! - July 1, 2004 by Stephen Jenkins

Fantastic! - It just needs the ability to refresh the playlist from the directory every few minutes - February 6, 2004 by Bryan Zera

Incredible - This is EXACTLY what I have been looking for, for such a long time. It's quick, effective and useful to those with lots of mp3s. I started it just now, playlist is 5015 items long. I am going to hear music I had no idea I ever had... - July 29, 2003 by Dave Walker

awesome - I've wanted this for ages ... perfect!!!! - December 4, 2002 by Tom Heu

Sweet As A Teet :D - I love this Plugin G..werd..if you upgrade it..see if you can make it auto randomize the music list so its not all alphabetical, yet all mixed around for variety..thanks for the awesome shiznit B! - August 23, 2002 by Jonathan Papa

almost perfect - congratz, the most useful plugin ever i think. (maybe browsing should be implemented but i don't have a problem adding some directories manually ONCE instead of changing my playlist every now and then :) - July 16, 2002 by Thomas Pasterk

Beautiful - Works great!!!! - April 27, 2002 by Greg Conti

Cool :)))))) - This is perfect one for my car-audio player.. :) Everytime i change a cd.. it will read the playlist automatically.... Great! :) - February 9, 2002 by Ville Hiivola

Full Playlist 0.1 - I am constantly upgrading my music directory content and I found having to manually load Winamp, each time I started it, to be a pain in the b**. I have been using Full Playlist for almost a year now and it is great, now I open Winamp and all the music is there already. The only drawback I have found is the time it takes to load......but that could have a lot to do with the size of my mp3 directories....... - May 6, 2001 by Wrasse Williams
