multiband resonant filter, v1.10
multiband resonant filter, v1.10Frohmage is a free multi-band resonant filter. This plug-in can offer some unique sounds, from slow and deep filter sweeps to the most savage tones with high resonance setting and heavy distortion.Musical use is one of the points : you can easily tune the filter to be in resonance with particular notes in your music. The harmonic multi-band feature helps you to warm up the sound. All filter bands can be delayed with only one knob, giving nice phaser effects or weird gliding echos.The final distortion stage smoothly overdrives the sound to make it really fat and analog-like. Two distortion schemes can be selected to get a screaming beast or a powerful and warm sound.
Download pluginOctober 8, 2001 by Ohm Force | 383050 downloads |

Staff review
Very cool filter effectsThis dsp plug-in really allows you to tweak your songs by use of some ultra sexy knobs. Cool audio effects can be achieved. New version with faster web documentation access.
Great for house music. - This works really well when listening to Daft Punk or or another house group. The presets are wonderful and give the already funky sound an even funkier edge. - October 10, 2005 by Beau McClelland
Daft Punk Style - Weird if you like funky filtered house you can't go wrong with this. You can get some good effects with this plugin but it only lasts bout 8 hours but fun all the same. - April 26, 2003 by James Field
Frohmage makes it sound proffesional - This plugin makes your music sound proffesional! It's perfect for synthpop and dance. The filters are great as beat-breaks and such (I try not to use proffesional terms, because some people may not understand, but's hard). There's only one thing that bothers me: the design. It could be more simple, which will make the beginners understand quicklier. It's a guaranteed four! Great work! - March 5, 2003 by Olle Calderon
River City Madman - This would be OK with a Strat maybe. Too much distortion for my listening pleasure. - May 17, 2002 by Henry Mason
Bull Cr__ - I must admit, that Ohm Force software is pretty good. But To release something as being free, is a bunch of Sh__! They release some junk that is actually a demonstration that lasts for just about exactly 8 hours and then goes squirrley. I can understand something that is shareware and is time locked, but to misrepresent ALL of their software is a lot of Bull. Then to release something as being free, that is not fully functional is really a lot of Dog Cr__...! Good programmers, but otherwise really lousy human beings. Now, there is some criticism about the software and your personal behavior. - March 22, 2002 by Wayne Radio848
Filterz Gallore - I'm sorry that guy that doesn't know what a filter is gave you guys a bad review. This plugin just totally rocks the house. Awesome filter control makes for great ambience and bass/treble control. Excellent work! - January 31, 2002 by Dain Olsen
this is friggin` sweet! - this is my first plug-in and it`s sweet! it doesn`t get any better than this folks! - January 13, 2002 by ewoud van loon
It sounds good - Frohmage sounds goood with my mp3s. It took a little time to understand how to take the best out of it, but once i feel it,i try it on all ( yes all ) my mp3. - November 7, 2001 by Sin Zopera
Usefull - Ik finde Frohmage goed ! - November 7, 2001 by lamoukat amoin
BLITZ ! - frohmage is the effect i was dreaming of. Maximum stars ! - November 7, 2001 by epil EptiK
you said filters ??? - These filters are excellent. YOu should try this all the more as it is totally free. I hope one day Ohm Force will make a winamp skin that will fit with this effect. - November 7, 2001 by disvingtrent karant
Fromage - If you want a pluggin that is like an EQ but makes a lot of noise, DIS 1 IS 4 U!! - October 31, 2001 by bassthebomb1 bomb
its good but... - Paul Tabbernor is right! this stuff is good but how to get rid of it?, when u no more want it ??? and it is very very great but only if u know how to get the best sound you can. anyway, its good stuff but CARE for your EARS if you use a headphone!!! - October 25, 2001 by Titanium man Titanium man
This one sounds great - Hello, I must confess that when i dled this plugin, i was miles away imagining what frohmage can do. The first time i use this plugin, i thought that wa was definitely THE mp3 player to own. Frohmage allows you to achieve the sound you want your mp3s sounds like. - October 10, 2001 by gawe nanapouralďż˝
Frohmage sounds good and it's FREE - I've already posted a review about frohmage. How disapointed i was when i saw Paul Tabbernor review !!! This guy must have something against Ohm Force..... First of all, frohmage can be turned off like every dsp effects plugins. Then, this plugin is totally charge FREE! Maybe, Paul confuse frohmage with the Ohmboyz.... No matter, this tool deserve *********** stars. Since i found it, i can't live without... :o) - September 21, 2001 by tao tseu
A little weird - Well, I've downloaded it and started to use it, but, to say the truth, I haven't understand what it is exactly for... I thought it was a sound enhancement tool, but I've just heard noises in my songs... Well, they're noises, but are good effects as well! Is this plug-in just for making all that noise? - August 18, 2001 by Francisco Caballero
Awsome quality output! - Wow... those guitar strings never sounded better! One of the best plug-ins to use! The GUI is a little too bulky though. - August 17, 2001 by Amado Castaneda
Choose your tones - You desire a poor design and useless plugin..... Pass your way ! Frohmage is none of that, but a HIGH quality plugin with los of effects possibility... you should TASTE it.... - August 13, 2001 by Nashe Flower
Awesome filtering - this one is the one everybody must own. And it's FREE! i NEED the predatohm ! Ohm Force's plugins are really amazing and i hardly believe that people who rated it a 0 must try the tools they are rating... For the first time i found a good DSP effect, i'm a quite disappointed to see that competitors ( ithink those are competitors) are trying to anoy this french crew. Moreover, they decided to adopt a pricing policy especially made for people who have not enough money to invest in effects.... Go on Ohm Force, musicians know who you are... - August 13, 2001 by Jack Pozzy
the filter that will make your life change! - The fact is that to get the REAL sound, I just can't figure out making a date without my Frohmage - incredeable sound - - August 13, 2001 by Colin Smith
presets again - hey, i've just downloaded the latest version of Frohmage and don't have any more worries concerning the presets feature. it works perfectly well and makes it a lot more fun as you can load existing presets or create your very own bank!! the plug comes with a bank of presets but some more banks are available from their website. still having fun with this chunk of cheese! cheers, joey. - August 10, 2001 by Joey Skwad
Frohmage - nice tool opps I said it agin need a tool for your mic with some effects - August 9, 2001 by Ryan Kruzan
Frenchy touch - I'm really adicted to WA effects. What's more fun than playing with mp3 ?! The plugins i uses still now were quite good, but I eventually found these french guys... Ohm Force pluggins really pisses on the other wa DSP effects! Those men who posted a 0 must be from a competitor. The Frohmage is THE effect that every wa user must own. A FIVE stars for this french team who releases an other plugin for Wa : the Ohmboyz. The most amazing delay you can have on wa. Best of luck to the Ohm Force crew. - August 7, 2001 by Twin PiX
Let's make it resone... - This effect can create original hamonics which make your mp3 warm up. This high quality FREE plugin might enhance your sound. dl it, use it enjoy it - August 7, 2001 by The Rhum isn't good enough
Ohm is where the art is - I've never seen such an effect before ! Bring us soon other cool stuff like this frohmage. Robert Ludlum - August 7, 2001 by Robert Ludlum
5* for this effect - This resonant filter let you easily tune the filter to be in resonance whith particular note. Good harmonics... - August 7, 2001 by Pino khyo
EXCELLENT - FrOhmAge is a multi-band resonant filter. You can easily tune the filter to be in resonance with particular notes in your music, and the harmonic multi-band feature helps you warm up the sound. All filter bands can be delayed with one large knob, giving some really nice phaser effects or weird gliding echoes. The interface is really fun and simple to use with its big knobs, and ads interest with its 'grungy' look. The sounds created are also of a very high quality and varied. This is one plug-in you will definitely get a lot of use out of. - August 7, 2001 by Evolutive sound
specially made to enhance the sound - i got this tool on Ohm Force website : Their plugins plugs very original sound and you may have a look at their work. May the Ohm Force plug your sound - August 7, 2001 by Canonbullet hole
mm you said Frohmage ? - powerful filters- Realistic knobs- cool graphics- this plugin will make your sound smell different ;) - August 7, 2001 by Alex McAullif
Plugin revolution - This plugin is quite different from the other traditionnal plugins. The knobs are really realistic and allows high precision. The graphics are really funny for a free plugin and the sound is definitely enhanced ! - August 1, 2001 by Tom Rodney
Paul Waller uses the Frohmage ! - Nothing more to say except from this little quote from Paul Waller ( working with E.Clapton, W houston and so on...): "Ohm is where the art is" Amazing isn't it ? - August 1, 2001 by Thierry Riton
THE resonant filter - hey, i'm really surprise to see such amateurish winghing reviews here! THIS plugins is far beyond this other one ! What do you exacctely expect from a free young product ? If you enjoy a little making sound, try this! It plugs incredible sounds and is really easy to use. i hardly believe thatthe ohmforce crew will become chili hot in this area ! - August 1, 2001 by taz zeta
Do not eat please... - don't eat this plugin ! Even if it looks like a toy ( a piece of french frohmage yet) it's so useful ! thanx a lot to have created such a performant tool. i uses it in little fests and i found some amazing soundsAutomation KICKS ! everyone must own it. - August 1, 2001 by Shankar Rav-e
Frohmage is nice... - The Frohmage draw level with Big plugins vendors. The interface is nice and the sound is specific. i post some presets on their website. gotta see it. - August 1, 2001 by Robins des bois
Divine production - I download this plugin here because of the users reviews. I definitely agree that the Frohmage contains a level of technology far beyond the other DST plugins. Download it... it's FREE. I've also heard about the Ohmboyz and it seems to be quite performant too. i'm gonna test it... you can have it on ohmforce crew website: - August 1, 2001 by Rhumazav enao
Vive la musique et la france - Download this plugin. And your musik will be better. Tao is back !!!!!!!! - August 1, 2001 by Pierre Garcia
Woman among guys - Yo, i'm a newbie in computer music, but i've heard about Ohm Force and download the plugin for WA. I+'s easy to obtain different sounds Cool plugin ! - August 1, 2001 by Marie-Christine Loubi�res
That's GREAT - I am convinced in Frohmage's possibilities. The Ohm Force way is the better. It's very simple to use, usefull and the most important : it's a FREEWARE. (Au Zamal ti f? mal au ker) - August 1, 2001 by Lestat De Lioncourt - U must try it. it's revolutionary. Dl it (it's free)and enjoy yourself. It's very easy !!! Congratulation to Ohm Force Team. Manaaaaaaaaaaaatoute !!!!! - August 1, 2001 by James jimenez
Quality plugin - i don't work with any of these guys who performed this plugin and i am neither paid for this. i am used to trying plugins (not only WA plugins), and i eventually found these guys... Ohm force releases high quality plugins which definitely piss on the other WA tools ! moreover, the ohmboyz, another powerful delay from Ohm Force is now available for Winamp. just have a look at their site : im sure you'll love them - August 1, 2001 by Gaston Geyger
It plugs cool sounds - i download this plugin at ohmforce website : It is the first time i see such realistics knobs. Try this ! - August 1, 2001 by Gabin Huet
Piece of french fromage... - Check this out... - August 1, 2001 by boulanger childeric
love frohmage - great!!! - August 1, 2001 by barbara JUNG
Looks pretty, but ... - there are a lot of MUCH better DSP plug-ins that dump on this thing from a great height. This particular plug-in kinda reminds me of the archetypal 'blonde bimbo' - nice to look at, but pretty dumb with no other redeeming features whatsoever. At least it's free ... if they charged for this crap then i'd REALLY be pissed ... - July 28, 2001 by Tony Sander
Usefull tool ! - I found this plugin by chance and its really crazy! U can play with filter and make the sound u really want to ear. everybody must have this tool ! i advise u to download it quickly ! see also ohmforce website : there are lots of useful presets. - July 25, 2001 by filip delisle
go for it - you are mistaken if you think that I, Hamlet The Dane, have anything to do with those OhmForce guys. I simply love their work and would advise anybody interested in sound effects to go for this plug... - July 17, 2001 by Hamlet The Dane
Sucks big time - The people who give this good reviews must either be the people who wrote the program or their friends cause this thing really sucks. - July 15, 2001 by Tim Morin
I like fromage a lot - this plug-in is very funy and I like it a lot with my frends they say 'chauffe Robert', this means 'Robert you're hot'. - July 12, 2001 by Robert Robichet
so coooooooooooool!!!! - hey Light Seeker, seeking for groovy sound? You've spotted the right plug, but you'd better get yourself new ears :-) or else check out their website... This plug rocks, it does!! - July 11, 2001 by Xavier Jost
BOLLOCKS! - That's all! what does it do?? - July 11, 2001 by Light Seeker
damn good - What is everybody's prolem, this is a damn good plugin, it rocks, for the people who gave it 0 stars the problem is not in the plugin its in the person listening. - July 10, 2001 by Ed Thatcher
I do not get what all the fuss is about - this is a zero. - Unless my hearing is failing me, this thing is a zero. All it does is distort the sound. If i want a fuzz box in line with my sound system, I will use the one from my guitar amp. But, distortion does not belong on a stereo system. - July 4, 2001 by Erwin Lanchaster
What kind of sound is this? - Is this supposed to make the sound improved? If so, it looses. It just makes the sound weird. - July 3, 2001 by Paul Maier
Oh yeah ! - Yes man it RoXXXxx ! It's incredible, i couldn't do that with the other plugins ! Don't be lame, bring us other toys :o) - June 22, 2001 by Mahoney Marines
Fast and slick - It's of the best I've found here. You can fine-tune the way you want it. Eats no resources, and the soundstage is phenomenal. A must have. - June 21, 2001 by XBoat Dancer
joystick? - i would love to be able to control this thing with my joystick, but great job anyways - June 21, 2001 by Patrick Banglee
confusing - i couldn?t get the right sound, it?s strange and the colors don?t fit on any skin I like...get another one... - June 20, 2001 by Edmund Sterling
Wooohhhooo - Damn this is great ! Good job, and the plug-in website is so fresh ! - June 20, 2001 by Barry Twice
very interesting plug-in - Going to their website is indeed of some help. I've tried various combinations of the parameters on various types of mp3s. The more I tried, the more I liked the sound I could get out of this little piece of cheese. This plug is full of surprises - and very good ones. Looking forward to their next plug - to be available as a WinAmp plug??? - June 7, 2001 by Rachel Brewer
Yeah that's fun - I don't know too much how each button works, but I had a lot of fun with it. The interface design is great, not that ugly windows grey buttons ! - June 6, 2001 by Sherif Wakuluk
more information - the first time i tryed to make good sound, i didn't got it but if you read this you will know how to use it and then you can make some good effects. - June 6, 2001 by emanuel Inderm�hle
very nice - Hi. Simply to say that I love this one. - June 5, 2001 by Tom Avanti
Killer Plug-in!!! - Man this plug-in rocks!! Not only a Free DSP Plug-in, but without a doubt the best sounding one out there. The eight different presets you can use are all great. I highly suggest downloading this plug-in before you possibly have to pay for it. - June 3, 2001 by Sam Kearney
Pretty cheezy sound to me. - I do not know why anyone would want to hear their music like this plugin produces. It sounds pretty cheezy to me :) and is worth about what you got to pay for it. - June 2, 2001 by Scott Major
funky plug - Very cool sound. I personally don't find it that cheezy. The central knob makes it quite peculiar to me, and rather on the scratchy side if you tickle it a bit + the evol knob!! Funky design too!! - June 2, 2001 by bubble eyes
so cool!! - never knew i could make so much fun out of the most ridiculous songs!!!! crazy sound! - May 30, 2001 by bart thornton
frohmage rules! - I love the knobs: big and so smooth! Interesting design too... This plug rules!! - May 28, 2001 by Paul Bronckaert
this is crazy!!!! - I love this cheese faced plug, and what a powerful sound!!! Bravo OhmForce (as I understand you're a bunch of French people)!!! - May 28, 2001 by Maria Romero
damn good 5* plug - don't be repelled by the funky (yet non odorous) skin of this plug! the knobs are great, looks like they're real!!! very interesting sound. damn good job!!! - May 28, 2001 by Dave Simons
YEEEEEES - got it!!! The cheesy french sound!!! - May 28, 2001 by bar iboule
AWESOME!!!!! - With this who needs the ones you have to pay for. As for support, well, you've definitely got mine!! - May 28, 2001 by Adrian Kong
amazing - i LOVE the EVOL knob, it produces some weird sounds... And the knobs are so smooth, how are you doing that ? - May 26, 2001 by Mike Mieske
very cool plug indeed!! - Definitely a five star plug! - May 26, 2001 by Jenny Lucas
Cheezy ! - Sorry, I couldn't resist... I had a lot of fun with this strange piece of cheese. - May 26, 2001 by *** Descolada ***
nice plug! - This one is definitely worth the 2 minute download. Very nice work, I'm impressed! - May 24, 2001 by Robin Smart
Very good job!! - You can achieve very interesting sound effects. I like the smooth knobs: very easy to use and so effective!! VERY NICE! - May 24, 2001 by Kimo Ateki
Sabotage ? - Hum, I am from the conceptor's team, so you may find I am a megalomaniac guy to give our plug-in five stars... But I am quite surprised to see after so much good notes a two days period with 3 0/1 stars. It really seems like someone hates us and want to banish the frohmage in the abyss... Wich is currently happenning since we have disappeared from the top 10 list. If I am right, this is sade. The Frohmage was very expensive in terms of developpement (as everybody can see if he trys it) and making a free winamp version has no sense if people don't know the plug. We currently have other products that we plan to developp for winamp but if we don't find a large audience it's gonna be impossible for us to continue. So if this really is a vendetta, HEY, feel free to mail me at [email protected] and we'll make a duel (a Quake III duel of course ;-) And if I am wrong, well, I think it's quite exessiv to give 0 star to any kind of plug-in. If you have a bug, don't forget to report it... We are trying to be reactiv for this kind of pb.... - May 23, 2001 by Red Force
crazy plug !!! - Hey, this plug is incredible!!! The knobs are so smooth, never seen that anywhere else before. Cheers from India, go on Ohm Men!!! - May 23, 2001 by Rama Ron
Funny plug-in - The preset morphing is great. - May 23, 2001 by Patricia Biviano
Hostile ppl or what ? - Simone&co, did this Laurent de Soras shot your cat or something worse ? A 0 rating is ridiculous for this plug in, as anybody can see by simply downloading it... - May 23, 2001 by Jochen Grubbe
Hi ohmmen ? - I absolutly love your plug-in... good work ! - May 23, 2001 by Helen Schak
a Speaker simulator ? - I found a preset file on their site called "Speaker Simulator - hard". This one gives you all the power of a Boogie mark V or the soft speaker saturation of an HiWatt Amplifier. Very good ! - May 23, 2001 by dave brugman
Simone Makoo ? - You must be jocking !!! nothing to say more than it's ROCKS !!! - May 22, 2001 by zug zog
it's sucks!!! - nothing to say more than it's SUCKS!!! - May 22, 2001 by Simone Makoo
Interesting name, nominal performance - Neat name for a dsp - but nothing that is very impressive in the sound category. - May 22, 2001 by Raregold Hideaway
Sounded ok, but crashed my system - This sounded ok til it crashed my system. Re-booted and the same thing happened. Not worth the trouble to mess around with it. - May 22, 2001 by Glass Audio
WOW ! - A very cool filter, indeed... - May 22, 2001 by Ernst Baum
AWESOME PLUG-IN !!! - I definitely love this one ! Probably the best filter I heard. The sound is great and the design crazy. Keep on the good stuff, Ohm Force ! - May 17, 2001 by Mr Bigglesworth The Great
beware the groove!!! - want a slowly rising definitly grooving filter? this one is for you! you can even "launch" the knobs to automate them... great design, great sound. keep on grooving, ohmmen! - May 17, 2001 by goerg lerousse