FLAC plugin with library support
Modified version of the official FLAC plugin v1.1.1, with Winamp 5 media library support.
Modified version of the official FLAC plugin v1.1.1, with Winamp 5 media library support.FLAC stands for Free Lossless Audio Codec. It is similar to MP3, but lossless, meaning that audio is compressed in FLAC without any loss in quality: you get a perfect copy of your CD tracks, but with files significantly smaller than .Wavs.
This plug-in allows to play native FLAC files with Winamp. It is a modified version of the official plug-in v1.1.1 by Josh Coalson and X-Fixer. The core has been unchanged, but I added full Winamp 5 media library support.
More information about the FLAC format on the official project page http://flac.sourceforge.net/
Note: It was originally written to provide tagging features to my Winamp 5 FLAC encoder.
December 23, 2004 by Michael Facquet | 861459 downloads |

Staff review
Full FLAC file support for WinampStraightforward plugin that provieds FLAC file support for Winamp. Check the author's write up for more information on FLAC files... also, check for the author's FLAC encoder plugin as well.
Same message as another FLAC plug-in I tried:in_flac.dllError opening the file to write. - December 15, 2010 by Aaron
I had the 5.54 version of Winamp and I got the error message "Flac-decoder-seekable-stream-decoder-error". When I upgraded to version 5.58 the plugin worked perfectly. Thanks! - September 6, 2010 by Efti Hia
Seems to work but no files are written - August 17, 2010 by [email protected]
Works fine on my Windows 7 system with brand new WinAMP install. Thanks for making it! - February 9, 2010 by [email protected]
This plugin no longer works! There is an error message every time. "Flac_file_decoder_seekable_stream_decoder_error." - January 16, 2010 by Isleander Man
Did not work, suspect .dll might be corrupted. - January 4, 2010 by mk1992extra
Did not work. - December 16, 2009 by finding_my_way_66
The only flac plugin that works - I've been experimenting with various flac plugins to get my data to read correctly on KMPlayer and Winamp. While many edit the tags properly, this is the only plugin that can actually read them correctly too. Should be a 5 star rating. :-) - October 4, 2009 by darklife41
I like it - I use Winamp 5 and this plugin has so far done perfectly its job. Since it is what it promised it would be, why not give it a 5* rating?And, btw, I think flac is a fantastic format. - December 25, 2008 by Jaime H2O
the best - of music - April 18, 2008 by yoni m
It works. - Im so glad there is a plugin for Winamp because I can't stand any of the opther players. aside from tge bit rate jumping round it works great. - February 22, 2008 by Rob S.
Wtf - Your shit is infected. How about uploading something that isn't. - January 3, 2007 by V C
Flac Plugin - The Winamp Essdentials Pack FLAC decoder kept crashing WinAmp5+. This one did not! Great work... - October 7, 2006 by bob rawding
Perfect! - Does exactly what it says on the tin! Cheers! - October 2, 2006 by Andy McMillan
"Transcoding Failed"? - I have been using version 0.4 of this plugin to transcode FLAC to MP3, but found that when I installed software on my new PC that the ID information was not being copied to the transcoded file (empty ID3 tags and "unknown artist - unknown track" for a file name). Turns out there is a 2.0 version (woohoo!), but when I used it, I got a "Transcoding Failed. Transcoder doesn't support new 2.92 methods" error. What's that about?!? I was previously very pleased with this plugin, now it doesn't seem to be very useable for me. :( Maybe a future release will fix it. - August 27, 2006 by P T
Kick ass plug-in - installation is smooth, and it works fine after on win2K. No glitch, no crash, no scary things: This works fine for me and above all, the sound is perfect. Great Job! - July 30, 2006 by Bugg Rodgers
cue support - excellent plugin. don't know if it is possible to work with the cuesheet blocks but it would have been a good feature. - May 3, 2006 by Matvey Andreyev
Works - 5/5 Perfectly working plug-in. One thing tough... When it detects broken flac files it comes with 2 warning messages and stops the music. It would be nice if it just continued playing with the warnings appearing, of course, just not interrupting. - March 9, 2006 by Divo Blaze
Works perfectly! - What's there to say! IT works great! Gotta love FLAC! - January 15, 2006 by Matthias Fischer
Works fine - - Installation is smooth and easy - Plays flac files without troubles. Nice work. - November 19, 2005 by firefly fx
NB: turn OFF "Rescan at Startup" to install. - I too had that persistent and annoying problem with the installation of this plugin causing Winamp to crash once and forever. Even with the latest update of the plugin to version 1.1.2a, and Winamp upgraded to 5.094 Pro, this problem persisted, which bummed me out. (This is a 98SE box.) Like others, I was stuck unable to even load Winamp until uninstalling the plugin. Here's how I took care of the problem: 1. Loaded Winamp. 2. Cleared Media Library. 3. Cleared playlist. 4. Set ML options to NOT rescan watch folders at program startup. (See the "Watch Folders" tab under the Media Library options dialogue. NOTE: it is not necessary to clear your actual Wach Folder list... ) 5. Closed Winamp 6. Installed plugin, opting to NOT run the inflac program (uncheck that box thingy). 7. Restart Winamp. 8. Winamp should start up fine. 9. You can now go ahead and re-load your media library, and re-opt to scan watch folders at startup if you wish. If all has gone well, you will NOT have Winamp crashing at every startup now. - October 5, 2005 by Tony Rzepela
good but... - That's good but I prefer the one by Giacomo Margarito. This one is bigger and install more files. Giacomo Margarito's one is smaller and install only one file in_flac.dll (the needed one)! - September 19, 2005 by Trance Vibes
FLAC that - I have a few FLAC files and found this plug-in extremely nice! Keep up the great work! - September 9, 2005 by Scott Smith
sex - sex - July 22, 2005 by Jan Jehlik
Doesn't work with WinME - Works fine with WinXP. Crashes Winamp on startup with WinME. I didn't see anything that said it wasn't supposed to work with WinME. - June 17, 2005 by Fred Neylan
needs to fully support vorbis_comment! - Your plugin, like the official one, is still lacking a major must-have for a format with such a dynamic tagging system: the ability to add/edit/view "extended" tags, i.e. anything other than Title, Artist, Album, Track, Date, Genre, and Comment... See the ogg-vorbis plugin for a nearly perfect example for what i mean. - June 1, 2005 by Mike Schmitt
Excellent - A perfect, seemless integration of FLAC into Winamp. - May 9, 2005 by Lee Sonko
cz - film - April 22, 2005 by John Novak
Excellent with one small glitch - Excellent - also works with Joonas' new dynamic library. Just one small glitch: average bitrate is displayed when `show average bitrate' is *disabled*, and vice versa. - March 15, 2005 by Brian M
A nice update to the existing plugin - Can't argue with Media Library support. Can't argue at all. :D A nice example of does-what-the-tin-says for a change, instead of does-this-and-this-and-this-and-this-too (and the memory footprint only goes up by 17mb!)... Plus flac generally is an ace format, so if people are hacking the source to add their improvements, I'm all for that. :thumbsup: - March 2, 2005 by Christopher Woods
Works great! - Download -> Install -> Listen No problems with this plug-in at all, it just worked as advertised. - January 17, 2005 by Sander Steffann
Crashed Winamp - Every time I tried to load the program it would not let Winamp run. Tried it a few times with the same result - January 13, 2005 by Kram Regnirps
Excellent Work - At last I can have my FLAC files in the Media Library with the correct info in the metadata fields. I was getting fed up of the latest, broken official FLAC plug-ins not correctly pasring the metadata for the Media Library. This has saved me from using the old, more buggy plugins; it's a god send. When combined with your FLAC encoder, it makes it that much better. - December 27, 2004 by James Darnley
Flac the best - the flac plugin is the best. The online music stores should offer flac as well as mp3s. Lovers of Classical music would welcome this. - December 25, 2004 by Annette Giesbrecht