File Deleter v2
Move or Delete current file from the system tray
Move or Delete current file from the system trayA simple and effective tool to manage your collection. One click in the tray is all it takes to delete, move or rename the current file.
Right click on the icons to configure the delete behaviour or the target path for moving. You can also toggle an option to enable the the control key - hold it when you click to manipulate entire folders instead of individual files.
It does not get any easier.
UPDATE! Web Radio crash problems fixed!
May 5, 2004 by jeremy evers | 31300 downloads |

Staff review
Convenient plugin for mp3 file maintainenceFairly straightforward and easy to use... gives you system tray buttons that can delete, move, or rename your mp3 files.
Excellent plug in!Just what I needed!Simple and elegant. The only catch is, though, the icons, an option to change or skin then, would make this plug in more than perfect! - November 24, 2010 by Booker
Just what i was trying to create!Only thing i would add is the ability to move files based on regex, but no biggy.Thanks much Jeremy Evers! - September 22, 2010 by J
very usability and perfect plugn. 1. stream ripper, 2. this! Thenks Jeremy Winamp forever.. - April 8, 2010 by [email protected]
Works well - Works as advertised. A pretty useful utility that sits non-obtrusively in your systray. My playlists are filled with random stuff i don't like, so this is a good thing to have running to quickly delete & reclaim that space. - December 6, 2008 by Anak Metal
A must-have plugin. - Simply, the most efficient way to go through an unknown album and instantly get rid of the stuff you don't like. Absolutely essential.There is only one minor criticism: absent keyboard shortcuts. I still have to use DeleteCurrentSong ( to access the same feature from a PC remote. - September 2, 2008 by Nilkamal Mher
I love it - So happy it's still available after a fresh installation of my windows! - April 11, 2008 by Chris Korte
Does the job, and with ease - I was searching for a media player with a good library and the possibility to delete current playing song.After trying several solutions I ended up with Winamp and this plugin.It scores with its simplicity of the one-click on the system tray icon. - January 7, 2008 by Pl Hymork
Works fine - Except for one thing.Unless I'm missing something here it can't be stopped unless it's uninstalled? - November 20, 2007 by Gerald Christoffel
Exactly what I was looking for. - There is another such plugin on this site but it doesn't work at all. This one does, and easily. It does exactly what I want it to do. Easy, good, and with even more handy options I haven't even tried yet. The delete thing is great. Sometimes I download a lot of crap and can't delete the crap songs right away, now I can, from WinAmp. Handy dandy, thanks for making this. - May 10, 2006 by Spiegel Man
not bad - great, but I miss a "copy to a specified folder" function, because i want to copy good songs to a specified folder to play them on a mobile device later. And the ToolTipText over icon in SystemTray is not updated often enough. - December 28, 2005 by Baby Born
Good plug-in with a bug - This plug-in was just what I was searching for. But I have a problem with it - when you don't have enabled any controls from Nullsoft tray control this plug-in works fine, but when you enable for example next track control from Nullsoft tray control file deleter plug-in just stops playing track instead of deleting it. - October 23, 2005 by Olli Nissinen
Rename and lose library info - If you use the plugin to rename a file, you lose all library information, like playcounts and ratings. Too bad, since I like to organize my collection, but also like to keep database history and sync with my iPod. - September 30, 2005 by Robert Van_Bregt
Best Plugin For Move Files - It's cool! - September 8, 2005 by Alexander Kalganov (wsw)
To the deleter... - (First excuse my miserable English, thanks!) Well this is one of the best and most useful plug-ins ever. Simple and easy to use. But one BIG thing is about... when i install this plug-in, i can't no long listen to internet-radio or streams because winamp crashes. So if i want to listen to internet-radio, i have to uninstall this plugin. Dont know, maybe its a failure of my windows. But anyway... 5 stars, because its as useful as easy to use! Great! - June 7, 2005 by Alexander Pretsch
Great Plugin! - Dear Jeremy, Thank You very much for great Plugin for Winamp. File Deleter is just it I would like to have. Congratulation! 5 Stars! - May 20, 2005 by Dusan Macura
Great Job - Ive Got Quite a large archive of unsorted mp3's. this is exactly the plugin ive been looking for. i get to delete the corrupt songs or doubles not only from my play list but from my HD as well. Plus ive got alot of songs that are mislabled either in the file or ID3, winamp already supports changing the ID3 but it lacked in its ability to rename the files, problem SOLVED. My only have two complaints. First are the icons. Next update i recomend changing the icons into something with a little more class. Second is a really nice touch would be adding the features into the 'right click' on a file in the playlist. that way files can be renamed, moved or deleted when that song is not playing. But overall I am thoughally impressed Great job - December 15, 2004 by Chance Groves
Delete the unwanted songs you have! Easy - This plug-in is great if you have a lot of diffferent music, and all ready have most of it on CDs and need to get the essential selection on you PC. Basically the plug-in is a little red cross in the System Tray, and you just click it once, and the currently playing song goes to your Trash Can. It is that easy! Great plug-in, ought to be shipped as a part of the standard Winamp 5.0! The graphics are not that great, but what the hel. if you just skin the rest of your OS, then nobody will think twice about a red cross in the System Tray. Top dollar plug-in! /Jonasion - October 13, 2004 by Jonasion Caastarupian_Olsena
Cool idea, absoult new I think, BUT! - Its really usefull, but there is a big bug still, if you play Webstreams (radio) Winamp crash, and that without clicking on the plugin. If I uninstalled the .dll the streamin works again. Perhaps the plugin can't understand that streaming can't be delete? Another negative point are those ugly icons. Sorry but in my stylish Winamp5 area they look really crappy, like from 1992 in Win95-age- Perhaps I could make you three tiny litlle symbols. I'm a bit into graficdesign and already made some icons. Just contact me. wd (at) - May 30, 2004 by Wolfgang D_
File Deleter v2 - that is right the program ive waited for. easy and fast to use. perfect ... despite of the fact this feature should be in winamp itself and not just be a plugin. but...great!!!!! 5 Stars!!! - May 19, 2004 by Pretsch Alexander