EZ-Playlist for Winamp
Organize your MP3, edit TAG, Set mass TAG, Rename file from TAG, Write TAG from filename, generate HTML
Organize your MP3, edit TAG, Set mass TAG, Rename file from TAG, Write TAG from filename, generate HTMLOrganize your MP3, edit TAG, Set mass TAG, Rename file from TAG, Write TAG from filename, generate HTML, Export playlist
Download pluginNovember 30, 2001 by BOYER jean-louis | 105363 downloads |

Staff review
Great features ....Easy to use and great for managing your playlists. Allows for you to load a bunch of mp3's and to search for certain stlyles of music and filter your playlists. Also allows for Tag editing and playlist export. Solid plug-in.
I NEED HELP TO GET EZ BACK! - Hi!I used to love this plugin. Its very well designed and really helpfull. But lately it just disappeared from the tray. reinstalling didnt help and the "show" or any other button in the menu for that matter dont respond at all..it just wont come up. does anybody know how to get it back?? - March 1, 2009 by Robert Kant
Brilliant - I have been using this playlist since around 2001 & since I 1st found it I've never been without it. I work as a pro mobile DJ & this app has been a lifesaver.It's absolutely superb as a playlist database, just tell it where your MP3 files are stored, it will search them & voila.You can search under track, artist, year, comment, genre etc & the fields can be customized to your width & in which order.The ID3 tagging is darn useful as well, (although sometimes getting the correct sequance to tag can be hit & miss but this is a minor quible.)I'm not sure which version is available to download here but this is up to version 1.6.1 at http://ezplaylist.sourceforge.net/There's a few small things that could be added to make it even more usable, such as opening a track in explorer or being able to scan wma or even video files but all in all 10/10.So grab it, install it & use it. - June 27, 2007 by Simon Williams
If you like this... - This is a nice plugin that adds a lot more power to winamp that wasn't there before. Kudos to Jean-Louis. But for people who want this sort of thing, go and check out foobar2000. It takes some configuring, but it's got massively powerful tagging and renaming and other organisation tools for your audio collection, as well as being an extremely competent and versatile player. Google it. You'll be glad you did. - June 22, 2005 by Chris Porter
I don't know how to do without it - I like very much this soft: some features are missing but it's almost impossible for the author to improve his soft if peaple doesn't reconize the fact that it's the UNIQUE tool (that I know) that has this functionality for automating ID3 editing and even file renaming with such automation. It's the ID3 ant :-). I love it. Merci Jean-louis :-)). What I would like is a bit more possibilities (like recognizing artist by the directory (not only by file name). Some undo functions could be very welcome too :-) I always have a copy of the files: it's so easy to click ok, then look what you've done.. The undo is a bit complicated to realize, so a screenshot "aper?u" could help a lot. - June 15, 2005 by Zied Hamdi
wow!! must have plugin - nifty mass tag editor.... nifty export functions for importing into your own database.... free??? who could ask for more!! - January 17, 2005 by ricky rockfish
Doesnt Install - I have win98 on a toshiba tecra 8100 laptop. The thing installs a dll and txt file, in the Program Files/Winamp/Plugins/avs directory. It doesnt show up in the Plug-in General Purpose section of the preferences dialog box. What could I have done wrong!? - October 19, 2004 by Vid Luv
Not good ANYMORE... - In 2002 this was great, I agree, but now I have WMA files and it doesn't work anymore since it ONLY SUPPORTS MP3s. No video files either, just MP3s. Plus, I don't even see what the big deal is - yeah whatever the mass tagging is great - I guess it can still be very useful for some people so give it a shot - but this should have "on-the-fly" Windows Media Player-style in-tag editing (without having to use the menu or Ctrl+E or having to pop up a dialog box), just editing right there on the main window which is what I'm looking for (MEXP is a trial!). - April 27, 2004 by ivan loko
STILL the BEST! - This plug-in is still the best at what it does, nothing comes close to comparing. I have tried many other so called plug-ins of this type, even commercial ones and I come back to EZ-Playlist over and over again. I find nothing easier to manipulate my 30+k song on drive mp3 music collection and all the tag info inside them. It works flawlessly for me, but I still wish the author would continue working, improving on it... - March 14, 2004 by Dragon Ballz
More than Great - This is one of the most useful plugins for any hardcore MP3 junkie. This is for anybody that wants his MP3 collection tidy & clean. - January 5, 2004 by Doctor xp
Awesome plug-in! - This is a very useful plug-in! 5 stars is way to little, 6 stars is nothing, this plug-in must have atleast 10 stars! Minimum! This plug-in is higly recomended for everyone that have WinAmp, and have a little collection of music. I cant explain what it offers, you just have to try it yourself, and than you'll understand what I am talking about! Higly recomended! - June 11, 2003 by Espen B
Great tool - Great tool to manage your mp3's Andy tool te manage id3 tags - May 7, 2003 by Dylan van Dijk
Incomplete - I would have given this 7stars but I didn't.This shit is not complete. The only thing it does right is to rename file name from an id3 tag. Sometimes when I tried to remove one of the id3 tags, it removes all of them. If the files are read only and you want to change something on them, it doesn't tell you that the files are read only and you may assume that everything is done. If you download this, becareful when using it.make sure that you have id3 info stored somewhre before u execute any command. - August 1, 2002 by Tebogo Mabusela
Does it! - I agree that this plug-in might have some programming shortcomings (slow mass-tagging), although on my Win XP it never crashed (yet). What makes it great is its simple, straightforward interface and the fact that it does what it says. The way it is designed should be a lesson for many commercial software producers who bomb us with flashy, 3D, hoggy, non-intuitive apps that are basically unusable. From the crappy Musicmatch whatever to some plugins here (such as the psychopathic MoodLogic), these guys forgot the golden rule of usability first a long time ago. THIS is usable, simple and... modest. Since it is still far from perfect, my secret hope is that smth like this will be included in the standard release of Winamp3 ;-) - July 14, 2002 by zq tan
Tagging and Naming etc... - Before I downloaded this i read the reviews to find that the only problem people seemed to have with this was the fact that it takes a while to do mass operations on large mp3 collections. I messed around with it for a while and was real impressed. I had the program go through my mp3s and fix my id3 tag based on the filename of the mp3. It took about 1.5s per file average, which did take a while on a 3000 mp3 collection, but i dont see what the big deal about it was, 1.5 seconds per MP3 is faster than I could have done by hand had I gone through and manually changed all my tags. And its not like you need to fix your ID3 tags more than once anyway. I havent messed with all the features, but so far the program does what it says perfectly, and if anyone is looking for a program that will instantaneously fix every tag on every mp3 in the blink of an eye, im sorry to disappoint you, but its not possible to just have something happen like that, the computer does have to do something to make it happen, and if it takes 5 minutes so what. and besides, i get a real kick out of the awkward english translations in this program. I think its worth downloading over similar programs for that reason alone, and I agree, im suprised this guy isnt charging cash for this thing, I cant find one thing to gripe about it. A++ job, and for those people who claim its bugged, or it wont install or any other technical bs like that, it sounds to me that your computer was f@#$ed to begin with, and the fact that nothing works has nothing to do with this fantastic plugin, but more to do with user error. Id stop blaming talented programers for your problems and think back to all that joyriding in your registry, or "cleaning of your system files", there lies your problem. The most dangerous person on a computer is someone who "thinks" they are a computer wiz. - July 3, 2002 by Jason Remington
Don?t LoseYour Time !!!!!!!!!!!!!........ - thats right! dont lose your time like me before i found this !!!AWESOME AND AMAZING!!!! pluggin I was downloading others pluggins and programs that promise to do the job and ended crashing my pc,trying to makeme pay for their useless programs or just making me !!!!WASTE MY TIME!!!! downloading them and trying them to see if they could do the correct retagging of my 5432 mp3s and only dissapointed me I have to tell you: YOU MUST DOWNLOAD THIS AWESOME PLUGGIN BEFORE JEAN LOUIS START CHARGING FOR IT i must give thanks to jean louis you just have save me a lot of time and money too thanks man keep up the good work. - June 11, 2002 by Biohazzard Resident Evil 2
Worse than I said... - I don't know if my name will show up (Andrew Conkling), but here goes again... More bugs: Freezes on mass operations... A LOT Won't let you control Winamp during mass operations Can't minimize (a pain on mass operations) In short, this program is PRETTY nice for doing some small stuff, but if you plan on renaming/retagging your large music collection, try somewhere else. - June 4, 2002 by Andrew Conkling
works great - ;) nice job... better english would be a plus and more HTML output control.. but other than that it's wicked useful! - June 1, 2002 by kyle smith
Worth it but not for massing - Worked good until i really used the mass tagging, tryed to do about 400 to get em all, alot got screwed up and now it dosent work. I dont recomend this if u have alot to do - April 26, 2002 by James Rodier
Just brilliant! - This piece of plug-in is just brilliant! It can all you need, and it is quick to! And best of all, NO BUGS! - April 17, 2002 by Jens Johansen
if i could, i would give it 6 stars!!!! - ...IT'S JUST AMAZING!!!...if ya have a great bunch of mp3 files, and ya wanna make a list of them to print or something like that, YOU MUST GET THIS ONE!!!...it just felt form heavens!!!... - March 30, 2002 by just guy
second rate - Tag copying is buggy. I tried to use this plug for an extensive session of tag copying, and it had me spinning my wheels. I ultimately had to switch to another tool to finish up. I still do use the organizing feature, but it doesn't allow me to specify destination directories the way I need. The UI in general is kind of klunky. Now that I know it exports to HTML, from reading Sven's review, I'm going to try that feature; I'm not thrilled with the standalone app I'm using. - March 18, 2002 by Jon Brams
Don't believe the hype - This plug-in did not deliver. Ruined several of my Id3's. Wouldn't write Id3's from file name. I'm not sure how the author organizes their mp3's, but their hard drive is probably a mess. Not worth the time (neither is version 1.52). - March 6, 2002 by Sammi Curr
It Rocks - This is by far the best mp3 renaming, and sort into a folder utilities I've seen! There is not ONE even Stand alone program that even compares to it! It is THE plug in to download. Get it, especially if you download alot of songs, that arn't named properly, and you are anal. It even will sort all your songs by artist, and alblum. It's great. Not to mention it can get the songs name from the file name. Like I said, not even stand alone programs work this well, and it's free! - February 9, 2002 by Eugene Miller
Bugs - Great job! But the plugin incorrectly shows russian ID3v1 tags, hence there are reasons to debug it better. I hope the author will do this in very closest time ;) - January 30, 2002 by Igor Lepyokhin
try to beat it! c'mon try... - i don't care what anyone says. this is the best plugin for winamp of its type. i have a broadband connection and i have downloaded every plugin for winamp of this type that i could find, atleast 50. yet this is the best still! i have been using this for a while now. i even burnt it to a backup cd along with other winamp things so i never lose it. it has every feature you will ever need! - December 16, 2001 by jeff wilges
Wow - Absolutely amazing program, as said by others "This is for free?". i get lots of mp3's from CD and this alows me to tag everything and be done in a 1/100th of the usual time (no more entering in one by one) i especially love the tag from file name bit. this program is a winner and would get 6 stars if possible. - November 10, 2001 by DV ebe9
Great design, very powerful - Great program, but the play icons for the system tray are kinda ugly.... - October 30, 2001 by Nathan Moore
With serious Bugs - When you have a great number of files in it and close ez-playlist windows it crashes all Winamp, and you must re-start winamp. Great idea, but it doesn't work. - October 23, 2001 by Dudu Rebel
This is for Free?! Jean-Louis is Nutz! - I've been looking for a good cataloger for my HUGE collection and the ones I found were slow building their lists (over 14,000 MP3's) and they wanted too much money. This thing, shesh, it kicked out the entire list in three minutes! And it exports to HTML and I can search for songs now no problem. I don't even use this for playlists, but it excels at that, too. Jean-Louis, I'd pay money for this awesome plugin. Thanx! - August 3, 2001 by Sven Rafferty