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Searches lyrics in most of the lyrics directories on the Internet

Searches lyrics in most of the lyrics directories on the Internet

Automatically searches for lyrics to song currently played in Winamp and displays them in tiny window. Stores lyrics for offline viewing.

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October 13, 2003 by Evil Laboratories84983 downloads

EvilLyrics - Searches lyrics in most of the lyrics directories on the Internet

Staff review

Lyric finding application

This is fairly straightforward and easy to use. Just play a track in Winamp, and EvilLyrics will search online for the matching lyrics and displays them in a separate window.


Have tried different lyrics display plugins over the years, and time and time again I return to Evil Lyrics... The hunt is over... - March 31, 2011 by Øyvind Granberg

Pornking - Unable to rate this plugin since after downloading Macafee immediately discovered PornKing (dialer or Trojan). - September 3, 2008 by Job Vondeling

Still the best - Although it hasn't been developed in a long while, it's still the best choice if you want only the lyrics of a song and not a visualization. - May 8, 2008 by Gerardo Pino

i cant download it.... - y i cant download it???pls help [email protected]@KEHOE- - April 15, 2008 by illham pohan

Excellent !!!!!!!!!! - Simply Wonderful !!!! No more words - June 10, 2007 by Red Max

WORKS WITH MILKDROP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - You can use this to send lyrics to milkdrop, and milkdrop will display them as they are sung. I have yet to see ANY music played in such a cool way, EVER!!!! - June 21, 2006 by Clint Lipinski

The best - That's the best one! but download the plug-in from the EvilLyrics web-site, this one from winamp isn't up-to-date and doest work - February 2, 2006 by Guilherme Braccialli

Best Lyrics Plugin I've seen - I've tried many plugins, they all expect you to do stuff to find what you want. This one, simply put, works like a charm, without having to do anything!. It doesn't work out of some outdated database, it uses google to search for whatever you're listening to, be it a song from online radio, file, CD, whatever. If the lyrics is anywhere in the web, it will fetch it for you. The only case in which you use your mouse, is when sometimes the result is not lyrics, but some info or review. In that case, you just click the green arrow on top left, to see next result. But that doesn't happen often. It also has very powerful features that you can customize: - if you like, it can save all lyrics in a folder you select, for later use. - lock/unlock lyrics - print lyrics - view lyrics for a whole album - al songs by current artist - post current lyrics to your blog - use its karaoke recording feature And the best part is: its totally free. - December 28, 2005 by m s

Works RIGHT, FREE.. 'nuff said. - This is one of the few--if not the ONLY--freeware plugin that effectively finds the majority of lyrics for music. It has as high a lyrics return rate as most of those ridiculous shareware plugins (*ahem--most of the good ones you'll find here are shareware, but they won't tell you that until you install them--how cheap!). Note: If you want this program to work right, you MUST check with the maker's website for the newest version. As of this writing, the one hosted here is not the newest, and because of the intricate dynamics between web retrieval of lyrics, probably will not work. It's caching feature and other options are just what I needed to be able automatically fetch the lyrics to my hard-to-find music, store them on my computer, etc.--all without any needed interaction. It's not the prettiest by default, but you CAN change the text and background colors.. and--most importantly, it WORKS . [Tested with Winamp v5.12, EvilLyrics v017 build 141] - December 22, 2005 by Stevo Allen

Nice plugin - Works nice after you update it great work found lyrics for most all my songs so far only plugin ive tried that didnt crash winamp - November 8, 2005 by Kim Vance

Yay! Thanskie - Great! it works fine. some times it says som thing like "download" or something and some times it says just the song name but i'll live - May 7, 2005 by Pontus Lindqvist

the look... - everything exept the look is highly rated!! it found alot of odd lyrics from sweden as well! God work guys! This is the BEST one out now.... but u don?t download this if u are looking for the looks..but the colors are changeable..haha - April 22, 2005 by Michael Forman

Amazing! - I was very impressed with this program. It found the new NIN song that hasn't even been released as a single yet, as well as some *very* obscure songs that no one but me has ever heard of (at least in my hometown). Keep up the great work on this one! :) - March 22, 2005 by Heather Dry

Great - Works a treat on all my odd tastes I've thrown at it so far, but it /is/ a pity it's not integrated with Winamp (the external launching thingy). - May 25, 2004 by Alex Wood

amazing lyrics display - It?s a great plugins!! But this version it?s a litle problematic, but the last version it?s amazing, with karaoke incluide, you can configurate for search with number incluides, for me is the best! Try it! - April 25, 2004 by martin Leiva

Wonderful - I've tried a few similar plug-in's and none of them worked quite like this one. Has a manual override on the automatic lyric search in case you get the wrong song. Also stands alone from winamp, so you can chose to close it and not have it spawn everytime you play a song. - April 13, 2004 by Jeff Feiler

simply the best - this plug-in is terrific!and the last version (v.6) you can find at it's can find millions of songs and a nice karaoke tool too..very great job! - March 8, 2004 by marco marsala

almost there! - it's great and it really has mi;;ions of lyrics, even lyrics of Brasilian songs (yes, i'm from Brasil), and it's cool that it keeps the lyrics after downloading them, BUT, I think it should be like others winamp plug-ins, i.e., it should load automatically when I load winamp. Even the latest version must be loaded separately. And it only shows thw lyrics if there's a 100% artist-song name match, if it cannot find the artist or the song it shows lyrics for other songs with the same name (that is fine, it's not the software's fault if therer are two songs with the very same name), but sometimes it shows some web site related to the artist or song. But I like it a lot, 4 stars! (loading with winamp would be a 5 star plug-in) - February 20, 2004 by Otavio R

Works fine - Ugly interface but it really works - January 16, 2004 by Oco Mad

Great Job - EvilLyrics is a piece of art. Works fine and easy and find almost everithing, even in other languages. Much better than others that I have tried. Congratulations. - December 19, 2003 by Ricardo Zonta_Santos

Really reealy good, The best at its job - This plugin kicks the ass of any other plugs that find lyrics in pre-saved txt files or whatever i think its great saves all that tedious a-z crap! though with everyhting only one criticism, i agree with Acer acer it could be skinned or skin ripping or wuteva using the current skin as at present it is a bit of an outcast just sat out all alone on the desktop however, EVERYONE should download this n mosh along 2 their favourite Sikth lyrics or wuteva ur in 2! 10 stars! - November 7, 2003 by john hutch

Great but why - why does it not come up sometimes ... it will stay in the toolbar but not come up ... why would this happen to me :/ ? - October 8, 2003 by nikkie c

Excellent ... almost finds anything... - This plugin found pretty much every lyrics of my songs.. sometimes though, it finds texts about the song.. but no lyrics.. but hey! nothing's perfect ! - September 23, 2003 by Stephane Rouleau

very good & fast plugin!! - very VERY good plugin & well worth the DL and install. it searches the network and find automaticly the lyrics of the corrent played song. I just hope that he'll keep working on this one and make it more winamp plugin instead of a seperate application. very good work Marek C, hope u'll find the time to improve it. :p - September 9, 2003 by ace acer
