Enhancer 017
And you believed your music can't sound better ...
And you believed your music can't sound better ...Guess again! These days we have the Enhancer.Enhancer gives you deep bass, crystal treble, nice ambience, good auto volume controller and a special volume boost technique. I hope you'll like it :)
Download pluginOctober 22, 2001 by Adrian Iosif | 2295321 downloads |

Staff review
Really enhances your soundVery nice dsp enhancements to get your mp3 files to sound just how you want. Long list of presets to choose from as well. Definitely provides a dramatic difference in sound quality. I did notice, however, some clicks and pops when plug-in was running... not for all presets tho. Other than that, it sounded great.
No other DSP plugin like this one! - March 31, 2011 by Adrian Pasc
awesome! - January 17, 2011 by Rob
excelente sound!! - October 28, 2010 by [email protected]
OMG...WOW...that is all I can say for this enhancer. Anyone who needs some nice sound, definitely download this :)Way to go guys, keep it up. - July 24, 2010 by Tammy White
The very best of all dsp plugins. Makes sounda so powerfull, sharp and bass is so deep. Voice is also amazing. I cant describe enhancer. Thank you Andrian so much!!! - July 5, 2010 by Vladan2mail
Simply Awesome!! Goodbye DFXs and OSS3Ds sss.. - May 20, 2010 by Mukand
awesome! - May 13, 2010 by nathanmx
One of the Best...Along with Jammix!!!Keep it up man - March 5, 2010 by [email protected]
Nice Plugin - February 4, 2010 by test4auto
ok! good job man.... just i look about this dsp... thanks! - February 2, 2010 by richyaro
just amazing!! - November 14, 2009 by Aureramar
ok - October 22, 2009 by torres.loiland
amazing, great & super!!! - its just great. after dfx 9 fail on xp sp3 and vista sp2 i was desperate what enhancer to use... and finally i find this one. its just great, free and is doing the same job like dfx. thx for this enhancer. 5/5 - July 10, 2009 by stinkykiller
super - the best..the sound is exceptional and u do what u want with him..super workAdi ..e celmai bun - July 8, 2009 by relu02bv
Amazing!!! - It's great!!! If somebody needs help using this plug in write an email to [email protected] - June 3, 2009 by Carlos Gongora
es muy atractivo e interesante - lo descargu y prob en varios intentos pero no logro que trabaje.S pudieran ayudarme , lo agradecerI downloaded and tested in many try, but not playIf you like help me,will be grateful - May 15, 2009 by mikeymousemex
AMAZING SOUND! - Wholey crap this download is AMAZING! The sound quality I have been searching for! This is why Winamp rocks! - April 10, 2009 by James Stanaway
Unbelievable! - Guys, it`s my second review about this amazing plug-in.What else can you say about the most downloaded DSP plug-in in the Winamp history?Great?Unbelievable? Words are not enough...I usually spend much time in front of my computer.During the last few months I tried all the possible DSP combinations, all of them loaded with MuchFX(another brilliant plug-in, let`s be honest and admit it!)I also tried different output plug-ins from the most expensive to the cheapest and free ones, hoping that maybe I will find something better to kick Enhancer`s ass :)).Well, I have to say that I was disappointed...None of all I have tried succeed in changing my mind or tricking my ears.Nothing that you will find on Winamp`s site (as far as DSP are concerned)sounds better than Enhancer.Nothing can imitate its incredible very clear bass.I am wondering when is it going to show up another plug-in better than this one ? If that day will come, perhaps we could say that nothing else better has to be done for listening to mp3s. Where`s that day? - March 30, 2009 by Danny Diego
FANTASTIC!! - Best addon for winamp ever. Made my sound extra crispy, and amplified my bass by a fair amount. I can out pump my parent's Boes speakers now. :) - March 20, 2009 by wayne hudspath
The best DSP plugin, hands down. - I've been using enhancer.exe for over 5 glorious years now. Although the interface can seem a bit intimidating at first, the sound quality that Enhancer enables is a well-deserved return.Enhancer can make every sound system sound like a professional rig. Even better: the shittier the speakers, the greater the quality increase Enhancer seems to produce.Download enhancer - don't waste your time with any other DSP plugins. - February 26, 2009 by d n
good - I've tried it earlier, now i'm drunk, but i still think it's genuinely good. - January 29, 2009 by Mark Ifi
Nice but... - Can I disable auto volume adjuster?Everything is good except the above problem. - January 27, 2009 by Yuki Matsukura
I fekkin love this one! - This DSP/Effect plug-in is SOOO good in many different ways. One it's COMPLETELY FREE, two, it sounds GREAT on Windows 98 AND XP (I got both) (XP is down at the mo, so I'm glad I got both!). Two, you can do with it what you want when it comes tweaking with sound...it's better when you DO USE PROPER SPEAKERS...and I don't mean NORMAL PC speakers. It's still worth a shot with normal speakers though, but it makes the sound coming from my speakers bloody marvellous. I can't really fault this thing, with the only exception that some of the pre-sets are kind of questionable, and that some are really quite good and only need perhaps a minor tweak here and there. It's a lovely plug-in to play around with...the only thing I DON'T like much about it though is the pop-up that comes up when you launch the plug-in..as a result you might never want to close the plug-in window again. It's still definitely good 'thumbs up' stuff. Nicely done. - January 12, 2009 by Marcus Wiley
Wow.. - Holy Moly, sweet! - January 7, 2009 by david van
meh - I tried it, and I just love it. From the moment you enable it, it changes te way you listen to music. 100% recommended. - December 19, 2008 by SoulStream HX
Cool!!! - I Usually don't submit reviews for any software that comes in the way,but i must admit this plug in is simply mind-blowing!!!!!!! - December 14, 2008 by Saurab Rao
What can this do? - The best of the very Best - November 27, 2008 by veerabalajee vb
simply outstanding plugin - thanks to the author for creating such a nice plugin,iam using since last 2 years. - October 14, 2008 by kalyanz ammisetty
Best freaking plugin ever - Every time i download winamp i download this. Cant freaking listen to music without it. For those having problems installing it with vista. Right click it and "run as administrator" - August 30, 2008 by tekoppar mikael
Holly Smokes :D - Oh man I didn't know My Winamp have this output sound quality and bass... I LOVE IT!!!Play around and find what you need ;) - August 25, 2008 by Georgi Todorov
The One & Only! - I need one of these for my auto, home system, mp3-player, etc., etc. Where oh, where??!! I've tried the rest, this is the best. Now if someone can show me how to disable that auto-volume feature it would be heaven. - August 17, 2008 by XiKano XiKano
The Best DSP Plugin - I have been using this for five years now and i simply can't listen to music without. Install it and tweak a bit, that's all!..It extracts the most bass possible even from the cheapest speakers. One doesn't need the other dsp plugins at all, whether they are free or not. - August 5, 2008 by Emin Cagatay
Excellent - Hey man... do one like this for Windows Media Player - July 27, 2008 by Ariel Franco
Outstanding!! - The best and ONLY plug-in for sound enhancement you will need.First, I am a big fan of clean, pumped up sound. MP3 sound is great for preserving your music, but the digital format tends to weaken the sound quality..enter Enhancer.This little, (yes, unbelievably small profile), plug-in replaces everything you thought you lost, and stuff you had no idea was gone! Look, I have tried them all in the DSP effect category, this is the one I am sticking with. Once you start playing with the settings, you will get an immediate feel for what they do. I have a simple 5.1 surround sound system, and have NO problems with this plug-in. To the creator I would like to say thank you. This is very well done and rounds out Winamp nicely. Oh, yeah, the skins are fun too :) As far as output goes, because of this plug-in, I am using the standard Nullsoft Direct Sound Output v 2.47 (d).The quality of my sound is equal too if not better than most home stereo systems I have heard. That's it. Give it a try, you won't be sorry. - July 13, 2008 by Papa Smurf
thnxxx - Hi all...i want to thank (Adrian Iosif)for creating this amazing DSPi use it for a long time now....but for the new vista win i install it it can't working.is there like new Vir of it....so it will work on vista :)or how i can let it work on vista...thnxxxx again Adrian Iosif. - July 6, 2008 by theGsmoker smoker
It works! - The original Winamp EQ is not good but with help of this plugin, that improve the sound quality. Now I can leave Foobar and come back to Winamp. I love it.Winamp + Enhancer + KxDriver (SB Live! 4.1) - June 24, 2008 by Paulo Antunes
The best audio plug-in for Winamp ever!! - As far as I can see, this is the most downloaded DSP Winamp plug-in. Indeed is fu***ng great!!!!! Congratulations, Adriane!!!(I`m from Romania - Bravo, omule, mai aud si eu de romani care se remarca prin ceva de calitate pe net in afara de AltDVB). It`s my favourite! I use it in combination with DECI Soft Equalizer(both loaded with Much Fx2). It does a great job! Forget about Izotope and all other shits!! This is all you need, people!And, above all, it`s freeeee!!!! - June 18, 2008 by Mateiuc Dan
perfect - greater than dfx - June 11, 2008 by soon peng
Great sound! - Forget DFX, Ozone, etc. because this is THE best plug-in for enhancing MP3 files. This little beaty really makes my Live365 station stand out from the rest. Download Now! - June 11, 2008 by Kevin Johnston
Excellent - This is excellent and FREE, kicks DFX ass - April 26, 2008 by r c
Great! - I like this enhancer very much! But there's a downside, at first it didn't install. I found out that you have to run the installer as Administrator on Vista, then it works! So, when you have Vista, download the file, save as, right-click on the installer, and select: run this programm as Administrator.Sincerely,Martijn Blox - April 17, 2008 by Martijn Blox
Window Vista ? - This plugin is the best for XP, but I can`t install it in my Windows Vista.Can anyone help me what the problem is.Best regards Gunnar from Sweden - April 8, 2008 by Gunnar Andersson
Very clean sound - This plug-in seems to be one of the most popular... it is complety functional and stable.Among other things, it increases the clarity of the sound, so the sounds of the bottom are perceived with clarity.My respect for Adrian by this elegant work. - April 7, 2008 by cristian togno
Amazing Must-Have Plug-In! - This plug-in is an absolute must for those into extracting the highest quality possible from low-bitrate MP3 content.I've been using this for listening to Shoutcast Radio streams at 96 and 128Kbps and the improvement in clarity is quite startling, especially on good quality audio equipment.Try the following settings for a subtle yet striking improvement...Volume-4, HB-2, HBR-5, DB-2, DBR-5, DS-10, HT-2, HTR-5, A-off, AR-1, Boost-on.Love it! :D - April 5, 2008 by Ian Barlow
Pretty good presets - It does enhance the sound quality. It's worth trying. It isn't quite the thing to use with headphones. Perhaps a special preset would help - February 21, 2008 by Ioan Baba
Wau - what i can say..Wau! Saatana :P - February 20, 2008 by Wolf Night
Could not beleive it - This is great!!!Makes my little Dell D630 sound like i'm pimpin in my rideThanks - February 12, 2008 by Rod Glover
the best..dsp effects plugin for winamp - This is the best dsp effect plugin for winamp.. actually it's the only one dsp effects plugin that really works..good work ADRIAN...!!! - February 6, 2008 by Ciobanu Marian
Man this worked like a charm - Thanks Mate this is by far the best plug-in.Godbless ya. - January 24, 2008 by Nash Thomas
THE BEST !!!!!!!!!!! - The best dsp plugin for winamp , working in vista 32. Incredible sound surround in my home with SB Audigy & Logitech Z5500.GOOD JOB Adrian !!!!!!!!!! - January 24, 2008 by andrei p
Wow!!! - 1 word, "AWESOME"!!! - January 16, 2008 by Aaron Carr
Turns mp3s into wavs basically - This plugin is a must have. I actually think it should be included with winamp it is so good. It may be old but it's badass. I don't even bother with other dsp plugins. Every time I install winamp on a new system I immediately download this even before the llama gets it's ass wh00p3d! - January 11, 2008 by Click Dragon
necessary - Easily the best audio plugin for winamp at this time. This plug in destroys the built in Winamp EQ and will make you wonder how you ever listened to music with out it. It wont dock to every winamp window however, so if you like to keep winamp looking clean, you may need to be creative with screen posistion. - November 29, 2007 by Dan McIsaac
no competition yet - If god made man! woman made him complete. Your plugin simply is the woman in winamp's life...it cant be complete without Enhancer.....Come to India! Be our guest!Wish the author best of luck for his life....God made you to create this plugin...Hoping for a 64-bit compatible release someday soon. Please keep programming or just release update for the sake of it...! - November 12, 2007 by Asim Prabhu
Holy Crap Man! - The audio quality is pristine! It is convenient because it has several presets for different sound levels, and has a nice ambience feature for that "live" sound. Also the boost feature is a plus, gives my audio system a really nice punch. Really enhances the sound, and the quality. I recommend this to anyone looking for better sound quality! Great job Adrian! - November 7, 2007 by Tyler Sanders
Best enhancer of sound - This is best sound plugin than any other thing for winamp - October 17, 2007 by Madhesh Kumar
Definitely THE BEST OF ALL - This is the best DSP for sound enhancing that i've ever seen! it's much better even than DFX , Ozone or other commercial plugins!!Thanx Adrian!, my respects for you! - October 11, 2007 by Nilkamal Mher
Amazing - This awesome. - September 4, 2007 by arun gautam
almost at musicmatch level - I switched to Winamp due to the IE7 induced troubles with my all-time favourite mp3 player Musicmatch. The sound of Winamp really put me off. It was impossible to find an EQ setting which sounded OK. The basses are plopping and I missed some spatiality. And it isn't because of bad ripping because on my mp3 player they sound fine, both with using earpugs as when connected to my car stereo. So I tried every DSP in the plugin list until I hit Enhancer 017. This almost takes it - combined with adding some high on the standard EQ - up to my old beloved MM level.The presets are a bit useless in my opinion since they are categorized to music style and I think that one setting should be ok for all the music I have. You don't want to chance the settings everytime a different musicstyle comes by. - August 27, 2007 by bert appelman
Wow!! - The best plug-in hands down. Makes any speaker system sound like you paid the extra money for the next better ones. The only negative point is that it doesn't change skins with the rest of winamp. - August 12, 2007 by Todd Simms
the best of all - user friendly, of all plug-ins i installed this is the best. it adds music details on my 2.1 speaker (altec lansing vs 4121) nice! thanks alot!!!!!!!!!!! - August 8, 2007 by vil orada
works very well with my headset - I've tried many software for sound improvements. Only Enhancer delivers the best , clear bass and fidelity. - August 5, 2007 by Dany Hursan
Very good. - The best plug in for Winamp. I have been using this for years and i couldnt find a light weight and better plugin than this.Good job. - July 15, 2007 by Karthik S
Love it... - I love this plug-in and have been using it until recently... but I can't even instal it in Vista (32-bit). Is there a solution to the problem? - July 7, 2007 by Iva NI
it works - it works just ok, but i have an delay to all the plug-in that i use...the one that modify the sound i mean...why, i still don't know ! - July 2, 2007 by daniel benescu
mediocre - I'd only recommend this if you can't get your hands on an old version of Dee 1.2. The bass enhancement does not extend to really low frequencies and it's very difficult to avoid adding distortion to the sound. - June 17, 2007 by John Huxter
An absolute necessity - This is the first download I do every time I install WinAmp. Can't listen to music without it! - May 6, 2007 by Zadig Galbaras
Great but sniff... - It's the perfect compromise between completeness and simplicity. Overall great sound, useful help page for noobs, all enhancements accessible from the main (only) window. But... why did Adrian quit this?? An update would be the best news of the year regarding Winamp!! - March 25, 2007 by Vlad Anghel
Need 64bit version - Hey, my friend tried your plugin and it didn't work on his 64bit's system.. But it worked on my own PC.. Any updates maybe? Plz email me : [email protected] - March 14, 2007 by Henry Rosandy
Sweet! - I can't believe this plugin is more popular because it's simply AMAZING. Everybody who appreciate music should get this! - March 11, 2007 by Zulthar Taro
GREAAAT ! - yeah, it makes the music sound cool !!! - February 16, 2007 by mihai pascu
good plugins - fabulous, plugins of the expression of sound. - January 10, 2007 by Fernando Vargas
OK for radio stations - I could use Enhancer with sqr crossfader in radio station.Very nice. - January 5, 2007 by lazo oljaca
Very impressive - For being very old and having much competition, this program certainly does a damn good job. Any plugin enhances something, including DFX and Ozone, but this seems to do a better job always. You can hear more than you did before you had it, and everything you heard comes to life. Everything sounds better for some reason unbeknownst to me. I highly recommend this to enhance your Winamp experience manyfold. - December 28, 2006 by S Jaworski
Very very good..but.... - Ok, this improved my PC music a lot...BUT as stated by others, the auto sliding volume needs an option to disable, it affects the quiet build up then loud peak in music, especially dance/techno. - December 19, 2006 by Mr Burns
Awesome - with just one drawback - I've used this for years, it's one of the best DSP plugins I know. Most of the time I actually use it with MOVIES (using a player that accepts winamp plugins). It doesn't need to be installed, either - which means you can simply include it on a CD with a DivX/XvID movie! There is however one drawback. I'm not a programmer so I don't know if this could have been avoided with better coding: the Enhancer stores all settings in the Windows registry under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive. This means you must have administrator privileges to store your settings and get the plugin to load automatically! If it would store these settings in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive, this limitation would not exist. PLEASE modify the dll!! - December 5, 2006 by Martin Christen
too good - My ears like them a lot. A five star plugin.My greets and thanks for the author. the sounds is simply the best I have heard thus far!Great job!!! - December 4, 2006 by Viswa Manohar
.. - .. - November 11, 2006 by yusuf_um mm
he - thank - October 25, 2006 by aduaatong 1980
Easy to use - I just signed up just now to say how easy to use this program is and how much better it makes music sound. I don't have no clipping in music though, using boost button makes it a bit too loud a bit distorted. If you don't understand some features - Dry signal, Harmonic bass clicking 'help' gives you a very detailed web page on all uses which is stored on comp. Jon - September 16, 2006 by Jon n
2nd only to Izotope Ozone - For a free plug-in it's the best, and overall it's 2nd only to Izotope Ozone. Unfortunately the developer has apparently given up on it as his website hasn't been updated in years and he doesn't respond to e-mails. And for poor Gerrit Stueber who can't figure out how to use it.... well, good luck. - September 15, 2006 by Major Imapct
I can?t find this option - Hey! can somebody help me? I can?t find this option "enhancer" *scream* - August 24, 2006 by Gerrit Stueber
The best I've seen - I've been using this dsp plugin 4 4 years and let me tell u guys this is the best plugin in the dsp section. if u have a woofer with u then get this and hear that xtra bass which is clear & good coming from them. Also let me tell u the fidelity of the sound is improved a lot .. So thanks a lot Adrian Keep up ur work :-) :-) - August 16, 2006 by kelvin ralph
My Review - I have been using this plugin for years. Its the best and I have tried the rest. There should not even be more plugins unless they do it better than this one does. - August 12, 2006 by Dave Baranas
nice - does what it tells. many presets. puristic style. nice. definetely enhances sound properly! 100% free - August 8, 2006 by exploding blister
A Perfect DSP-plugin combination - 6 stars !!! FX2 + Enhancer + Simply Surround (WinAmp 2.91) If you like House and use Head phones, then this the Perfect DSP-Plug-in Combination: http://bloggotype.blogspot.com/2005/08/perfect-sound.html Sennheiser HD 555 - August 5, 2006 by Hola Handstrom
simple, and BESTs - no more worte... - July 28, 2006 by New Primary
Great Sound - This plug-in makes music sound so much better... Easy to use and very usefull. - July 7, 2006 by dIEGO P.
Best DSP I've used, but.. - This makes music sound FAR better than it originally did. I love everything about it, except that you can't disable the automatically sliding volume setting. A lot of the music I like to listen to has plenty of dynamics between the quiet and loud parts of the songs, but with the sliding volume controller the quiet parts get boosted then the loud parts kick in and get the volume reduced so you don't get kicked in the pants as much. Removing this feature or being able to choose whether you want the volume to slide or stay static would bump my rating up to 5 stars. - July 3, 2006 by Kyle Crockard
git - swietny dodatek - June 9, 2006 by Tomasz Tonkowicz
Easiest to use and best sounding dsp - The oldest is still the best. - June 5, 2006 by John DeTurris
Nice but... - Working great except one thing... When I press twice on the window or minimize it, I get a little (transparent) rectangle. :( Maybe a update? - May 28, 2006 by Dimitri R
Excellent - I've tried many plugins and keep coming back to this one. Best one yet! For audio, that is... - May 25, 2006 by Robert Lee
Great! - This is the best plug in I've ever downloaded. - May 6, 2006 by Jervin Dizon
the best i can say i ever used - superb :) - April 29, 2006 by martis paaprtis
Best Plugin!!! - TOOO GOOD!!!! :)) Cheers, Mandar Shivarekar. Pune, India [email protected] - April 26, 2006 by Mandar Shivarekar
MUST-HAVE!!! - If you use Winamp the you MUST have this plugin. I just signed up so i can submit this comment. Just waiting for an up-date of this plugin which is way over due (released in 2001!!!) - April 9, 2006 by brain freeze
Better than the best :)) - It'a amaizing. A veri good plug-in. You can not believe your ears, the sound is much better... What more can I say, it's better then the best :)) - March 23, 2006 by Tudor Hariton
Enhance - It is the best dsp plug-in i have ever seenl. Just waiting for the newer version. Good job Adrian Iosif ---Thanks - March 4, 2006 by sujesh suseelan
It just plain works! - Hoorah! This is a good one. It works! - February 24, 2006 by richard anderson
HOLY $%#^ this is amazing!! - i seriously always assumed i had a crap sound card.. if you dont have this plug-in you arent hearing the music.. you Dont understand, this is THEE SH!T !!.. i have my system hooked up to a sony stereo system with two 3-way speakers, it makes the room pound without any distortions watsoever... the presets are really helpful too.. all other plugins are cheesy, you seriously need this one if you have decent speakers!! - February 23, 2006 by G35 Coupe
Best of them ALL! - I've tried DFX (different versions), Dee, Dee2, Dee3 and quite some other DSP plug-ins. This is by far THE BEST! It's free, it's skinable. Not like DFX, which looks too out of place whereever you put it. One must hide it but then one can't control it. Dee1 and 2 are nice but one must tune the settings for almost every song. What sounds good with one song, doesn't sound with another. Enhacer is TOTALY universal. And there such nice skins. Example: winamp 2x BWD Media Tower skin and Mapa Media Tower skin for enhancer. It's PERFECT! I love this plug-in. - February 22, 2006 by Ventsislav Dimitrov
good and useful - i really like it.user friend and not complex. i recommend it - February 18, 2006 by real man
BEST - The best enhancer :) without this engancer music is tenth-rate :) - February 11, 2006 by Ariolas Ariolas
Best DSP Plugin - I've been using it for about 2 years. It's the best enhancer I've tested. I'm using 2 speakers about 75W each and still is an enormous difference using this plugin. It's the best ever written.It has a small problem with the volume control but it still deserves it 5 stars (maybe 8 or 9 :d) - February 9, 2006 by Timofte Vlad
Very Awesome - I couldn't listen to music without it - February 5, 2006 by Wolfy Wolf
Enhancer - Great sound, unequaled by any other plugin I used. - January 31, 2006 by Constantin Barabasa
Never without it ... - Without it Winamp sounds like my grand-mother's 1965 mono radio receiver :) The best plug-in ever !!! - January 28, 2006 by Ben Benji
Bravo! - Wonderful DSP plugin. Hands-down my favorite for output processing. I applaud you, even if you haven\'t made a release in years ;D - January 26, 2006 by Adam Bertrand
Great Job - Waoh, really good staff for that plugin. I've tried many of dsp plugins and now i've found the one ! Greetings from France - January 17, 2006 by Hughes BERNARD
The Best Of All Times !!! - This plugin must be included in Winamp, this rocks !! 10 Stars !!!!! - January 12, 2006 by Andrei Andrei
Unbelievable - I NEVER review anything I download. Ever. Not once. Too lazy. This plugin is so good I actually signed up to this website to write this. I have no idea how it works, but it does. Perfectly. Download it right now! - January 5, 2006 by chris wellings
Only one thing missing. - A method to auto-load presets based on URL or filename (like the default equalizer). I can't believe how much richer my music sounds now, and I thought the equalizer was good. I'm afraid I've been spoiled but I'm still a lazy girl! For auto-load presets, I'll give it another star. :) - January 3, 2006 by Paula Callesoe
...true Enhancer? - Best(if not ONLY) true sound enhancer for that poor MP3's derivates... finally something, beating everything here(including DFX and other examples of 'how do I never want to do it'). This should be in every MP3 player(portable or computer). Howgh. :> - January 3, 2006 by frantisek lopata
its too hot dsp - try it its avery good - December 28, 2005 by AHmed MAgdy
Lives Up to its Name! - Really enhances your music! Great plug-in. Tons of cool presets. The Boost is great, its like the Enhancer's enhancer! SWEET! - December 25, 2005 by Justin Walker
Amazing Quality Output - What's up guys, First off, I have a nice collection of all my CD's in lame 3.97b2 alt-preset extreme: about 90gigs worth. So right there you can tell I LOVE to listen to music. Well, My speaker system is NOTHING special, just a "Y" cable hooking up my computer (with a standard sound card) to my 300 watt Kenwood stereo system with 4 Bose bookshelf speakers, and both the system and the speakers are outdated by almost 23 years now (1982). So Again, they are nothing special.. Ok, so I've searched LONG AND HARD to find the right plugin for Winamp to make my music sound just as good as when I put my retail CD into my kenwood disc player, or better yet into my 5.1 stereo system downstairs in the family room. Well, AS SOON AS I FOUND THIS PLUGIN, I DELETED ALL THE REST! The logarithms or whatever the **** it uses is just +simply ridiculous+, enhancing every portion of the audio (bass/treble & acoustics/vocals). You can use the designated presets or even create your own through the 10 enhancing settings, and create a "Boost" much like my stereo system provides. Now before this program I was a user of the $10 software most of you winamp users know as DFX... well SCREW DFX. Enhancer 017 destroys the competition and is completely FREE! I wish I would have spent that $10 on Enhancer instead because the author definitely deserves that support for this plugin. My current Winamp setup now includes Enhancer as my DSP/Effect plugin alongside the HQSoftware Processing/Resampling plugin by Paul Adrian (configured with the standard Directsound Output plugin). So... Use your brain, download this program, and give your ears the respect they deserve. 'nuff said. - December 24, 2005 by Joe MeSz
GRAT JOB!!!! - Many many many Thanks For This One. - December 7, 2005 by Georgi Tsvetanov
Amazing - damn man i love ure plug in my songs sound so much better =) well done - December 3, 2005 by Kamale Loco
unprofessional but cool!! - god , Adrian Iosif and reverse engineering folks like me know how nasty is the code behind this plugin. for example: the drum bass range is based on a frequency stretch that repeats it self everytime the registers receive a time out null signal! how did you do that man? what compilers have you been using? Despite this little cpu memory consuming thing I spotted right the first time I runned it in vmware on winXP32bitedition there might be many more that I wont waste time to find. STILL its a hell of a cool plug in!! well done dude! - November 29, 2005 by axortagos hlepas
Hphillhicks - what can i say? apart from what a brilliant peice of software this is. i've been searching for ways to make my music sound just so and this is the only thing that works. very highly recomended and hats off to the bloke that made it. - November 27, 2005 by phillip hicks
simply the best - i've downloaded and tried almost every effect or dsp out there i search for something to compensate my lack of yop notch hifi equipment, and i return to ENHANCER every time! it's harmonic treble is subtle and introduces NO distorsions at all. crystal clear. the reverb one can live without though.. - October 25, 2005 by paul algesten
it's a good one but.. - it causes crash on my pc when i tried to disable it while playing some mp3.. it can be disabled without crashing when not playing anything - October 23, 2005 by umut kacar
Absolutely the best - i have been searching for 2 years now for a new plugin other than this one for a change, no plugin ever reached this quality! this is absolutely the best, screw the rest! - October 22, 2005 by winamp winamp
None above, none beside! Hail the KING! - Welcome to pinnacle of winamp DSP plug-ins. This is THE BEST dsp plugin out there for winamp right now, and have been for over 3 years now. I started using version 0.11 4 years ago, and switched to 017 about 3 years ago. Never needed any other plugin. Sounds AWESOME with harmonic/range/drum/range settings: 3/2/3/2 and dry signal at 8 .. If there ever was sound porn, this would be it ^^ - October 22, 2005 by ase star
lol - This is a must have plugin. Especially if you have a good sound system, this "monster" will kick hard your ears! absolutely well done . Thanks Adrian... - October 20, 2005 by Stephanus Teggy
Too good - The only plugin which i am using from last 3 months. And that too when i have a habit of uninstalling the plugins on the same day as of installing ;-) - October 13, 2005 by Software Engineer
good good good - good good good - October 9, 2005 by Divilish Jagwar
Clearly The Best And It's "Freeware" !!!!!!! - Clearly the best and it's "freeware" !!!!!!!!!!! - September 14, 2005 by fred falcon
The real enhancer - After test's with several tools like this i have to mention THIS is the real one. Nice dynamic when setup properly! Best stereo enhancer inclusive. Espessially great with headphones. To bad the author seems to be disappear'd. - September 7, 2005 by Sound Monster
Good but - It the best so far but on my computer it takes up a bit more processor space - September 1, 2005 by Justin Ewish
The best dsp plugin for winamp - Since the first time I use Enhancer, I can`t find find other plugin that sound like this, I hope the author release the source code, then it could be ported to linux! - August 31, 2005 by MAU 777
Great plugin! - When I discovered Enhancer a few years ago, I was very pleased about the very nice effect it delivered with to my stereo speakers. I don't really know why, but somehow I missed some warm, deep bass in almost all my mp3's - Enhancer gave it to me! But the best was the fact that the music became much clearer due to the treble harmonics - cool! At this time I testet severel similar plugins but there performance was not acceptable. Now I have quadrophony-speakers and was searching for a good surround plugin, I found one named Simply Surround wich seems to add good treble harmonics, it is not configurable, so I turned them off in Enhancer. Nevertheless I use Enhancer to improve the bass and it works very fine with Simply Surrond. By the way I tested newer plugins like Enhancer but Enhancer ist still the best choice for me. It is easy skinable, that is cool too. I read something about a long delay when using Direct Sound Output, hmm, okay maybe on some machines but on my ist the delay 2 - 3 seconds. I find the effect and the quality of this plugin outstanding! - August 19, 2005 by Someone Else
Woohoo! This baby rocks! - I'm saliviating at the mere thought of this powerful and nifty plugin. Oh, the hours and hours and hours and hours and...well, hours of delight in store for me. This enhance absolutely rocks, and best of all, no crippling! It literally enhances all the listening pleasure you've only been able to dream of. Heck, its even converted a family friend who LIVES for sound! Ah, so much tweaking, so little time.... - July 20, 2005 by SahRae Hyjo
5 stars - Good , 5 stars ! - July 15, 2005 by William Steve
So AmAzing, it rocks my face off!!! - This thing is one of the best plugins that you can ever add to your Winamp. I will already defend Winamp to the death, and this rockin' plugin just adds to my devotion. Oh, and just to make sure that the plugin really worked, I kept testing it by turning it on and off, and, MAN, there really is a big difference!!! Download it! - July 12, 2005 by Future BiomedMan
Settings - These settings work best for me... Of course you can change'em to your liking... (I'm using Altec Lansing ATP3 Speakers) I always normalise my mp3s using 'mp3gain' (google it) so that I won't need to adjust my speakers' vol after every few tracks... (I don't know if it works as good without normalising) Vol: Set max to 7 Harmonic Bass: 3 (I have a subwoofer) Harmonic Bass Range: 1 Drum Bass: 3 Drum Bass Range: 2 Dry Signal: 10 Harmonic Treble: 5 Harmonic Treble Range: 4 Ambience: 2 Ambience Range: 6 You can hear the difference by turning it on/off. (Takes a few seconds cos' of buff) Oh yeah, its enhancements are more obvious from 128mbps and above. Cheers. - July 2, 2005 by Khairul Anwar
Best dsp i ever came thru - man this thing rocks.adds superb effects and gives mp3 cd quality.this is a must-use plugin. - July 2, 2005 by Dayal Ramachandran
Thumbs Up!! - This plugin is definitely worth the download. It is highly customizable, unbugged, and has a fairly good interface. It really enhances the sound and makes the listener (that would be me, in this case) further enjoy the music. It is just like a gigantic improvement to Winamp's built-in equalizer. - June 30, 2005 by Zanejin Cheng
Best one so far... - I've used several dsps for winamp, and this one blows the others away. It's not glitchy, sounds good, and most of all its very easy to use. Here's the settings I used that seems to work well: Volume @ 4, Boost on, and I used the aggressive setting. Thanks for the great DSP! - June 18, 2005 by patrick roberts
waoo - what a super plugin to use which improves the sound 100%.really great plugin. - June 17, 2005 by bilal akhtar
You can't live without it - Rock Solid Stable Rock Solid Performance. This what makes me stick to Winamp - June 10, 2005 by Ayoub Srouji
Good for low powered speakers. - This is probably the best DSP ever. Works great for low powered speakers, but it's unnecessary on high powered multichannel surround speakers. Another gripe is that if your output is set to DirectSound, which is mostly the case for all of us, the time it takes for the tweak to actually change the sound is a painfully long 15 seconds. This makes it really hard to customize it to your sound, because by then, you probably forgot the sound quality you were hearing before. It is about 2 or 3 seconds on waveOut plugin. Fix the DirectSound time and get 5 stars. Great work overall though. - May 29, 2005 by Pixelated FooL
Rate 5 star - Very good sound the best a++++ - May 29, 2005 by Charles McCauley
Nice! And I really mean it! - Using atp3 speakers and this plug-in really boosts + increase fidelity & bass. You really need this if you are into good sound but can't afford a freakin expensive sound card. If you don't believe me or the other reviews, try it yourself! The volume, although irritating, but it saves you from buying new speakers everytime there's a sudden loud sound. Great for movie and audio playback. Hmm...improvements? If you were to see and try the "Dolby Surround" plug-in, and implement it into this...I'll say "Omfg, I have a new sound card". Really...these are what the creative sound cards actually do to your sound. - May 25, 2005 by Khairul Anwar
The best DSP plugin available for Winamp!!! - I have been using this plugin for quiet some time and it is the best of its kind! Truely the best sound mixer available! The BASS tuning rocks! One needs some time to tweak with it, use following settings for good headphone sound quality output:- Volume:4 Harmonic Bass:8 or 9 Harmonic Bass Range:7 or 8 Drum Bass:4 Drum Bass Range:5 Dry Signal:8 to 10 (as u like, 8 is good) Harmonic Treble:6 Harmonic Treble Range:5 Ambience:1 Ambience Range:3 Boost:Off Cheers, Mandar Shivarekar. Pune, India. - April 17, 2005 by Mandar Shivarekar
Not so good. - It seems it enhances the sound, especially if you're using low quality headphones. But actually it makes it worse. - April 14, 2005 by savas oguz
Enhancer v017 Rocks ....! - This is an awesome plugin i have ever used with winamp. For real effect of this plugin, you got to have big speakers with good ampliier and woofer. Probably, the best winamp plugin. - April 11, 2005 by Yatin Barmeda
Good work!!!!! - Great plugin with great sound, especialy with tube amp ;) 5+stars - March 10, 2005 by Andrew Hitler
Great plugin - Makes a great improvement on the sound , Has good presets , Nice functions and just an all around fantastic plugin . Great work .. - March 9, 2005 by Nikkie c
Top Notch! - I'd consider myself to be a pretty hardcore audiophile. I've always dabbled in some form of sound work: DJ'ing, Playing guitar & setting up effects, being the sound tech for my former and various local bands, home studio recording & editing, etc. I tried this plug-in with not only my main PC speakers (Klipsch 5.1) but also a 4.1 surround 3-speaker Cambridge Soundworks system as well as a 2 speaker Altec Lansing configuration. Enhancer rocks! The interface is simple yet very effective, and it didnt color or overdrive the sound on either of the 3 speaker configurations like the countless other DSP plugs that Ive tried. Minor tweaking of the sliders from their default settings made a huge difference in my mp3's sound. It compensated greatly for the highs that are lossed from MP3 compression. Cymbals sounded crisp again, rather than neutered. The bass sliders (drum & harmonic) did a fair job of distinguishing between the two, but theres room for improvement in the filtering of each. It's not a huge issue since that can be tweaked further through the Winamp EQ or your subwoofer. The ambience effect is also great at modest levels. Setting ambience on 2 and ambience range at 6 was a good neutral spot for a variety of music samples. I'm sticking with this one! - February 13, 2005 by Rob O
fabulous enhancement - This plugin is absolutely awesome. It makes my music scream. Combining Winamp's "Full Bass & Treble" preset, with the "Aggressive" preset from this plugin, gives my music vibrant new life. A must have for any audiophile. - January 18, 2005 by Eric Walker
good plug-ins - i used that plug-ins for a long time and it's a very very very very very good and make the sound of winamp is very very very very very very very very very very very good - January 11, 2005 by Divilish Jagwar
COOL!!!!!!!! - This is the best plug-in EVA!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm using a 500W+150*2 (whatever that is),AND IT REALLY ROCKS MY WHOLE HOUSE MAN!!!!! - January 1, 2005 by Hong JinWei
Excellent plugin - Thanks for do it. I think this is the best of all n__~ http://albiore.sytes.net - December 20, 2004 by Albiore Cepheus
I Like it, but... - I like Enhancer. It REALLY improves the sound, even on small speakers. Only with Enhancer can I get thar wonderful deep bass sound, nice and clean. But that Volume button annoys me. No matter what setting I use, it eventually gets to some song and changes the volume, usually setting it lower. I know that must be to do with its volume limiter function, but even if I leave it on maximum, it still changes the volume eventiually. And the Help file is very weak. So some days I Love it, somedays I switch ot off. But don't get me wrong: it's a GREAT plug-in. - December 18, 2004 by Michael Lees
*VERY* Nice! - I listen mostly to CDs through my SB (AWE64)'s amplified output and modified Vivanco SR-606 cans, so I guess I'm kinda spoiled. BUT... when I litsen to MP3s on my laptop (which does not have hardware tone controls) and Sennheiser earbuds, this DSP is a Godsend. It significantly improves the sound on "limited" hardware (especially the dynamics in the frequency extremes, and stereo separation), just do long as you don't go crazy with the settings (keep 'em @ 4 or less). It's not CD-quality, but it comes close enough for me. I've tried a few other similar DSPs, and this one is by far the best--a must have for any Winamp user. Kudos to the author for this very nice piece of work! - December 11, 2004 by EM 745
This Plugin one of the greatest ones Yet!! - I always looking for plugins that will improve the fequency of the treble and bass to mix well togetjer and this one does a very good job and I give it a thumbs up for anyone that into music. - November 21, 2004 by Rob Park
Good for a party - The ambience effect, and overall bass boost makes this plugin best for a party. In normal day to day use it's not that extraordinary but has a fair functionality. Cool to see that romanian folks release plugins here. :) - November 21, 2004 by gangboy Capot?
Great Plug-In - Makes a huge difference in sound quality, but some scratching in the backround prevents it from getting 5 stars. - November 7, 2004 by GK 128
AmaZing Dsp I have ever Used ! - It really Enhance the sound , and it has built in normalizer so no need to change volume while switching from mozart to mettalica ! I really congrats Adrian . It is far more good then DFX and free too ! isn't it a cool thing ! - November 5, 2004 by Prashant keshvani
The best! - Appart from the weak volume management, this plug-in is the best i ever had. I am using it for 2 years now and i still couldn't find a better one. - October 26, 2004 by bubulin bub
Make-Make-Make-Make It Vibrate - This plug-in is one of the best you can use to enhance the bass. Just don't turn it up too high if you have small/desktop speakers with low wattage or you can damage them in no time. Crackling or popping is one sign you have the settings too high. If you have large or high wattage speakers and still have distortion, try lowering your volume settings down to 75% or less in (WinXP) Volume Control, in Winamp, and in Enhancer as well. Turn everything off and clean the connections if they are dirty. This works on everything including headphones, 5 watt speakers, to studio/dj quality speakers connected to your computer. - October 25, 2004 by jeff frost
Real enhancement - This thing is REALLY good! The enhancement in the sound is outstanding and it's very flexible. It has only a problem that is the volume regulator which is intended to avoid saturation but makes the sound flat, it can be avoided setting the volume below 3 and turning on the booster. - October 24, 2004 by Samus Aran
Awesome - Well, I've downloaded this piece ov art some time ago and felt obligated to come back and give it a 5 and write some stvff. This plug-in deserves any 5 it gets!!! It's simple and effective...very effective!! Now I just feel bad that I don't have svch control over sovnd qvality in my mp3 player... DAMN YOV! };> Thx for the effort Adrian. - October 19, 2004 by Vyrm OvVnholyForest
Enhances what needs enhancing - I like this DSP a lot, but just keep in mind that if you were happy with your sound before, this will just make things a little worse. I suppose you could enhance it if you were a power-user who doesn't mind tweaking every little setting. For the rest of us, I reccommend sticking to the presets, save for the ambience and dry signal settings, which seem to be particularly relevant. Anywhoo, this works really well on live, bootleg, and low bitrates, where your sound could use the enhancing. - October 19, 2004 by Aaron Rosenfeld
Excellent plugin - This utility really raises the music - before install I often felt the sound was a little flat, something that the standard EQ helped with but wasn't the answer to. I have a standard 2-speaker + sub setup and the bass quality is now excellent, round and full. The treble is in contrast sharp and precise. It's better, not to mention more configurable, that the SRS Wow thingy that ships with Media Player. Just install, set to the "normal" preset, then sit back and feel the difference. - October 13, 2004 by Philip King
Best of the Bunch - Really makes the music sparkle with good controls. The bass sounds real not boomy or fake like the rest. I tried them all (free and paid) and this is best hands down.Use it you will love it. - September 22, 2004 by Randy A
best DSP... - ... that?s ever been in my head/ears/mind... for shure, honestly. if sbdy knows somwthing better, please let me know it: [email protected] 4,5 stars for the skin... but i can?t give it just 4 - September 16, 2004 by eva lindorfer
best ever !! - jo ich find das teil richtig genial...ich hab ne mini anlage und das plugin boostet sie nochmal so richtig nach vorn ^^ - September 12, 2004 by BjCrime BjCrime
GREAt - Hi There I am shaby. This is a Great achhievment In Multimedia Technology.I am waiting for Its Latest version Thanks have a GOOD Day - August 28, 2004 by Shoaib Yousaf
It really works - The best DSP enhancer, which I have found! - August 14, 2004 by Risto Hyvarinen
Best feeling ever - This is a plugin where I was to make myself believe to be listening a live band when I closed my eyes, with a subwoofer its a complete package. you can almost feel the crowd pushing you around ;) The volume thingy is great for most of the time it occasionally goes all wrong. I'm loving it! - July 12, 2004 by PJ Fiers
bueno - exelente - July 12, 2004 by nicasio m
Autogain sucks though - I must admit, this is the best sound enhancement plugin for winamp. However it would be better if the autogain function could be disabled, and / or make a feature to calculate and remember the gain for every song rather than make the volume go up and down all the time. - July 5, 2004 by dario v
This ROCKS. - There is a DEFINITE improvement in sound quality. I DIDNT know what I was missing without this! ...I'll never be able to listen to music again without it :). ...and john, Try it. - June 18, 2004 by Scott Kuehnert
Not scientific - This is a great idea, but theres something missing. I mean cmon. Chrystallize? Enhance? These are not scientific words here. How could this possibly make your songs better?? It's the same bits and bytes! Its not like you download "your song only better.mp3" packaged with the plugin. Theres no physical way it could make a song better, thats nonsense, scott. I'll give it 1 star for effort. - June 17, 2004 by joey joejoe
REally nice - Has very easy to use and easy to hear effects. Adds a lot to all bitrate music. Get it. Now. - June 14, 2004 by karl malone
Nothing else is better than this. - I don't know how long i have been using this plugin... 3 years? Or more? I was overjoyed to download and appreciate music with this when I upgraded it from Enhancer 0.15. This one is ultimately much better than other plugins. If configurated properly, it will really enhance your music experience without any quality loss-i believe so. I wish that the author will not forget his huge amount of supporters, and will supprise us once again with a new Enhancer. - June 10, 2004 by Welman Jordan
the best - i have simple, but powerful speakers, and this plug-in is best. i`ve tried various other plug-ins, but always returned to this one. - May 10, 2004 by Brian Warner
Best DSP Plugin Ever Made - I've been using enhancer for over three years, and it's still the best DSP I have ever used. It makes all types of music sound better, on all types of soundcards and speakers. The reverb is great, the auto-gain is great, and easy to configure. I only wish the author would continue working on this, it's been over three years without an update. I would love to see a new version come out. - May 9, 2004 by Grey Goose
extermely good - this plug in is extremely good. Thank you. Helps in improving the sound quality and maintaining a good volume level. Thanks. - May 5, 2004 by drash dr
Fantastic - All I gotta say os it made my tunes sound 100 X better - May 4, 2004 by robert byrne
enhancer 017 - i beleive this is the best dsp that there is. it really has good reverb on it. - April 27, 2004 by phil boyd
Fairly good could be better - personally i like how it makes my music sound, however i do not like the way the volume is set up, it works like a limiter, it would be nice if it had a memory, and that the volume didn't bounce, it just sounds screwed up about that, but the bass boost is imense - April 17, 2004 by g-bus rice
AWESOME - This plug-in is the best I have ever downloaded for enhancing the sound of my music. It sounds great through my stereo and sounds even better with Sony's MDR-V6 Studio Monitor headphones! - April 4, 2004 by Dave Jacobson
GReat only one problem - Hi I think this is the best DSP after trying many of them here. I must however concur with the STAFF here and one of the reviews as well which metions the crackling and popping. Strangely it does only happen on some presets but only with certain songs. One song you can try and download is Lenny Welch's "since I fell for you" To avoid the crk and pop you must to one of two things: SHUT OFF "Boost" and then you can keep volume at 10 or you can keep "Boost" on or set volume at 5 or 4 as one reviewer mentioned... This is clearly a bug but one I can live with for such a great free plugin. Once he fixes the latter problem this will get 5 STARS from ME.... - March 28, 2004 by batman oleary
INCREDIBLE !!! - This is the besst of the best ;p Download this,you?ll not retract - March 26, 2004 by Pablo Severino
Still The Best! - I've been using this plug-in for 2 years, and I still haven't found a dsp effect plug-in(free or not) that can match this one. I use it in my laptop and in a desktop with 5.1 soround and it sounds great on both. Just try it and play with it a bit. It's still the best. - March 15, 2004 by Alfred Flores
Oh.hellyah! - Man, this is one really cool DSP processor. Absolutely tears it up with Trance, especially on Philosomatika. I have Denon, Onkyo, Marantz and it all just f-in rocks now.!! - March 8, 2004 by TONY PERRONE
yea, he got it - this is the closest thing to a working DSP i've seen for winamp. gotta read the instructions for this one though, but it does a great job. - March 6, 2004 by ace ducy
If there is a better one, pls let me know! - It has transformed the music, which could only be heard playing by the best of the DJs. No other plug-in competes with this one! - February 3, 2004 by Devender Chopra
WHERE IS IT???? - I thought I would try a new plug-in. So I tryed this 1 out. I downloaded and install it WHERE IS IT? I am used of the plug-in to start up with winamp but this is a joke. I am using winamp 5.01 pro any1? - February 1, 2004 by loudon ed
Exelent - this is the best in this category, works good with every version of winamp, no bugs and exellent sound, too bad that there no updates for this one :( - January 28, 2004 by Denis Prigojin
cool - this is better than the best, no plag in can beat this, it beats the best plag in ever made - January 26, 2004 by mashuli mashuli
Fantastic - This Enhancher is very cool. The quality of voice is excellent. Very easy to use, just loading one of available presets setting, I have found the best setting suitable to my preference. Adrian, I am waiting for the next version. - January 11, 2004 by Agus Suhanto
good stuff - simple and effective. And FREE. I love freeware. And I would give it a 4.5 stars rating if I could... - December 15, 2003 by Sam T
Great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - It is great. Download it now! You won't believe your ears!!! - December 13, 2003 by Geoge Lesly
could it be better? No. - the best plug-in you'll ever need! - December 12, 2003 by Alex Livington
Still Knock-Out by it's greatness - OK finally I signed up, and just to review this plug-in. (that should say it all already!) Where to start. OK I'll just begin: I used DFX for like 2 years untill I came across this thing. I'll probably seen it before, but I guess it looked anonymous. Well one day I did give it a go and oh my! Still today (been using it now for quite some while) everytime I start up Winamp (2, still prefer it over 3) and here this baby I'm like, WOW. And I don't have some ultra high-spec soundcard. Just a "good" one, nothing special though, and even better yet, I listen through a pair of 10 Euro Sony headphones. No 1000 watt Dolby 7.1 and you name it. But OW BOY the BASS is BOOMING. And I mean BOOMING. Even through these cheap headphones! And that's what I like best, DEEP BOOMING BASS! I don't know how he pulled this off, I have no clue at programming at all, but man this guy us a genius in my mind. And it's FREE! Never touched DFX or any other plugin ever again (ok my pitchfork excluded, which is used in conjuction with enhancer) I would like to point out an important thing to everyone about the automatic Volume control. Yes I had my ears blown out a couple of times too, very painfull all that high volume treble speciall through headphones on max. volume (ok almost max) The problem is VERY EASY to solve: Set it to 4, maybe 5 tops (I ues 4) and adjust the rest from there. The volume will NEVER get any louder or softer, EVER! (and I use it alot) Now I'll quit my rave and continue enjoying the BEST PLUG-IN EVER...BY FAR! P.E.R.F.E.C.T! - December 10, 2003 by Don One
The best I have tried - I don't have a lot to say except that this is the plug-in I use since it apeered on the site. I think it is the best. The sound it's so clear that some times I wonder if the song is realy that good, or thas Enhancer make's it sound so good. :) - December 8, 2003 by Adrian Zamfirescu
aahhhhhhhh amazing!!! - Awesome plug-in kept me up all night!! a lot of tweaks! makes your music sound amazing(try the presets and see for yourself! plus it's great help and a cool toy for any one playing drums! A MUST!!! - November 19, 2003 by War Lord
Best Plug-in - I want to say only one word! Perfect!!! Best Plug-in i've ever seen! - November 9, 2003 by Rene Dolgner
Definitely the best I've seen... - This doesn't leave much to be desired. My only complaint would be the automatic volume adjustment which hinders the bass and, at times, curdles your brains with treble. In my humble opinion, it should be the other way around. - November 9, 2003 by Chris Nelson
Great DSP - This is by far my most preferred DSP plugin available to all of the Winamp Versions. I even quit using Winamp3 because this plugin was so good. its just a perfect plugin. Only thing it is missing is a stereo delay. :0 its good all the same anyway - November 1, 2003 by Digital Ice
You need this plug-in - Dieses Plug-In holt echt ne menge aus euren mp3s raus! Is auf jeden Fall besser als Dee oder DFX! viel mehr optionen und sogar mit automatischen lautstarke regler, besonders geeignet fur mehr familienhauser! *lol* - October 24, 2003 by Chris Funk
holy sh... - I'm speechless. Best DSP plugin I've ever tried. A LOT better than DFX and a lot easier to use than Dee2. Even lets you make your own skins. Completely free too. - October 23, 2003 by Shaun Quinn
Best DSP I have ever found - Hey, dowload it NOW! It is the Best plugin in DSP category ! Previously I was using sesura Jamma and DFX but i wasn't satisfied. and also they aren't freeware, u have to crack it. On othere hand Enhancer is minimum 100 times better then Dfx or Jamma. It really rocks my pc and most of all its a freeware wherer else U will find such a Nice plugin for the free? Very Very thanks to Nullsoft and Adrian Iosif. Is there any source from where i can learn how to develop plugins for winamp? if u know pls tell me on [email protected] Regards - October 12, 2003 by prashant keshvani
The best music hall simulator - For me it's one of the best plugins ever written... Its reverb is so real that you can feel like in music hall ! (Provided that you have a good equippment) Download it :) - October 1, 2003 by Slawek B
oh yeah - one of the best out there. many thanks, adrian - September 29, 2003 by Rafael Blanes
The Second best dsp plug-in - This plug-in is really damn good, waaaay better than the likes of DFX, who f**ks up your money, but makes no real hot changes in the sound quality. But enhancer will really do the job. Its the second best DSP Plug-in that I'm using, The best is Dee v2.20. :) . - September 21, 2003 by alien satrun
for all those who can't appreciate a great plugin - This is for all who don't respect the effort of an individual to make your life more colorfull: go and just FUCK yourselfes!!, cause this is the best plugin I have EVER used and I used DSP's a lot before winamp was a free APP!!. i used avery DSP from "dee 2" to "directX adapter" and this is the best simple plugin that suites everyone. you just don't know what you r talking about cause you have tried it for few seconds and got tired. do u have any idea how much time he put to create this wonderfull plugin??? ohh and 1 suggestion for everyone: turn the botton "boost" to "hi fi" this is a better setting for expansive speakers. - September 19, 2003 by ace acer
well... - what else can i say...? that's all you can get from something free - September 15, 2003 by m. fajri rahman
Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - September 14, 2003 by Mauricio Nu?ez
cant live without - If you don't have this, you don't know what good sound means. (If it makes a crackle sound at start of some tracks, winamp>options>preferences...output>directsound ...fading tab, turn on all fadings with 100ms default fading) It would be sad if someone died without having heard this. - September 4, 2003 by u o
Best plug-in - period! - No need for another -- been using this one since invented -- nothing else comes close -- Made ny own skins for it, though, because lack of availability -- However, as far as quality -- this blows ALL OTHERS AWAY! DL it or regret it! - August 30, 2003 by Tamara Cochran
Cool, real cool - Lives upto its name. Enhances the sound really well. Best DSP plugin i have tried. Why pay for the @#$%^&* DFX Plugin when people make better stuff for free. Waiting for the next version. A few more skins will be better. Adios. - August 25, 2003 by Ismail Ziyam
Wow. - This plug-in has got to be the BEST DSP enhancing plugin ever. DFX, Dee, and all the rest are useless and not worth spending money on compared to Enhancer. Makes my 400 watt system sound ever better. I love the presets and they actually sound like what they're intended for, and don't add more distortion like DFX or Dee, notice i said more, as in more that the distortion that already exists using DFX or Dee. This is simply the best Winamp plugin out there. Excellent work. - August 23, 2003 by Pixelated FooL
Great Sound - This definatly is a must if you enjoy superior sound. I was sceptical at first.. but when I tried it I was really amazed. Ive got a 5.1 setup + Extigy. Not to mention this thing is free, ive tried some of the ones you can only demo.. and so far this beats them all. The only downside is the popup you get anytime you want to change the settings.. you can hit cancel though.. and since it is free, it's a small price to pay for what you get. Highly recommend this plugin! - August 23, 2003 by John B
AWESOME! - this is THE best plugin for a media program out there! the bass sounds like I have a subwoofer in my headphones! you have to try it! it made my headphones sound from s...y to radical! - July 31, 2003 by David Tchui
Very awesome - In my experience, with the right settings (don't use presets) you can easily get your speakers to sound 30 or 40 bucks better. I see no reason this shouldn't be integrated into the standard Winamp package. - July 29, 2003 by Gunther Hermann
It's good - I've been using this plug-in for 4 months now and i like it very much, but I don't see the role of the auto-adjust volume bar. Also a few skins for it would not hurt. Until now I have only got 1 skin and it is't good at all. Anywayz... when is the next version comming? - July 25, 2003 by Gluck Christian
This is it!!! - This is what I'm talking about man... this is the serious stuff. The effects blow me away. Thank God there are presets. - July 21, 2003 by Isaac Christie
Fantastic!!!! - used Dee before i discoverd this one.... just one word to say,WOAUUUUUUUUUUUW this is a must have plugin,love it... - July 10, 2003 by Dominique le bourgeois
Excellent!! A must have!! - This has to be the best of all the DSP plugins. Easy to use and really ands definition the audio. Must have good speakers to really enjoy the enhancement. Those $10.00 speakers that came with your factory built PC ain't goin to cut it!! - July 9, 2003 by Randy A
wating - Will there an another verison for enhancer I downloaded it and love this plugin! - July 2, 2003 by Edward Kryszczak
Ahhh, yes - shad shad, you fool! apparently you are the only one who has a problem using this thing. Here's how you use it! Double click your winamp and configure your DSP effects! WOW. Then you say that it screwed up your sound, but I doubt you even have any speakers! you big fool - July 1, 2003 by Steve Thomas
download this now!! - I have 2 sub woofers, and 4 sat speakers and this plugin makes them sound great - June 27, 2003 by Eric Roux
Better Than WOW, Good For OLD Speaker - i'm using a 15 years old speaker! i thought i want to buy new one becouse my old speaker cant perform great sound anymore BUT, after i use this software Enc 017, it sound just like a brand new one and and i beat my neighbour sound system hahah. i love the auto adjust volume GOOD FOR OLD SPEAKER LIKE MINE :) my setting are 8,5,7,5,7,10,5,7,1,5, and lastly "THIS IS THE GOOD NEWS FOR THOSE WHO IS CHARGING for DSP" - June 23, 2003 by ian Stan
Still the best - I've been using enhancer for a long time, It does eat up alot of resources on older computers (my old one was a 533 celeron) but it really does sound great. The reverb's effect is subtle, most reverbs i've used make it sound like you are underwater or in a highschool gym, this one just makes the sound fill the room better, My settings are, from top to bottom, [3,6,4,5,4,10,7,5,4,2] - June 19, 2003 by Jon D
absolute winner - This plugin is the absolute winner for me. I've tried all kind of sound enhancing plugins, but believe me, this is the best. Make some presets and have fun. I really hope to see a new version here soon. - June 18, 2003 by Nikolay Dobrev
Beautiful reverb - One of the best reverbs heard in any plugin, beats even the Creative hardware accelerated stuff, now if only creative would start using the same model... - June 18, 2003 by Luke Hunt
Awesome plugin and it's free - Makes an awesome "true" sound if you combine it with 4front Headphone plugin using DSP Stacker. Needs little tweaking to get the best of it though. - June 17, 2003 by Kamal Sulaiman
good. nothing more - good all around enhancer, although i dont like the volume auto-adjust. other than that one of my favorite winamp addons - June 17, 2003 by Barry Veale
Incredible Sound Enhancer - After searching for forever for a decent sound enhancer, I found this Incredible one!! It literally gave me chills. I definately recomend downloading this one!! - June 16, 2003 by Leviathan Dracos
KILLER spacial enhancement - GREAT plug-in, one of the best, especially using a DSP subwofer/surround system. Tho i still use several others, depending on the mp3 type/genre, and/or when wearing headphones, I wish i could figure out howb to run multiple plugins at once ;( - June 16, 2003 by damian MC
Awsome - Best Plug-in for WinAmp!!! A must have i you want to take it too the max! - June 15, 2003 by Vince Casillas
Not the best - I used to think this was the very best plugin.. Until I tried Dee and Enhancer. Dee is one step above this one, because it doesn't DISTORT the sound like Enhance 0.17 does. And Enhancer is even better than Dee. So try enhancer and compare :) - June 8, 2003 by Marc Hex
Download this one! - I've downloaded a lot of the other audio "enhancers" out there, but I haven't seen one perform or sound this good. Also, it's simplicity is unsurpassed. If you think your music sounds good now, download this! You will be amazed. From the very second you click it on, you will wonder how you listened to your favorite mp3s without it. Then, you will realize there are genre specific presets along with it. Great plugin! Five stars! Thank you Adrian! - June 2, 2003 by El SkAnKiTo
Pretty good, but... - This is a good plugin, basically a simplified EQ with names and a bit of reverb in there too. It takes a bit of fiddling and setting up, and I find it can be a little over agressive with bass if you dont tame it first. Would NEVER use the boost button. Its just overkill. My ONE drawback with this plugin is that it thinks it can do more than it can well. Its got its own odd kind of compression in it, which really irritates me since I compress my audio outside of my computer. The compression is in the form of the little volum slider wiggling up and down. I wouldnt mind this if it was good compression, but unfortunatley its not. What I found even more irritating was that I could not turn this feature off at all. My opinion is pretty good effect on low and and "harmonic treble" but left on presets can be over agressive. Also lacks configuration which is needed, and have the ability to TURN OFF THE COMPRESSION! - June 1, 2003 by Chris Roberts
Who needs it? - Cool tool - but like all DSPs, the sound comes off sounding, well, processed. This is an excellent tool if you're into this kinda thing, but if you think you need it, get better speakers or cans! I can't get used to the processed sound, no matter how well it's done. The answer is in your hardware, not in software manipulation. - May 30, 2003 by Mark B.
Worth Two Reviews - I reviewed Enhancer in early May and want to correct two things. I said keep it below five all the way down, period. Wrong, of course keep the dry signal at 10. I also said that it won't perform miracles with the deep end. Wrong, not miracles, but it does a far better job than I realized because I had the volume too low. Four to six for the volume, ten for dry signal, two to five for the rest. Some MP3s like ambience, some don't. Four max on ambience and range. I still don't really recommend the presets. Use the Winamp spectrum output as a guide for settings. But check it out, not because it is free, but because it is truly first-rate. Winamp 2.91 plus Enhancer. Great combination, thanks guys. (Free is great too, and I'll wager you have to spend a bunch to do better.) - May 29, 2003 by Robert Smith
It does what it says... - The reason I give 'Enhancer 017' 5 stars is because first and foremost its "FREE" and second because annoying pop-ups and 'ping' like sounds do not accompany this plug-in such as with OSS/3D. For someone who does not have alot of knowledge in soundmixing and all that goes along with it, this is for you!!! It is all you need and comes with ready pre-sets already installed. - May 25, 2003 by Marc Rosario
does it mean that its a good plugin if you cream over it? - i feel that there has been no better DSP than this one here. if youre looking for the best DSP sound plugin, get his now!! - May 21, 2003 by dyl wes
Great - This plugin can't be beat for it's price... free. Some of the other DSP plugins may sound better, have better performance, etc. but they also cost money. I don't most of my MP3 listening through $5 headphones from Walmart, however, so I can't really tell the difference. Try this one out first and see if it fits your needs before spending money on the others. - May 12, 2003 by Anand Thakur
nice - really good,best my mp3's have sounded.would recommend to anyone,also easy to use - April 26, 2003 by addo jones
Perfect - I couldn't use this on my P166 but since I got a new computer I can't live without it. The best DSP plugin for Winamp, period. Except for the volume feature. It's nice but it makes loud portions of the music too quiet. It's easy to solve though. Set the volume slider down low enough so the plugin wont' have to decrease its volume (around 4) and everything is good. - April 24, 2003 by Tarkan2467
Best plug-in available. - It's the most user friendly sound enhancement programme you can find and it's totally free. It's very simple, but the results are greater than i expected. This is definetely a must-have for all of you. At first i thought: "Hmm.. the volume goes down to avoid distortion.. but if you just put the slider down a bit the sound barely gets degrated and you can let your speakers pump the soundwaves out. If you have small speakers be advised, leave the slider in it's default position to avoid blowing up your speakers. - April 16, 2003 by Ruben Stolp
A "must have" - Great sound, great presets, and you can even skin the thing (Enhancer has a skin that's a close match for Nucleo_Nlog which is a good match for me). There is a little snap, crackle, pop on some presets, but overall this is a great plugin. - April 14, 2003 by Robert Bello
Wow - I love this plugin. What I really need is Winamp3 version of this :( - April 13, 2003 by - --
That was what i'm looking for - I wanted a *FREEEE* DSP plugin. (Hell, now everything is 4-day lame shareware.) This one is a nice exception, and it works as intended. Also, it is almost not buggy. This one is a must. - March 30, 2003 by Bilange Woodwalker
Mediocre - Its an ok plugin, especially if you have no idea what you're doing. But for what it does, Dee2 *totaly*completely* blows this away. Not just on features but on quality too (by far, Dee2 is 64bit) Dee2 isnt free, but its only about 10 bucks... super cheap. -- I guess it goes to show, you get what you pay for. The reason I gave Enhancer 0 stars is... I'm *damn* sick of all the "Enhancer Zealot" n00bs posting on every single dsp plugin page saying that that dsp sucks compared to Enhancer... the same people that cant figure out that you have to have winamp closed to uninstall anything. =) n00bs. stfu. nuff said. /my2pents - March 23, 2003 by jdg wolffm
Perfect - Just perfect, it doesn't get any better than this, and it's free! - March 22, 2003 by Fire Fly
Awsome!!! - The Reverb Effect is EXACTLY what I was looking for. All the other reverb effects on other DSPs sound too artificial. This one's pure which I love. DFX and Dee2 couldn't match this plugin. If It dug as deep as Bass as Dee2, than it'd be the only plugin i'd ever use. Great Job :-D - March 20, 2003 by DJ Night Force 9
everybody needs this!!!! - winamp u should bundle this in with winamp ps turn the top volume to 5 so that the volume doesnt jumpup - March 13, 2003 by ace del
Just like it - I finally have some decent sound from my outdated SB16 emulated (4+ yrs old) sound card and even older speakers :) - March 10, 2003 by Frank S
Other ones don't even match up! - Don't bother wasting your time downloading other DSP/Effect! Both Dee and DFX don't even come close to this! This plugin creates smooth deep sounds from deep bass to the high trebles without static or noise interference. No processed sound here !! It sends out sound...pure, natural, and smooth ! You'll find out that "Enhancer" is the only one you'll need. - March 9, 2003 by shakenama L
Very Nice - I love this plugin. Very descriptive, huh? - March 6, 2003 by CPU Killer
Kicks ass - Simply amazing sound, and for free too! :)!!!!! I've tried some of the other plugins here, but this one rocks!! It rules with its crisp clear but yet fat sound. Poor my neighboors... I hope they enjoy trance!! - March 3, 2003 by Per A
Winamp Slogan Time - It really whips the llamma's ass! Download it today - February 27, 2003 by Professor Tom
Better than DFX and Dee2! - This one is an instant A+. Pure gold. I have tried DFX and Dee2, but neither top Enhancer's deep bass and crackle-free treble. Excellent job, Adrian! :) |-DJ ScYtH's Pick-| - February 21, 2003 by DJ ScYtH
AMAZING - people people ...this is the best plugin for the job of soothing your ears with your good music and you dont need one of thoes expencive Bose system dealys ....forget Dee and Dee 2 and all that other crap for enhancing your sound quality... this is the one best ever ....download and be amazed - January 25, 2003 by r s
IT'S THAT GOOD - IM BACK FOR ANOTHER REVIEW - I forgot to mention, No offence to the makers of winamp when i say this - but - Obviously I have gone back to winamp2 for the pure reason that winamp sounds dead without this plug-in, this plugin is what makes winamp the best MP3 player around today, in sound quality anyway. It would be nice if this plug-in was a standard part of winamp, and not a plug-in. To keep winamp the best sounding player around - It's worth buying the code for the DSP from the creator in my opinion. Winamp and Enhancer combined is the top end of sound quality, i dont think you could get much better that this....oh..ps..About the volume setting in Enhancer, Setting it at 3 does stop the volume jumping up and down during play. Anyway..again - 100 stars. - January 24, 2003 by Richard Keen
THIS IS IT !!! - Stop wasting precious time downloading all those oceans of DSP plugins, when all you need is simply the best! Right? The Adrian's Enhancer is the unbeatable King of all DSP plugins. It gives realistic sound, crystal brightness, and what you hear is pure and natural, unlike the other DSP plugins that make overloaded and artificial sounding, losing the sense of the original and not processed sound. The Enhancer(TM) makes the sound comfortable and enjoyable to your ears, and makes you use it all the time, no matter what type of music you are listening to. All you got to do is choose the preset that is really sutibale to what you're listening at the moment. When you download this one, trust me, you'll never need anything else. It's the best, it's free and it's yours, if you appreciate your music and your ears. THE ENHANCER - WHAT THE MUSIC NEEDS !!! - December 30, 2002 by Zdravko Adoneo
just set it at 3 and its all good, used this since it came out - This is the COOLEST thing Ive ever herd They should intagrate this into winamp and make Everyone use it the auto volume thing I thought was wierd and messed up but if you set it right when it turs to 3 the its PERFECT dosent mess it up and sounds great and I dident upgrade to winamp3 but I fund a winamp2 plug in that lets you use all the winamp 2 stuff on winamp3 its GREAT! I get all the cool and all the sound too! I Hope it stays free dont change a thing its perfect ! I would give it more than a 5 but winamp.com wont let me :*( - December 25, 2002 by David Black
Damn You Adrian!!!!! - I'll hate you for this. Your plug-in shattered the windows on my armoured(bullet-proof)Mercedes Benz S600. I would have sued you but I think I will do that after you release Enhancer for Winamp3. I love you and Enhancer. (This is the only thing that's stopping me from making the move to Winamp3 so please hurry up!!). Good Luck in all you do. Keep on kickig Dee & DFX ass!! - December 22, 2002 by Tafadzwa Mudhokwani
You Gotta Hear This Kick Ass Plug-In - This baby makes mp3s sound great even with headphones or small speakers. Best of all - December 20, 2002 by Alfred Flores
Hell Ya - This is it. The search for the perfect winamp plugin has been found. no more screwing around with crap presents that only work for one song and screw up the next. - December 18, 2002 by Suicide Al
Great plugin well worth downloading - this is a great plugin i thought I will never turn this one off!!!! - December 18, 2002 by Sam Burns
The Best enhancer available - Simple, easy to use, and great sound enhancement. Much better than the rubbish that is DFX. You really need this if you're playing music on your PC. And you don't have to pay/register etc. for it at all. Excellente. - December 12, 2002 by Michael Brien
No more playing with EQ. - The Best! get a better speaker set and enjoy. Don't mess with EQ anymore. - November 17, 2002 by Adam Hunter
Its great - This plugin is really good for acoustic sound.Very clear and the club ambience preset kicks ass!:) On the downside though,its not really good for high pitched lyrics as I have noticed some distortion during some of my songs.Download it anyway.The club ambience preset itself is worth it.4 stars just for making it free.It feels like I'm clubbin everytime i use it.And yes,the Bass sounds great with this.My book cabinet's glass panes shook a lot. - November 15, 2002 by Josian Tay
Satisfaction - this is the best darn plug-in! Thanks Adrian,i can rattle my skull now. i have head-phones,since ilive in an apartment, and when i used the Head-phones setting on the WA EQ,i got this low bass junk, and i'm a bass junky...using Enhancer,i get the quality i need with my headset, and the skull-rattlin' bass i love. THANKS AGAIN, ADRIAN! - November 11, 2002 by David Mayernik
Beautiful - Take any other sound enhancer out there.... and immediately uninstall it. This is the ONLY thing you will need. And now that there is a plugin for winamp 3 that lets you use Winamp2 DSP plugins there is ABSOLUTELY no reason that this shouldn't be on every music lover's hard drive. - November 10, 2002 by Five Cent
Really good plug-in - Makes music sound better. Waitin for a Winamp 3 compatible version - November 7, 2002 by Marco Antonio
Great - Does not work with vidamp, but otherwise it's perfect. - November 1, 2002 by Kenny Yan
Without Enhancer you have nothing you can call sound! - If you have Winamp,you've got to have Enhancer! With Winamp,Enhancer and Simply surround you got the best sound you can get! - October 5, 2002 by Roine Andersson
This Makes 1 Speaker Kick Ass - I happen to be in a somewhat unfortunate situation...one of my speakers on my computer died...I have one left...ENHANCER 017...made it all okay...in fact...the one speaker I have now makes my 950+ MP3's sound better than when I had 2 speakers and "another" "plug-in"...Enhancer creater + Genius..Thankyou!!!! I mean it!!! - September 29, 2002 by Den Haz
This plugin just owns - I dont have pretty much more to say , this plugin just gives an incredible output when tweaked correclty so take 5mins of your time downloading and setting it then you wont regret it , even if your soundcard isnt that evolved . A MUST HAVE !! I am waiting for the version compatible with winamp3 ... (This plugin is the only reason im not switching to winamp3 : it beats easily DFX ...) - September 27, 2002 by webthrilla webthrilla
kicks ass - This dsp beats the hell out of DFX and best of all its totaly free!!!! - September 23, 2002 by trevor faith
Dont Leave Without it !!! - The only reason I *dont* upgrade to Winamp 3.0 is because this plugin wont work with it! I LiVE for this PlugIn! - You Go Boy! - August 31, 2002 by David Falkner
just P E R F E C T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - It's excellent!!! W o W ! If you have large speakers just check out the harmonic bass!!! For more info just ask my neighbours :)))) The program deserves 7 stars, not only 5! IT IS THE B E S T DSP PLUGIN!!! I have test out ALL dsp plugins, but this is 10 times better than everything else, including these 10-20$ SHITZ GONGRATULATIONS FOR THE AUTHOR!!!!! Keep up the good work man!!! - August 17, 2002 by dynamitar maniaka
wowy great sound... - has a problem with solos,but the sound is soo... great - good work,dudes! - August 14, 2002 by andreas finken
Stellar! Outstanding! Perfect! - Been using Enhancer since the 1st version. Easy to use / install. 'Enhancer' says it all; makes my POS sound system sound GREAT! - August 8, 2002 by Fred Smith
OMG - This has to be the best dsp effect ive ever had....... - August 4, 2002 by Sean Shannon
Volume control ain't great - This plug in is probably the greatest made, apart from the volume control. If you leave it at 10 for example, when a solo comes in, the music goes really loud (see for yourself). It wuold get 5 star if they left out that control... Apart from this though, it's excellent; simple but functional, just like winamp - August 1, 2002 by Logs Jiblose
What a great DSP plug in - What can I say.....It is a must download plug in. Bye bye DFX. - July 30, 2002 by denox d
Great - Works great on my puter! Have it hooked up to my sound system and it puts the room inside the sound!! Perfection! - July 28, 2002 by stefan choquette
Tha Shiznig - I should add.... that I think that Winamp creator, should make this plug-in an attachable face to the winamp Stereo Unit. - July 27, 2002 by Perry Rochester
The only dsp plug in i use - I have to say, this is the best dsp plug-in I've ever used. The one star off is for the fact that it doesn't allow winamp to have multiple instances. Otherwise it does deserve 5 stars. - July 22, 2002 by Tebogo Mabusela
Excellent for that extra richness - Brilliant. Load up a preset and you've got the wonderfully rich sound that you get from an expensive in-car radio. (Combine it with the Fusion skin and WinAmp *looks* like one too! ;) ) - July 22, 2002 by Philip Boulain
best deal for free - "well it is the best deal for free you can get" only problem is with the volume which atomatically lower itself down which is very irritating WORK ON IT "other thing are cool" - July 20, 2002 by rahul balli
Perfect! - Just perfect! - July 17, 2002 by Gustavo Serra
Kewl - Great presets. Added it to my creative mixer tweaks. Highly reccomend it. - July 17, 2002 by D Bogan
Calkiem, Calkiem - Trzeba przyznac, ze niezla to rzecz. Spelnia podstawowe wymogi: maly, z duza iloscia opcji, funkcjonalny. Osobiscie nie toleruje "potworow" wiekszycz od mojego ampa. Ten enhancerek + much fx2 + simply surround i oczywiscie winamp daja w sumie rewelacyjny zestaw muzyczny na kompa z mozliwoscia rozbudowy w miare mozliwosci sprzetowych. pozdrawiam Jafa - July 16, 2002 by jack luka
BEST BASS EVER! Beats Dfx, Dee, etc. hands down. - It is nice that someone has finally created a plug-in with features that are actually useful! My favourite option is the harmonic bass. I was seriously considering purchasing a subharmonic synthesizer, and then I stumbled upon this fantastic plug-in that just about made me pee my pants. Granted, the "Harmonic Bass" is not quite a classic dbx and the "Harmonic Treble" is far from a mature Aphex, but they are about as close as a person can get for free. I am an extremely critical listener, and even with my studio reference monitors and professional studio headphones it is difficult to pick out distortion or other sound quality problems with this plug-in. The biggest shortcoming is that the volume leveler, while actually not that terrible, cannot be defeated. If there was the option of turning off the leveler then this plug-in would be six starts out of five. VERY nice job! - July 4, 2002 by Michael Norton
Totally Awsome - This sound enhancer is some much better than dfx, and the best thing abou tis that you dont have to pay for it. If i were you i would download this over DFX. - June 30, 2002 by Duo Maxwell
I Need Consistent Volume - I've tried Enhancer 017 and am quite satisfied to what it does to my mp3's. But there's one thing about Enhancer that didn't escape my hard-to-please music taste is the intermittent "VOLUME SPIKE". I hope Adrian could fix this "volume surge" problem then I would for sure, stick to Enhancer. Right now, I prefer Tomass' Limiter despite its lack of bass punch. Of course, the cracked version of Octimax and Dee 1.20 is worth mentioning. More Work!!! - June 27, 2002 by Gene Garcia
the s*** - pure ear candy! plain and simple. - June 25, 2002 by Paul Tuck
Better than throwing out the laptop... - I've never really appreciated what a good sound card *really* does for you until I bought my new laptop. It's a dell latitude with an ESS Maestro PCI sound "card" in it. I was so excited, I went out and bought a new pair of Sony folding studio headphones just to listen to mp3's on this thing with. I loaded up an old old favorite, "...And Justice for All", and thought I'd plugged the headphones into the wrong jack. I tried 4 or 5 other DSPs from the winamp site (who shall remain nameless). They had flashy slick skins and UI, but they sounded either distorted, too extreme (no finesse in adjustment), or like someone had just discovered phase changing and reverb....until I had the good fortune of plugging in the Enhancer 017. Thank GOD! It has made my mp3's not only listenable on this cra**y sound card, but a true and wonderful pleasure. Just open it up and hit "general improvements", no fuss, no muss, no playing with endless sliders that go from "suck" to "SUCK". Adrian Losif, I owe you a debt of gratitude! - June 21, 2002 by Jack Jack
NO DISTORTION - This is the best DSP for Winamp, I have clear crisp sound with no distortion like I found on other DSP plug ins - June 20, 2002 by Gary Zwicke
cool - it's very cool proga - June 19, 2002 by Ivan Turutin
Keep up the good work and come with a new version! - This is The best DSP... I dont write much on this comment but anyway this makes my winAmp wake with a new space and sound. Im sattisfied with this plugin and waiting for the new version and improvement. - June 19, 2002 by EED the EQ Designer
Good Sounds - I downloaded several DSPs, including the $29.99 one, and toggled them back and forth while playing an inferior "Gold-Dust Woman". The Enhancer did the best. Better than I thought it could do. Rock steady was barely adequate, and the buyware sucked, though it uninstalled real easy like. - June 16, 2002 by cynthia greythorne
This is the GREATEAST - I love this plugin. This thing rules. I downloaded it and noticed a difference first thing. It increased and improved the sound, EVERYONE SHOULD TRY THIS PLUGIN!!!!!! - June 16, 2002 by Al Pennyworth
Who could complain? - Anybody who says this DL sucks is just plain stupid... Sounds better than the DFX setup that u have to pay for, by FAR!!! I sent the author of this $20 through his website (paypal) just to let him know. All others who complain? Stupid. - June 10, 2002 by Vaughn Hawk
Best DSP I found yet - This thing is amazing just want to congratulate Adrian Iosif for making this Digital Signal Processing program and improving the sound of my MP3's. Keep up the good work and I would like to see a newer version when you have some time. - June 10, 2002 by Marty Lalonde
Best Thing Since Sliced Bread - Unlike a lot of the shareware programs that promise the world,this one really measures up to the challenge of creating great sound.I have around 10 presets on the winamp equalizer that I go back and forth between,but since finding this program I have a greater appreciation for some of the talent that is out there and tip my hat to those who see fit to share what they know wiht the masses for no other benifit then to make the experience better for all. - June 9, 2002 by Mike Deacon
My PlugIn - What a grat thing! Really enhances my sound! Much better than DFX :-) - June 9, 2002 by Armin Rettl
Fantastic!!! Must Download!!! - This is a really fantastic and great plugin!!! U must really download it!!! It comes with a skin that is blue in colour!!! Well, I love blue! Thanks for the person who created this plugin! U've made my songs sound so much better and nicer... What's more, this plugin is completely FREE!!! If there are 10 stars to be given, I'll give the full 10 stars! Sure to download this plugin! U'll regret if U don't download it! Hesitate no more! - June 8, 2002 by Teo Linda
Very nice work - I've never used the Winamp equalizer, although it often produces some great results, because an equalizer requires constant attention and it can be very hard to find the perfect setting for your tastes for every song. I was randomly browsing the plugin archive and found this. Very nice stuff. The name says it all: enhancer. It's not like those other plugins that will drastically affect the music to make it sound artificial. If you set it to normal, you'll find that it does some very soft enhancements to the music. The richer bass is great, it doesn't sound anything like a cheap bass boost. I also noticed a definitive enhancement in the separation of frequencies. At first I hated the volume adjusment feature. It boosted the soft passages to an intolerable level and ruined the dynamic range. After toying with it though, I found that by setting the volume slider to 5, it will not boost any soft passages and will simply prevent distortion. Set up this way, it really is a great feature. A good test for this is Karma Police by Radiohead. After the original wonderful piano piece, the drum kicks in and has some godawful distortion that makes it impossible to listen to it loud. This plugin intelligently adjusted the volume level without making it sound farther away. Don't get me wrong here, I always have had some great sound from Winamp. My sound card is a M-Audio Audiophile 2496, which is a semi-professional stereo sound card with RCA outputs that cost me 300$CAN. It's one of the best rated card on the market and puts any SoundBlaster card to shame. As for the stereo system it's a JVC FS-G6 micro system. It has a MOS-FET amplifier and sounds absolutely wonderful. But the Enhancer really gave it that extra push from great to excellent. To the audio purists who say you shouldn't use DSP because it screws up the sound, I say try this. Put it on normal, set the volume to 5 and the harmonic treble to 4. You'll be amazed at how much difference it makes. - June 5, 2002 by Patrick Mineault
The best plugin!! - This is the plugin to make my room to become a club. Hard hittin bass till you can feel it in your chest with my good woofer and not for the faint hearted but I only hate one thing about it. The auto volume control annoys me. I hope the developer do something to enable the user to stop that thing. Overall.. It's the best!! - June 3, 2002 by Eddy Vlad
Best of the Best - This plugin is the best I've used in years! I've tried lots of DSP plugins, including the latest DFX, Dee,... None of them even comes close! It may not look as slick as DEE or DFX plugin, but its quality is superior to both. Since I usually have my Winamp minimize, look is not an issue. It may be hard to understand what each of the control does, but the presets more than make up for it. "Inside the music" and "Club Ambience" rock!!! Why pay for DFX when you can you get a much better plugin for free? - June 2, 2002 by Tr Ng
Journeyman - My ears actually smiled. Thank you for an excellent plug-in. Simple, effective, not a resource hog. I appreciate the work that went into creating a masterpiece by a true artist. - May 30, 2002 by Roman Giebultowski
OH YEAH! - This plug is great. i got loadsa mp3s, and this program not only makes them all sound great (more bass, less distortion with high volumes and bad spkrs), it seems to actually make the track louder from my crappy speakers, and the volume limiter makes a pretty effective normaliser. only grouch i have is that there seems to b a glitch as the tracks change. other than that its perfect! (download it, and set it to close, or inside ;) ) keep up the good work. nice one! - May 30, 2002 by JB HOWARD
THIS is what you NEED - this thing is so great, its this little tiny program and it doesnt look like it does nothin but then you work it and it does. i love the extra bass (even with a subwoofer!) and the "inside the music" option. kick ass, dude... - May 27, 2002 by liz mulder
The Best Sound Outta My Sharp Stereo System - i thought the first one sucked, the second was like a "coming of age" type thing it was nice, but this one is beautiful. Its more of everything you want from DFX and its FREE!!! Anyway why would you make an expensive tool for a FREE PRODUCT!!! DFX PEOPLE STOP MAKING PEOPLE PAY!!! MAKE IT FOR WINDOWS MEDIA OR REAL PLAYER NOT FOR WINAMP OR SONIQUE - May 22, 2002 by Vernon Jordan
BIG SMILES ALL ROUND - first thing, i will never turn this plugin off ever again, my ears have heard the light. i give it four stars because if there is a slight distortion in the background of the tune it sometimes amplifys it. other than that its feking wicked. - May 13, 2002 by Russta Be-Boy
Dis is da bomb - JUs downloaded dis today. I plugged my pc up 2 my mini system and it jus givs out da meanest bass. Dis really adds a big punch to my mp3's. Specially rock music. Dis is by far surely da best out of all plug-ins dat i hav. Dis is all sweet and all but...skins???. Still 5 stars though. - May 11, 2002 by Shane C
Superb! - I had no idea my music could sound like this! I have a Celeron(667MHz) and a CHEAP sound card. Using my headphones, I got the crispest, cleanest bass and treble sounds at full volume. Granted, I have high quality Sony Dynamic Stereo Headphones, but I have never gotten such perfect sound from any software on my PC. Plus, the ambience effects provide for some fun possibilities! I give this 5 stars, but it deserves 10! - May 5, 2002 by Art Sire
kickz sum ass - right on a good dsp for free. I love how it monitors the gain and keeps everything even. Excellent plug in must try this. All you dumbshitz tryin to charge money for dsp's are in trouble!!@!!!! - May 4, 2002 by steven smith
THE BEST - I've used many DSP plug-ins before, like DFX & Octimax, but this is the BEST by far that I've seen. - May 4, 2002 by Christopher Richardson
UNBELIEVABLE - This is by far the absolute greatest enhancer I have ever seen. I do want to add that you must have good quality headphones or speakers in order to appreciate the UNBELIEVABLE enhanced sound that is produced by this plug-in. What a work of art. People with poor quality speakers of any kind should not be rating this Masterpiece. You rule Adrian !! - May 1, 2002 by Robert Love
Not for processors below Pentium MMX... - I tested this plugin on my Pentium 90MHz computer and it stunk like bad fish. That said, if I had a better processor, it would run faster. So, if you have an ancient processor, this plugin is definitely not for you, unless you want to hear your song slowed down to a point that...it....sounds....like...t....h....i....s... Otherwise, enjoy, but if your processor is in the days of the caveman, good luck!!! - April 30, 2002 by JoJo Salazar
Good... it's a pig, but it's good. - This plug-in gives you good results on enhancing sound. The only problem is that it requires all your computer's attention. If there's a heavy process going on in another window, you start hearing some pops. Good sound - April 29, 2002 by Guillermo Morales
best tool for enhancing - i used dee for a long time but dee brings me some of the bass from the speakers so if the song was heavey bass like it makes little distortion but when i used this it makes it all crystal clear sub woofer bass all you have to do is setting its volume to 5 or less and increase the vocal volume in the winamp equalizer and you're rocking - April 29, 2002 by Adel Moustafa
No Chalange - Adrian, many enhancer i have come across, but never i have seen such a good one. Too bad they only have 5 stars to give, if posible 10 stars!!!! Just one thing, add more presets next time - April 25, 2002 by Fabian Lim
It's Ok - Well It's good butnotfor bass lovers - April 22, 2002 by Amol Jadhav
Best tool ever - Really good smooth sound producer!!!! - April 22, 2002 by aj macey
Too Good - this is some tite shiet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! keep up the good work!! music has never sounded better!!!!!! -Peace - April 21, 2002 by Genh-Ty Hinh
Fantastic !!! - This one is the BEST winamp dsp plugin ever!!! Thanks for making this one for us. Hats off to you man!!! - April 18, 2002 by Arun Anandhakrishnan
ABSOLUTLY THE BEST!!! - After you lissen to your songs with this you will never lissen to them without it. This Enhancer makes the music sound more clear and better, and I have not had 1 single problem with it at all. After lissing to my songs for about 20 minuets, I turned it off and my normal sound, sounded muffled and sicking, that is how much this plug-in increases your sounds quality. Now that I have this Plug-in, I dont lissing to music without it. It comes with very nice presets to it aswell, with all the different settings, there is no way youll have lissen to your music in every way. If your looking for something to make your music sound better, something that will enhance your songs you "Use to Lissen To" and make them songs "You Are Lissing To". You would have to be insane to not download this or not like it. I took the chance to download it and see if it actully worked, and all I got to say is, Im glad i did! Nothing better then tweaking your songs to make them sound even better than before. Exallent Plug-in I give it 5 Stars and I Highly Recomended It!!!!! - April 17, 2002 by Brandon Kramer
Worst shiat - welll , this one is a buggar ?? changing and mixing frequencies of the music which was build like it was built (hehe) sucks.... you dont change the color of your shirts after buying , do you ? Well, it totally screwed my Sound !!! This could come in handy for people with only active-boxes at their PC ... those guys which cant afford an amplifier and some good Membrans. btw, it just made the basses huge , leaving the rest as it was , while - i can just say it again - ruining the sound and the specific creation of it p.S. I have very good trained ears so not everybody may experience this loss of "sound" ;/ - April 15, 2002 by shad shad
good stuff - Well done, better than DFX, but who knows, its all up to individual tastes (and soundcards and speakers). I like using the General Improvements preset and boost with the auto Winamp Rock preset. - April 15, 2002 by Richard Minter
What's with the eye candy? - It does a lot but stereo widening is the main feature I want, and you've removed it. I'm going back to version 015. - April 13, 2002 by karl stringer
This really is the dog's B*******s - This is fantastic. It leaves the standard equilizer standing, and leaves DSP by Dee standing too! Great sound quality - everything I want boosted is boosted, and... there is NO distortion! Equilizer and Dee both clipped quite badly, but this great plug-in keeps the sound clean. I love it. You can adjust the bass and treble as expected, but you can even boost the Drums independently. Some of the presets are a little weak, but I'm using "Party! (more bass)" and it is just excellent. The icing on the cake? It's skinnable! I will be adding skin for this plug-in to my existing skins. Very well done indeed - and such a small download - how did you do it? - April 13, 2002 by Dave Ryman
hmmmmm...! - well its good if you do not have DFX or simply surround.... - April 11, 2002 by uday kiran
Chuffin Ace! - It dont look too wonderfull and it has a few little bugs (nothing too serious that I have found yet). But lets not get carried away, its purpose isnt to look nice, its purpose is to make your music sound better and that it most definately does! I tried it with some decent quality music and it sounded good, so I decided to test the thing properly. I have some bad quality music (I will keep the incriminating evidence of what songs they are to myself!!!), anyway, it really does make a difference. I have tested the presets (not extensively yet) but they have been very usefull so far. To be honest, I was a little sceptical at first, but it does work, you wanna enhancer that does what it is supposed to do, rather than looking ace?! Download this! and its only 104KB! Well done kid! - April 11, 2002 by Richard Brown
Good but... - I have installed OctiMax too, and find it much better... I know that it's not free, and that's something that counts... But with enhancer, i have tried all presets, and it does not compare at all with OctiMax... OctiMax gives more depth to my music than enhancer. - April 5, 2002 by Yanick McDonald
Unbelievable! - This shit is really cool! I've never seen nothing like that... Now stop reading that crap and download "Enhancer 017", your ears will love it! p.s. Adrian is the BEST! - April 5, 2002 by Michael Kononov
Beautiful - This is by far the best sound enhancer for Winamp. The depth is perfect and all the presets are very cool. A must have for high-quality sound. - April 5, 2002 by Benjamin Wheat
Is the best GOOD Reverb... - ??! What do you want for FREE Brandon Wolgast?, I still thinkin' Enhancer 017 is better than Octimax (Is shareware ???), Octimax slow down the computer resources... - April 4, 2002 by Jafo C-Null
This is good....but Octimax is better - I've been looking for a LONG time for a good plugin that gives you constant volume without making the music sound like crap. This one is the best FREE one out there - but after comparing it to Octimax on a variety of different kinds of music - Octimax controls the volume better without distorting the music. The only disadvantage to Octimax is that it will cost you $20 - but if you listen to your mp3 player a lot - it is well worth it. - March 29, 2002 by Brandon Wolgast
Phenomonal - I tried a bunch of Sound Enhancers from the Winamp website for plug-ins...and I looked through them all looking for just the right easy one to use but with good sound...this one by far kicks major butt beyond belief, I knew it as soon as I turned it on...I love the automatic compression of audio so that it stays at a constant level and doesn't go up if the song does, it's beautiful...I wouldn't even bother too look for other plug-ins to see if there are any better ones... - March 28, 2002 by Chris Johnson
excellent - I have tried all the other dsp plugins but found that enhancer is the best. - March 20, 2002 by raj khan
Not very user friendly - This plug in does inprove sound but it is not very user friendly! - March 19, 2002 by Chris Dowden
not bad to use if you have cheap speakers - i've tried numerous DSP plugins and just like the others, this one fails to impress. it made my shoutcast streams sound great (unless they were under 64 bitrate). as for all my other mp3s, they sounded like utter crap. i tweaked this thing to death and they all sounded terrible, either too high on treble or not enough and the volume kept going up and down. sure, this may sound great on cheap altec speakers but i have a pair of Cerwin Vega AT-15s powered by a 300w receiver and any mp3 sounded like crap using this plugin. - March 17, 2002 by Richard Foshee
Perfect - This is by far the best DSP out there. The quality is amazing. I've tried many others, but none come close to this. Everything sounds so much better! - March 14, 2002 by Ken Marshall
amazing - This DSP plugin is... Words can't describe how ingenius this plugin is. The moment I loaded it, it immediately loaded some sort of enhancement, and straight away I was merely 'wow'. I've listened to a few of the plugins, and found that I like the 'room ambience' one with a couple of modifications best. This plugin is worth more than the 5 stars I gave it. - March 10, 2002 by David Pardy
Amazing, and FREE - I've got a stack of DSPs installed, but I continually return to Enhancer. It provides more (and better working) options than most commercial plugins I've tried. Also, it performs excellently on even slow machines. Download it NOW! - March 9, 2002 by Patrick M
And I thought Dee was good... - i used Dee for a long time and it really enhanced my mp3s...and then i saw this. it made my mp3s sound a lot crisper and added deeper base with little distortion. its stable and sounds good even with my so-so sound card and speakers. now i can bump it! - March 9, 2002 by Eddie G
Aqui hay rollo - El plug-in es bueno pero en algunos casos destroza el sonido de algunos archivos. De no ser por ello hubiera sacado las 5 estrellas - March 8, 2002 by Aldemar Hernandez
Excellent! - What can I add to all these great reviews? I thought that Mp3's sounded great on my 5.1 speakers... until I tried Enhancer... Enhancer RULES!!!!!! Thanks for an awesome plugin!!!! (and it's skinnable too) - March 6, 2002 by Clifford Gordon
VERY GOOD - good sound, easy to use and very flexible. u can save your presets, easy make skin, not crashing your system. go to adrian's web-site, there are some more nice things - March 5, 2002 by jacek karma
GREAT IMPROVEMENT! - Nice woek on this DSP! It does produce a better sound. Just what I was looking for! - March 4, 2002 by WILLIAM SHULTZ
Best Of The Best - At first I was using Enhancer. And it was GREAT! Then I downloaded Dee and tried it. It was great too, but I returned to Enhancer. Why? Cause Enhancer is better. ;-) - March 4, 2002 by Dmitriy Privalov
Better Sound? - This plug is definately the greatest audio enhancer ever. Winamp is good, but Enhancer 017 makes Winamp great. If you haven't downloaded it yet, make sure you do. Note to the author, you should make an Enhancer with volume disabler capabilities because the volume sometimes messes around on good songs. The deep bass is so sweet, then you get a smooth intermission of guitar or keys, the volume goes up drastically, then suddenly it drops again as the bass kicks in. Other than that, this is the best plug! (If I could've given you 10 stars I would've) - March 1, 2002 by Jonathan Valencia
How 'bout some skin - Nice DSP. Good sound enhancement but does lake some depth. Ocerall it is very good and thus far I've decided to keep it. I'm stacking it with Dee and DeCiEq which seems to do weel together. Next bi challenge for you guys is to make this self skinnable like many others are doing. Then it would be a 5. - February 28, 2002 by Don Perrett
Extreme improvement - THis is a great plugin. The sound difference is incredible. THe only suggestion I have is to give an option to turn the volume equalizer off. It ruins certain effects of some songs. Put that option on there and you got five stars. - February 28, 2002 by Andrew Ensley
Fantastic S**t - Well worth the download, now I can feel like im at a concert in my own living room! OH YEAH! - February 27, 2002 by Neil Richardson
MrProlongg - Great Plug-in but, does not work well using Windows XP and the associated WDM driver! Lots of snap, crackle and pop. It's great with Win 9x drivers. Could use an update for Win XP users. - February 24, 2002 by Skip Longg
Definitely better than DEE - Dee was the first ever DSP I downloaded....... This one is better No Doubt about it. - February 23, 2002 by Devender Chopra
GreaT! - Great! Great effects. Loudness effect is pretty nice. I think I've tried all DSP plug-ins so far and this is definately one of the best. Not 5 stars, cuz Dee's 3d effects are better and bass could be a bit better. - February 20, 2002 by Abi S.
5 stars times 10 - Better than all the others I have tried. Extremely awesome. You have got to have this one if you want the best. - February 18, 2002 by Marvin Elmer
OH YEH !!! - This plug-in kicks butt !!!! Improved my net radio broadcast stream, sounds alot better! Good Job !!! - February 18, 2002 by Derek Ruff
Wow! This is by far the best. - It has enough range to let you tailor your sound to your taste, and does a great job of boosting all frequencys and providing quite a bit of warmth. I really hope there will be updates to this great plugin, because I have yet to find anything even close. - February 17, 2002 by Chris Sparks
Reaching Perfection - I've experienced the 0.15 release, and already it was kind of wonderful; but to achieve the best acoustic effect some loudness was sacrified. This release keeps up with the expectatives from the former version. Compliments for the pleasant sound, rich, clear and undistorted. Almost like Dolby, as I told the author - February 13, 2002 by Cedric Foko
Just great! Get the Enhancer!!! - Should I say 'wow'? Get the Enhancer now. Check out the ambience - it's superb! - February 10, 2002 by Vijay Krishna
WOOOOOOOW - I didn`t know that something like that could do such a thing... I am verry happy that i have this plugin i Think it`s great if you think other way..... YOU ARE WRONG ! ;] - February 10, 2002 by Rafal Esssss
This a great Program - I just love this program. It has made a big difference in my music. I recommend it to everyone. - February 10, 2002 by Michael D. Krochter
Convinced - I downloaded Dee yesterday and thought it was good, but read some of its reviews that mentioned Enhancer being better. I downloaded it just now, and I'm convinced. Great bass, no distortion and no clipping - excellent. - February 7, 2002 by Charles Osborne
AWESOME!!! - This thing rocks!! It really puts out the bass!!! And why would I buy a wowthing when this is free??? Why ever buy anything when you can get something for free??? Keep up the good work man - February 5, 2002 by Mike Rill
THE BEST I'VE HEARD - No longer does your music sound like a recording that you got off the net, but it sounds like a live performance. No more muffled music for THE MUZIK MAN!!! - February 3, 2002 by Jason Harker
DOES NOT BEAT WOW THING - as if this thing could EVER beat wow thing. i downloaded it and switched off my box and compared it to my wow box and the box was better. ALL HAIL THE WOW BOX THAT IS ON MY COMPUTER!!!! you can buy one at wowthing.com - February 2, 2002 by Scott Kraemer
Its Good ! - its good ! my music has got a new life ! il give 4 start.. because it isnt 100% bug free. some times there is a crackling... but it doesnt give up the fun :D - February 2, 2002 by Glenn Hendriks
aMaZiNG!!! - this is the creme de la creme of all the DSP's that i've d/led so far, thumpin' bass, screamin' treble, and an ambience to make ya cream 'em...good job, sais i :D - January 29, 2002 by Stu Armstrong
Ummmmm, no thanks - Sorry to be negative, but this plugin degraded everything I listened to, either local mp3 or stream. Even customization produced little good to my ears. Just giving my humble opinion, sorry. - January 26, 2002 by Mark Catroppa
Det er fantastisk ! - This is a real good one. Well worth a download! - January 25, 2002 by Tom Chamberlain
Nothing Better - I've tried a lot of different DSP's and there isn't one better than Enhancer for the performance and the price. You notice the improvement in the quality of the sound immediately. Listen for a while and then turn it off. The difference is amazing. There are many presets and they are easy to use. I looked around for a few more after I got Enhancer and there just aren't any that I like better. I would like a few more presets to cover prog rock, ambient and space music but the mainstream types are there. I love listening to music I just don't understand the frequencies and dynamics and harmonic stuff so the more presets the better. - January 24, 2002 by Gerry Oliver
Absolutely Fab !!!! - What a plug in ! Even my wife can hear the difference and she is tone deaf !! My 5.1 soundcard has never sounded better. - January 22, 2002 by David Armstrong
Best of the best!!!! - Download it now!!!!!!I have seen a very big difference since the quality it's excellent!!!Thank you enhancer 017...Now i can see what a sound blaster live 5.1 can do..................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - January 19, 2002 by george923 tourtsis
Really improves sound - I was kinda skeptical about how well this would improve sound, but it did much better than I thought. I like it =) - January 18, 2002 by Brad Benedict
Get it! Get it..?! - I just want to share my experience of using various DSPs. DFX: Sounds OK but lack of warmth and limited controls over treble. 3 STARS. Izotope Ozone: Better, but it's like you're running another application. Eats your CPU. 3 STARS. SINCE WHEN YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR VIRTUAL DSPs? Dee: It's free but it'll make your winamp sounds worse. 2 STARS. Enhance MP3: Pure s**t. 1 STAR. Enhancer: 50-100% better than the above. Powerful bass, clear treble. Good controls. Good presets. Skinable, snapable. Please help me find the drawbacks, I can't find any. >5 STARS. You can try all of the above but I'm sure that you'll throw em away except Enhancer. - January 15, 2002 by Blues Brother
WOW!!! Krazy Kimahri was RIGHT! - This Stuff ROCKS Man!---Yeah that means YOU Shut-up and DO EVERYTHING that Krazy Kimarhi tells you! Peace! - January 14, 2002 by Freshboy Bizarro
The Best You Can Get - Superb Sound Quality. Great for enhancing the bass and creating Live effect. This plugin is very useful when recording from PC to tape. All I can say is GRAB IT!!! Really Great Job! - January 14, 2002 by Borislav Gerassimov
The greatest plugin ever - I use a Stereo-Link 1200 USB 20 bit DAC with >100dB S/N Ratio feeding into a GAS ampzilla 700W amp driving a set of Dhalquist DQ-10 speakers, for the absolute best sound quality possible. I am a total audiophile, and demand perfect sound. But even with this high end audiphile equipment MP3 just didn't have the warmth, and bass response that I wanted. I have been using DEE for a long time.. I was very un happy with the distortion that plugin introduced. Enhancer does not introduce distortion, it won't allow cliping. The sound quality is 100 times better than any other plugin I have used. As for dynamics, I set my gain at 4 or 5 and it doesn't change the dynamics of the music at all. The quality is truly amazing - January 14, 2002 by Aaron Edwards
Well...good sound...less$$$$ - Finally something we can all use!!! This sure makes a difference on my pc sound let me tell ya!! - January 13, 2002 by Jamie Fenton
Really enhances your audio - I tried with another DSP plugins, but I tell you one simple thing, it's the best of the best DSP pluging that I ever seen, high quality, multiple functions and cool skins, man, God gave us this plugin. - January 10, 2002 by Karlo Cuadros
Considering DFX5 ? - Save the cash and get this instead... I'm blown away!!! I thought my system rocked without it. I didnt know what I was missing!! Find out what your missing, download it now! - January 8, 2002 by Robert Carrasco
DEEP BASSES! AMAZING TREBLES! - After experiencing some drastic improvements of my mp3s, I think Winamp should really make Enhancer as it's default DSP plugin! How about in Winamp 3! - January 8, 2002 by Ricky Lobos
Wow, what a Sound!!! - This is absolutley the best Winamp plug-in I've ever heard. - And I know what I'm talking about!!! I've worked with several different effects, tube-preamps etc. in my homerecordingstudio and during concerts but this is truly the best "non-professional", non-comercial, ... plug-in I've ever seen (and heart!!!)!!! - great sound!!! - easy to use!!! - variable!!! - not to extreme!!! (if you don't want to) - (less 104kb) - ... and much more! Great job man!!!! - Go on for music! PS: To all this silly guys who posed that you wouldn?t be able to turn off the automatic volume-control: Nothin's easier!!!! -> Put the button "max" under "Volume" to the middle position (5) or even more left (4 or 3) and it'll do nothin at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Try before writing bull-shit and making this great(!) plug-in worse than it is! This plug-in is real great. - Just play al little more with it and try different settings! You'll see and hear the quality of this plug-in! ;) - January 7, 2002 by Simon Weihe
Simply the best - I've been using winamp for a very long time and this is the first DSP/effect plugin that's actually been worth downloading - I usually don't comment on these things either but this plugin simply KICKS ASS...download it now and you'll know what i'm talking about (check out the presets) - January 6, 2002 by Mike KaicZar
The Best - This is simply the best dsp plugin for Winamp to date. - January 2, 2002 by JoJo JoMofo
Interesting - This plugin works well, and makes the music sound better. If you have nothing better to do, you'd better download it. :) - January 1, 2002 by Thomas Dickson
WHOOOOOOAH - Whoever is reading this, please download this plugin...Yes you! NOW! This it the best damn plugin ever made! Kicks DFX's @$$! ALSO IS FREE!!! Great sound! Can control sound volume and range of bass drums, bass notes, treble, and ambience (reverb) THIS IS TRUELY AN OUTSTANDING EFFECT PLUGIN, Great job Adrian! - January 1, 2002 by Kimahri Ronso
Excellent - Great plug-in! I usually connect my PC to my home teather, but it never been better than after i installed this plug-in.! - December 30, 2001 by Juliano de Aguiar
get it n' u won't regret it - simply the best dsp plugin.. and it's getting better n better - December 30, 2001 by hairil sahar
Amazing - This has got to be one of the best DSP plugins out there, much better than DFX (and it's free) It gives very good audio enhancement, with little CPU and Memory use. Overall a piece of software - December 30, 2001 by DemoN EmperoR
fix the volume control - Great!!!!!!!!! but that volume control is shit you need to be able to set the volume but everything else is great! fix the volume control and its 5 stars. - December 30, 2001 by Daniel Carr
Awesome!!!!! - And even more incredible, in keeping with the Winamp tradition(it's free), a quality plug-in, and free! It goes beyond DFX, and I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S FREE!!!!!!! - December 27, 2001 by Stanley Churchill
What can i say! - My gosh, i have tried many plugins and almost given up! i even paid for one (Qmp3d from zittware.org) and nothing has come this close to perfection! well by my standerd's at least.. i do like to make the music sound good and this plug in has done the job!!! TOP MARKS - December 27, 2001 by Nigel Newman
Simple and Great - This plug-in should come with Winamp. You can really control how you want your music to sound. The bass is beautifully DEEP with certain settings! I mean it! I didn't know bass can sound so good on my earphones. It is a simple and great plug in that should be already built in to winamp. I recommend it highly. (Also, check out PITCHFORK plug-in) Another plug-in that is superb! And CROSSFADING v.95. Get all of these!! - December 25, 2001 by Attila Balla
Simply Amazing! - Just watch the Enhancer for five seconds, and see what it does for your MP3's. My MP3 software can only record MP3's at "Near CD Quality." The Enhancer brings back that energy of the CD, and then it adds some more of it's own. - December 22, 2001 by Steve Burggraaf
Fantastic - This plugin is nearly perfect. I?ve used "Dee" before. If you compare "Dee" to "Enc017", you could only say that "Dee" is purely rubbish! Bass sounds are sooooo great, you get that deep bass...Thanx! - December 22, 2001 by Mauri Valkeasuo
Good, but.... - At first, it gives a very good boost for your sound. I am a Bass and Drums freak ;-). I find it a bit difficult to sep-up, but the many presets do a very good job. The only negative point is that noise isn't filtered very well, especially on low quality mp3's. On the whole, keep up doing the good job. - December 22, 2001 by Jaap-Jan van der Veen
rolls royce of dsp's - this thing is fantastic. whoever dreamed this up is a genius. it loads like melted butter unlike some of the other crap that you have to search your whole hard drive to find where the hell it went. the slider controls are simple and easy to use instead of those stupid knobs that you cant even turn with your mouse. best of all its got fantastic 37 presets. when i first got this i was so impressed i couldnt sleep and stayed up all night playing with it. the more i use it the more i like it. i'd trade my mercedes for this if i had one. get it now before they're all gone!!!!!! - December 19, 2001 by alexander korolyk
Great Job! - This totally changes the sound of MP3's. DL this NOW!!!!! - December 15, 2001 by Jesse Quonce
This is a must-get plugin!!!!!! - Dude!!! nuff said - December 14, 2001 by jon weatherhead
Lesson learned - Bought and paid for DFX.... It is now uninstalled.. Enhancer has taken its place - December 14, 2001 by Ed Hearon
magnifico!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - sin duda alguna el mejor dsp para winamp provee de un gran sonido, es facil de usar, ademas es posible editar los skins, y para variar es gratis, que mas uno puede pedir el loco que lo hizo es un maestro, sigue asi compadre - December 12, 2001 by Juan Gaete
just another equalizer - it?s like having one extra equalizer for your winamp, it just has pretty names like Drum Bass or things like that...It makes your sound system to sound warmer tough...and the volume control it?s automatic sometimes lowers the volume and you don?t want that, it should have a manual option and an automatic option like some other versions did... - December 10, 2001 by Edmund Sterling
Beats WOW Thing! - It produces effects equivalent to or superior to the WOW Thing plugin, though it does use more CPU. It's also infinitely more adjustable and infinitely less pricey :) - December 9, 2001 by Greg Samson
Well, that about wraps it up for DFX, - I admit, I'm a cheap-ass and would just assume spend my cash on a better stereo or something rather than pay for a plug-in, but I did try out DFX, and like many people, quite liked it. Since my trial ran out, I've been sort of stock piling a bunch of different plug-ins trying to get the same sound, but it was never quite right, and it was kind of a pain having to get the settings on three different plug-ins just right (which they never were). Well, not any more. this really is the one, kids. I could sit here and name all the things about other plug-ins that piss me off, but you all know what it is about whatever you're using that just isn't quite right, and I'm telling you whatever it is this baby has a way to fix it. The adjustment options are so perfect, it's really amazing, I could go on and on, but I won't. Just download it. Now. Oh! That's another thing, I'ts a really small file which I really appreciate as I have a stong distaste for hard drive clutter. Anyway, thanks, Adrian, this really is something else. - December 9, 2001 by Erik Kerr
Download instead of DFX - Excellent...Some very nice effects. Helps out my tiny little speakers!!! - December 8, 2001 by Guy Small
I wish there were MORE STARS! - I like this plug in so much, I came back to give it ANOTHER 5 stars, because plain old 5 stars IS NOT ENOUGH! There are some really incredible things that this program does. In particular, if you have a song you really like but it sounds way too overcooked, too 'sizzly', and not enough OOOMPH to boot, there's a subtle capability built into this program. You can REMOVE as much of the original material as you want/need (by using the VERY HELPFUL "Dry Signal" slider), and dial in as much effects as you want with the "Volume" slider. This performs two functions: 1. It lets you hear just how much 'effect' you are adding, by removing the source material. All that's left after you do that is the 'effects' you've set. Then, if the source material is really damaged, you don't have to re-dial in 100%, and you can try to even it out by playing with the "Volume" and "Dry Signal" sliders until you get the right mix. By using less "Dry Signal", you can re-create and sometimes save an otherwise sonically useless song. I just redid "Danger Zone" from the Top Gun soundtrack. It's like a completely different cut now. All that harsh, raspy 'too hot sizzle' is gone, and a lot of punch is now there as well, without sounding muddy either. And with Winamp and the "Disk Writer" 'out' plug in, you can save the new version of the song to a wav file and burn it to a CD. Considering that some Direct X plug ins that are used in wav editors (for example, BBE's Sonic Maximizer, which is a really nice plug - in) cost over $100 and don't necessarily deliver a better final result than Enhancer 017, it just makes me love Enhancer 017 that much more. And I don't wanna debate the fact that Enhancer thru Winamp is 'only' editing at 16 bits while Sonic Maximizer does it at 24, because if you're burning it to cd, you have to dither it down to 16 bits anyway. I'll take the benefits of this exceptional program over the arguable benefits of those other plug ins any day. If you don't get this plug in, at least you can't say I didn't tell ya about it. lol. And no, I have no affiliation whatsoever with the author. SK - December 1, 2001 by s k
Truly the best - I've been using Dee for a while now and thought that it was about as good as it was going to get (and still, not that great) but found Enhancer recently and will never go back. The presets are good, but you really should tinker with the settings on your own to get optimal performance out of your speakers. Amazing with a quality set of headphones as well. Combine it the "CD Reader" plugin (which every WinAmp user should have -- greatly improves CD playback, links it to visualizations, and as a nice side effect, enables CD playback to take advantage of Enhancer) for some really impressive sound. And it's all free to boot. - December 1, 2001 by Brian Kim
awesome - really enhances the sound of everything, dont even have to play around with it - November 23, 2001 by erik everard
simply amazing. - because of the sheer range of this plugin, this is definitely getitng a 5. it has a preset for everyone's tastes, everyones situations, and it enhances the sound perfectly,you get distortion hardly ever. check out the far away preset, it makes you feel like you're in a different room, yet oyu're not: if you get what i'm saying. imagine you're in a rave, and you can hear the music from the next room. spot on. an almost perfect plugin, the only thing i can find wrong with this is volume adjuster. although we would like it all equalised, there is still some tracks that it should be left alone with. maybe track recognition would be the next step? or maybe individual presets for each song, that automatically loads up. now that, would be perfect. - November 22, 2001 by Adam arnold
Nice Job Adrian - I'm fairly new to Winamp but having been in the hearing and acoustics field for over twenty years, I'm pretty picky about the sound of my music. I tried a number of the so called "enhancers" but was not very impressed, including the ones that make you shell out money. Enhancer 017, however, has proved to be, at least for me, an excellent DSP plug-in. It is highly effective in enhancing MP3 file sound, is easy to use and it's FREE. The automatic level control is a nice touch, the presets work and there is an effective boost button for those that like a little more aggressive sound. I use it constantly for all my MP3 play. Is it the end-all for MP3 enhancers? Probably not, but it works well, it's simple and you can't beat the price. - November 17, 2001 by Michael Glantz
Fantasitc - 1 Word.... Fantastic especially if u have a SBlive 5.1 and the DDT3500 Speakers. Certainly a must plug-in. - November 16, 2001 by philip Kerman
It's no iZotope...**** - Click's, bug's, and ugly galore!!! Sounds O.K., but since when do we go back to sliding E.Q.? Go back to the drawing and sound board. - November 16, 2001 by Ed Snowden
Hard work deserves appreciation :) - Hi, This is a very nice plugin. I don't use it much since my SB Live! has all the feautures inbuilt but still this really comes close to that EMUchip of creative.. darn, if you could have just seen this earlier, I would have saved a lot of money ;) Anyway keep up the good work! ...later, san - November 14, 2001 by Sanchit Bhatnagar
Very Good compared to commercial counterparts - Well done Adrian, you did a good job on this plugin what I liked best about this plugin is that the amount of deep bass you can summon out of it... I just want to say to other users that I kinda stumbled upon this plugin as I was frustrated at some of the commercial plugins being inadequate in ways that don't justify the cost, if you're like me and are still looking for a decent dsp plugin I recommend that you check this out.. cmon guys this is one of those rare opportunities where you get to d/l something *good* for free. - November 14, 2001 by Brandon Gellar
Great Sound! - I tried the Dfx...this is a much better product and makes your MP3 files sound much better, espeacilly if your PC speakers are not high end... - November 11, 2001 by Allen DuBeau
Excellent!!! - Excellent DSP plugin for winamp. And minimal used of ram, good looks, and all free. Everybody must know this wonderfull plugin. Why! Because very good idea volume slider. Different mp3 has different volume but now optimized all automatically. Thank you developer. - November 10, 2001 by ozkan ozsoydan
GREAT - Great plug-in! Good job! - November 10, 2001 by Loren jamison
Awesome clear sound - damm i have replaced this with dfx :) - November 8, 2001 by william g
It's free XD Im' happy !!! - Esto es una ca?a. This is great. DFX sounds poor, like if you were into a can. Izotope Ozone, at first seems fine but if you listen hard then you realise that the sound oscillates (+-db), DEE it's pure shit... but 017 Enhancer really improves sound. Glorious. The best of it all is that it's little has a clear skin, and of course it's FREE and full operative version. THANXS - November 5, 2001 by Eduard Correal
Wow!!! - Finally a sound enhancer I can use with my (very) slow cpu! As long as you use no ambience or just a little, it can run even on slow machines (200Mhz), giving really a better sound. Very nice presets, too!! And did I say its' FREE?!?!? - November 3, 2001 by Francesco Castellana
Sweeet deep bass - I got amazing deep bass out of this Enchancer....sweeet....i recommmend it///I hooked up my RCA Kevlar Aduio system....in tense bass....my whole house was shakin////i also recommend usin this with the Gega Tube Audio System/////If you love Treble or Bass i recommend this Enhancer....Later... - November 2, 2001 by Chris unknown
This really works well - I have very wide tastes in Music. This plug in covers all of them very well. I am able to get just "that" sound. So if it's Steve Roach's, Early Man, Micheal Stearn's, Middle Time, Alan Hovahness, And God Made the Great Whales, or Madonna's Ray of Light this DSP app has got it covered. - November 1, 2001 by Kenneth A. Crips
Enhancer 071 - This baby is fantastic!! I love all the options it has!! Combine it with "Much Effects" and select the "DEfx" pluggin (if you downloaded it)and you have a sound party. It takes any lame mono recording and gives it a boost you wont believe!!! - November 1, 2001 by bassthebomb1 bomb
Who says you get what you pay for? - This little freebie beat out DFX, Izotope ozone, and Dee DSP in side by side tests. Give it a try, you'll see. - October 31, 2001 by Kenneth Oransky
Good, good, good - Very good. It enhances bass, treble and voice a lot! Good for headphones; good with big speackers or small speackers... It distorts the sound rarely, very rarely. Download now and be patient learning using it! - October 30, 2001 by Giacomo D.
not bad - its not too bad. download it if u want but if u dont ur not missing anything. on the whole im giving it a 3 - October 26, 2001 by Death Star
THE BEST - I've tried Enhancer and my Winamp sounds at its best. It brings the DEEPEST BASS and the BRIGHTEST TREBLE out of Winamp WITHOUT ANY DISTORTION. I've also visited Ady's homepage and the skins are great. Try Sony, place the main panel and the equalizer on the top, Enhancer and the playlist editor at the bottom...there you go - virtual Hi-Fi component on your desktop. Try to believe.. - October 25, 2001 by Matthew Coburn
THIS IS TOPS-HANDS DOWN!! - I've tried 'em all, and I've got to tell you without a doubt this is tops. I've been using DFX and thought it would never be beat- I was wrong! This is a must download! Great work Adrian! - October 25, 2001 by Karl Kiehn
The Best enhancer - It sounds slightly better than Dee, doesn't kill my CPU (iZotope Ozone enhancer kills my CPU dead), and has lots of presets. I reckon it hasn't the aesthetics of other enhancers, but it sounds as good or better than other artfully designed enhancers. - October 23, 2001 by guillermo etcheberry