Enhance MP3 For Winamp
MP3 Audio Enhancer with a variety of customizable user presets. Ear Candy Galore!
MP3 Audio Enhancer with a variety of customizable user presets. Ear Candy Galore!Your ears have been good to you...reward them with Enhance MP3 for Winamp. Now you can breathe new life into the stale compressed sound of MP3 with this cool self-adjusting enhancer that's loaded with tons of presets. Reshape and customize your audio files so they sound good to you. Make The Llama SING! (no actual llamas were injured during the testing of this product)
Download pluginApril 30, 2001 by curtis crowe | 236319 downloads |

Staff review
Spice up your mp3's with this dsp effectVery useful audio enhancer to add that depth that mp3's tend to lack. Comes with a ton of handy presets to choose from... as well as an easy to use slider interface for those of you who want to tweak on your own. All around solid DSP plug-in... the interface could be a bit sexier...but, it's still intuitive. -dg
I would give it a fair try - Sorry, as you can see on my rating, am I not pleesed about the result. I am always open for new software to enhance my music result, but I must agree with all the other not so well reviews. I will not be to harch, and think that if you are not used to much quality, that it is a good plug-in. But if you have good files, good processing and a good musicset, you probably will not like it. Music does indeed sound dull and there are strange phase effects in the processing. I tried serveral settings, and adjusted some myself, but it still was not an improvement. I give you a 1 for the effort, and maybe you do please some people, but not me. I stay at my current processing. - May 24, 2005 by dmr dmr
Eh. - This plugin is OK for low-bitrate files, but for the higher bitrate stuff, all it does is make it muddy. Considering most people won't be using low-bitrate MP3's, this is kind of a lost cause, but great if you want to get some quality out of the low quality stuff. Stay away from it if you've got a collection of high bitrate MP3's. - September 4, 2004 by Anthonius Runeblaze
Best thing ever - Aside from WinAMP itself, this is the best thing ever made. If you care at all about music (and seeing as you're on the WinAMP site you must), YOU NEED THIS PLUG IN! - March 18, 2004 by Vick Christou
Trialware?! - They expect me to pay for a Plugin for a free media player, yea right, i got your $$ right here, come take it from my cold dead hand. - August 17, 2003 by Asp eritus
no! - I really don't see what everyone likes... maybe they all have crappy speakers or something, with my Altec-Lansing ADA890 SPDIF speakers, it doesn't sound good at all. Standard winamp eq works better. - September 3, 2002 by eric peterson
WORST DSP.....EVER! - This is a freakin' joke! I downloaded this SHAREWARE (not FREEWARE) DSP with every intent on using a crack to keep it running after seven days. Then I saw that it only costs $10.00, so I thought, "What the hey, I'll pay $10.00 if it's good!" HA! I'll keep my $10 AND not even bother to look for a crack for this piece of junk. I removed it from my system faster than you can say - this plug-in sucks. - July 31, 2002 by oneamong1000 _
The Madman sez - Sounds Ok but I've used better. Wouldn't have downloaded it in the first place if I'd known it self-destructs in 7 days. Just another pain in my ass. - July 15, 2002 by Henry Mason
Great for Windows XP! - This is the only Winamp enhancing DSP, that works PROPERLY with Windows XP! If there is another, let us know. - March 5, 2002 by Skip Longg
ummmm... - donno what to say about it cuz it wont run! maybe its my machine or maybe i need to reboot it, good effort though! - February 2, 2002 by The Skin Hacker
High-End System User? Just For You.. - Yeah, I have a high-end computer audio system.. Used to have to use the default MP3 player that came with my Audigy to get any real bass out of the system, so Winamp was useless to me.. But, that other program really stank. No customization, no PLAYLIST, youd have to go through and select each song by hand.. Plus the bass was getting fuzzy. Then came along Winamp and its sexy plugins. Was looking for a plugin to get better bass, bada-bing bada-boom, this one came along. I get bass out of EVERY song. I get to CUSTOMIZE HOW MUCH BASS I get. Its so awesome. Other plugins are only shareware, no way buddy, this one's 100% freeware that beats the pants off of the llama (sorry Mike). Its worth your download if you have a system worth using, if ya know what I mean :) - January 21, 2002 by matthew orres
Sweet!!! - Its giving me awesome bass and width. Awesome!!!!! And free!!!!!! The hip hop preset gives some awesome sound!!! - October 15, 2001 by T P
Love it For Classical - For classical music that has been compressed with MP3 this puts back a lot of the life that is stripped from the audio. Works great and allows for a lot of adjustment. - September 11, 2001 by John Moyer
Good - This is good thing.You have to get this!!! - September 2, 2001 by Josip Pu�kari�
THE BEAST of plugzzz!!! - This plug-in is the BEAST!!! Download it! NOW! - August 19, 2001 by Timothy Lee
huh? - this kinda sucks, it?s like an equalizer with only 3 bands! sucks sucks, freaking equalizer - August 3, 2001 by Edmund Sterling
Stunning!!! - I never thought my PC could play such a kicking fat warm sound... my ears enjoyed sooo much! I'm gonna give these guys the 10? they deserve! - August 2, 2001 by Fabio Gasperoni
Well... - Stutter? Did so-m-e-on-e s-ay s-t-utt-e-r? I guess you need a computer more along the lines of Pentium III/700 to run this hog. I use a Pentium 200(yuck!), and it can't even crank out a single half-second of audio without a *stutter*. Oh well. I wish I had a little better computer then... - July 20, 2001 by Matt Smith
Cracks me up - - How anyone can give a plug like this a zero is crazy. The only one that would do such a thing would be one of their competitors. Anyone listening to this would have to agree. I am not related or do I know this group, but they do not deserve this sort of trashing. Shape up folks! - July 5, 2001 by Erwin Lanchaster
Same poster - The person(s) giving good ratings must be either very good buddies or the same person, cuz this sucks. - July 4, 2001 by Tim Morin
rich, harmonious high end - - this system provides the sound with a rich, harmonious high end. very warm. nice work. my brother, alix, who thinks this sucks spends too much of his time in a fog from smokin dope. listen for yourselves - July 4, 2001 by Alex Forting
Sounds great on my system - This plug sounds great on my system. Someone says that it stutters on theirs. I suspect that this is a pretty complicated piece of software that will not run on whimpy machines, so if you have an old machine, do not bother downloading this. But if you have a recent one, its is great. - July 2, 2001 by Paul Maier
Finally MP3s are OK - Makes mp3s much better for both computer speakers and for my stereo system. I use it to make enhanced CDs from mp3s and it works great - June 21, 2001 by Albert Smith
Listening with a good system - I have my computer hooked to a nice stereo setup and this really works great in this environment. It works fine. I like about 3 of the presets for normal audio and I adjusted them and it seems to be working perfectly. I'd like more nice presets. - June 18, 2001 by R. C. Cook
ROCKS! - THIS THING ROCKS. GREAT BASS. - June 18, 2001 by Karl Raines
Works great for me - Well, I like it. It works well and allows for a lot of adjustment. Took me 5 minutes or so to get the hang of it, but it's time well spent as I adjusted for my taste. - June 18, 2001 by joseph patch
Don't D/L if you have an older 'puter - ... because this plug in will screw up WinAmp so bad that you'll have to reload it! What a POS! - June 16, 2001 by Aal Willy
Get the new one - The original version tooks lots of CPU and made my computer skip. The new one is great, hardly notice it at all and really enhances stuff. - June 14, 2001 by Omar Perlman
Terrible - I am using the platinum with sony studio head phones, and all direct sound enhancements on max. I tried every plugin, I noticed a degradation in quality from high quality mp3s (256+). I played around with the sliders as well, Im not sure as to exactly how effective this product is..... - June 13, 2001 by charles currey
mine worked for 12 days - i downloaded this plug and it worked for 12 days, not 7 as advertised. pleasant suprise in that the sound is also awesome. i wonder why they advertise 7 (and that is what madoka got) and it actually works for 12? in the end the sound is wurth the $10.00. - June 11, 2001 by yo go
Demoware dies after 7 days unless you pay - The Enhancedaudio Enhance/MP3 for Winamp is demoware and you can use it for 7 days. After that, it?ll stop working unless you register and pay the fee. While it sounds good, it's interface is a bit clunky and laggy until you have a faster PC (400MHz or faster). You know your PC setup is not fast enough if you move the adjustments and it takes a bit of time before the speaker outputs match your control panel setting. - June 11, 2001 by madoka ayukawa
Sounds like a million bucks to me. - I think Sam K. must have an antique rather than a computer. I am using a 350 MHz Pentium and this thing sounds like a million bucks to me! Time for a new computer, Sam, so that you can enjoy things like this. I wonder what other great programs Sam can not run :) - June 9, 2001 by Sarge Kisner
Sucks - Made all of my MP3's skip. They would not play right. Don't waste your ten bucks. - June 8, 2001 by Sam Kearney
Pleasant sound - Tis ist ein very pleasant sounding plugin, und sehr easy to function also. (meine English is nicht so gut). Danke thanks. please macht mehr presets for future revs. - May 29, 2001 by Fora Haza
Crashes if u try and turn it off - i'm running win2k professional, and i don't know if it has the same problems with 95/98/ME but if i try and turn the plugin off while playing an MP3, it crashes winamp. i had to stop the mp3 and turn it off, then it works ok, i'm using winamp 2.75. - May 27, 2001 by b
The best of the lot - I have compared the various MP3 enhancer plugins, and this one is the best of the lot by far. The only thing that stinks is that they want me to pay for it after 7 days of trial. That bothers me a bit. I do not believe in paying for software. It should all be for free. This may be the first software program that I have ever purchased. I am still thinking about it. - May 25, 2001 by Al Bowlly
Better than 4 aces - a royal flush! - This thing is really cool. Adds a lot of power to my sounds - as a plugin its better than 4 aces - its a royal flush! Great work you guys. - May 23, 2001 by Biker Chick
Expansive sound - This thing is really cool. I have tried a bunch of these types of dsps and this is the one that i landed on and like. The sound is expansive for this small setup that I have hear with this plugin. - May 22, 2001 by Raregold Hideaway
Took Awhile...now I'm hooked. - When I first heard this thing I just about ----canned it...then I started playing around. Be glad I waited to review. Good Job. - May 22, 2001 by Gary Black
Excellent - Couldn't think of a better name for this plug. I thought mp3 sounded good until I heard it with this. Now I know what I was missing. - May 20, 2001 by Thomas Burger
Improved My Classical Selections - I was very impressed by what this did to my favorite classical pieces. It broadened the sound without increasing the volume. It's the first plug-in that I've actually bought. I highly recommend it. - May 20, 2001 by Frederick Gettys
Good - This did what I wanted. It made my mp3 files sound better! - May 20, 2001 by carrie wilson
Very Cool - Makes my MP3s sound bettrer - May 20, 2001 by Bill Tennant
Pleasant Surprise - Never thought I would like it so much. It makes my MP3s sound great! - May 15, 2001 by Nick Taylor
Tonyraw - Oh yeah. This is the best my MP3s ever sounded. i really like the tone iget. - May 13, 2001 by Tony Rawlins
pretty cool in its "warmth" - i'm a tube audio guy. other, than my confuser, all my audio stuff is run on glowy things called tubes. i can get this confuser to sound like it has tube sound by playing around a little bit with the presets & controls. its is pretty cool in its tube warmth sound, although i am not sure if that is what they intended. a five star high fidelity plugin. - May 13, 2001 by Glass Audio
Cool Little App... - I'm not really a musical expert, but this just made my MP3s sound more like CD. I love it and highly recommend it. - May 11, 2001 by Kathy Hendricks
Like opening the curtains on a beautiful, sunny day. - I decided to try this thing and was very suprised at its sound. It reminded me of the effect that I feel when I open the curtains on a beautiful, sunny day. I heard so much more than I had heard in the past and will have a very hard time living without this thing in the future. Worth a try, indeed. - May 11, 2001 by Avijah Marshall
I love it! - I wouldn't trade mine. I haven't really tried anything else, but this is a very nice addition to my PC audio system. Winamp rocks! - May 11, 2001 by Angela Neddings
works great - I really do like this and use it to make better cds as well by writing the enhanced audio as wave files. You can really adjust it. - May 9, 2001 by Sam Wrist
a miracle - I have good audio equipment and have been using MP3s and was always dissappointed in the sound. This does the trick with jazz but you do have to take a few minutes to adjust it. I like it. - May 9, 2001 by caribou deer
Pleasing to my classical taste - I am a professional studio musician by trade (flute). I have rarely found that MP3's sound the way a true performance sounds. I have found that by carefully adjusting the center slider on this plugin in combination with the adjustment of the loudness of my system that I can get truely impressive reproduction of MP3's. Classical music is the toughest to get right, and this does..... - May 7, 2001 by Suzanne O'Reiley
Cool, really cool. - First, i tried this on my old computer and it seemed to stammer and stutter. It was a 200 Meghurtz machine, but i put it over to my Pentium 3, and whalla - really knocked my socks off. My pentium 3 is connected to a realy good stereo, and it really rocks my mp3's. - May 7, 2001 by Maria Leopaldi
Unusual Control - Interesting Sound - These guys gotta slider control that is both confusing and interesting called depth. It is the center control on their panel. The secret I found with this plugin was to figure out this control, which was a lot of fun after a while. Once I balanced thedepth control with the soundcard output control, i got an enhancement in dynamic range that was very pleasing to me. This plugin is worth spending some time messing around with. The range of sound you can achive is large. Have fun. - May 7, 2001 by Laserman Coherence
Forget it - It SUCKS anyone with any sense can A and B it with DFX and hear the difference, I don't care where you set the sliders on this thing, DFX IS BETTER !!!!! - May 7, 2001 by bill cole
Worked For Me! - I thought this rocked. It was a little piggish on the memory, but the sound was awesome. It just didn't add a big volume boost...like some other "effects". It actually sounded like it was effecting the sound and adding to what was originally there. - May 6, 2001 by Bill Jarvis
65% CPU Usage - DFX = 21% - This effect is interesting, but anyone who claims that it is better than DFX must have better ears than me. Worse yet, I use Windows 98SE and my TaskInfo program tells me that this monster makes Winamp hog 65% of the CPU. DFX only raises Winamp from 17% to 21%. This bloatware is not worth the performance penalty in my humble opinion. I toggled DFX and this effect, not even close in terms of sound performance. Download it and see, but you'll probably agree with me. - May 5, 2001 by Haywood jablowmie
Reminiscent of tube Marantz sound. - I do not know what these folks are doing, but the sound is very reminiscent of my very old and very expensive Model 7 Marantz preamplifier working with its complimentary Marantz power amp. The sound is warm and nothing like the original dry pale sound of the original MP3 file. This is an excellent software from a sound point of view with a very ugly interface, however. - May 4, 2001 by Martin Gross
Now this is CLARITY!!! Incredible! - In the studio I am using an Egosys WAMI Rack 24 bit system and monitoring through MACKIE HR8 24 near fields. The sound before and after is amazing. I used to use DFX but the clarity and harmonic enhancing that Enhance MP3 is using completely blow this away. Kepp in mind that if you are not tweaking each preset you are missing the boat. Also if you are using a cheap gaming card like the Soundblaster you will never appreciate audio of any level. Once I took the time to set each preset it just blows me away how I can pull male and female vocals out of the mud. Welcome Enhance MP3!! The DFX plugin is still a decent plugin but I go for what really works and pumping up the bass and volume isn't what the real folks are looking for. Keep up the good work. Consider yourselves 10.00 richer! - May 4, 2001 by Big Daddi
It does work! - At first I thought I didn't like it and then I read the instructions and now I love it! You've got to read how to use it since it does give u a lot of control over how the audio sounds. - May 3, 2001 by ralph jacobs
Very good DSP plugin !!!!!!! - Five stars for the sound ( better than DFX ). One star for design ( the sliders have no names below indicating which one is for what. Instead, indications appear on another window....very confusing the first time ). It is pretty ugly too. One star for the ten bucks you have to pay to register. But at least they had the decency to avoid the nagging window urging you to buy it which makes DFX the most annoying plugin of all. - May 3, 2001 by guillermo etcheberry
it sucks - way too much bass, and what da hell r those sliders for?? Really bad design, not enough info, really bad software. - May 2, 2001 by TQ QT
Does a really good job - I'm impressed with this plugin. It comes with a bunch of presets and you've got to play with it a bit, but I found several that I really like. Pretty amazing! - May 2, 2001 by joseph jones
Sweet - Sweet - check it out! I do not know how one like TQ could conclude that this sucks unless one has some basic intellectual deficiencies. Three sliders I was even able to figure out and I am sixteen. I love this thing! - May 2, 2001 by Daniel Maier
Power punch to delicate nuance - This software takes my MP3's and has the capability to give them the almost paradoxical characteristics of improved dynamic range and at the same time improving the harmonic nuance of the upper audio registers. I listen to music that ranges from rock to classical, and there is a preset that will make any type of music sound more like it is being played on my high end stereo system using the CD format. Only negative is that it takes a bit of time to adjust the system to my taste, but no biggie since it remembers my settings. - May 2, 2001 by Alan Michaels