Publish what song your listening to on the web for your visiters to see!
Publish what song your listening to on the web for your visiters to see!IMPORTANT: Do not extract to plugin directory, extract to another folder and read the install.txt fileEver wanted the visitors of your site to know what song you were listening to at that exact second? Well now you can with DWP! It works by the program sending information to a cgi file which then makes "song.html". As a added "goodie" it adds a header and footer to the file that you can specify in header.txt and footer.txt
Download pluginMarch 22, 2002 by Adam Parker | 5090 downloads |
Staff review
Publish song infoThe installation to this plugin could really use some work. The instructions let you know what to do, but, at times they are a bit vague and could use some better explaining.
Good, but not simple or perfect - If you'd like a 'i am currently listening to' type feature on your site, this CGI call idea has to be the best. Personally though, I think I'm going with the TrackMonkey plugin which performs the same job with cleaner output. Anyhow, I played around with this one, here are some hints if you're interested --NOTES-- (((i))) In the plug-in, where you enter the script URL, it wants the full address, including the "dwp.cgi": e.g. "http://www.yoursite.com/cgi-bin/dwp.cgi" --DRAWBACKS-- (if you're fussy about the aesthetics) ((((i))) 'Artist name' and 'song title' arrive at the Perl script in one variable. To format each element with different HTML, you'll need to write your own Perl parsing code. (((ii))) Some songs mysteriously arrive with "- Winamp" tagged on the end of the title. (((iii))) Songs all arrive with the number "1. " at the beginning. --SOLUTIONS-- I'm a Perl beginner, but here are my own hacked-together-from-various-website solutions. I thought they might be useful to anyone wanting to amend the script, but with a similar experience level as myself. To remove "1. " from the start of the artist name ----------------- $trimmedsong = substr($song,3); ----------------- To remove "Winamp" from the end of some song titles ----------------- $trimmedsong=~ s/ Winamp / /ig; ----------------- Anyhow, please don't confuse yourself with my shoddy Perl. I'm amazed it worked for my site! - August 5, 2002 by Bob Someone