DSP Crossfader
Crossfade your music at the DSP level.
Crossfade your music at the DSP level.Crossfade your music at the DSP level.
Download pluginMarch 28, 2003 by Louis Louw | 95386 downloads |

Staff review
Crossfade your mp3'sFairly straightforward plugin that allows you to crossfade between files. You can fine tune the duration of the fade to get it to your liking. I noticed that the mp3 seems to jump or skip once a few seconds before the fade starts. It happened fairly consistently. I am running win2k and Winamp 2.81. Hopefully others have better luck with that.
Huh? What happened? - This application fakes fades! It doesn't even function appropriately. It will stop, then start song again, then TRY to fade, and it isn't even successful then! My poor bandwidth! O How I have misued thee! - March 12, 2004 by Frederick Szczepanski
w00tw00t :P - w00tw00t :P press Shift Stop :W:0:0:T - July 9, 2003 by Wesey UbuuIsak