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View CD cover as desktop wallpaper.

View CD cover as desktop wallpaper.

Desktop Art will load the file named COVER.BMP locatedin the same directory as the current song and use that bitmap as desktop wallpaper.Use resolution and colors for the bitmap file of your own choice.To display bitmaps that have less resolution then your desktopselect stretch in display properies,background.In the configuration of the plug-in select if you want to controlDesktop Art via a tray icon.You can also activate Winamp play controlicons ala trayctl (gen_minisdk).If cover.bmp is missing yourdefault desktop wallpaper will be used.

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November 8, 2001 by Peter Dahlberg6379 downloads

DesktopArt - View CD cover as desktop wallpaper.

Staff review

Use cd cover art for your desktop wallpaper

Just have a file called 'cover.bmp' in the same dircectory as the mp3 files you are listening to, and that picture will become your desktop wallpaper. Also included are tray buttons that allow you to control the main functions of Winamp (play/pause/stop/prev/next/open) as well as an on/off toggle button for the desktop cd cover wallpaper feature itself. Very nice.


could be good - this plugin could be good if it used folder.jpg or similar to display the art... - February 2, 2004 by Tom Occhino

Weed makeks you slurle wordes - Do you like weed? I don't even got this plug-in, but I gave it 5 stars cuz I'm high. I only wrote this cuz the slot was empty. Don't get this plug-in just get high - May 30, 2002 by Charles Roberts
