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DanceAmp X

DanceAmp shows the title of the current song and (optionally) inserts pauses between songs

DanceAmp shows the title of the current song and (optionally) inserts pauses between songs

Every time a new song is started, DanceAmp pops up a window (if it's not already shown) with song title and (optionally) pauses WinAmp. After a few seconds it unpauses WinAmp and (optionally) hides it's window. If the song title doesn't fit on screen it can be scrolled at the desired speed.

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February 4, 2002 by X - Fixer7289 downloads

DanceAmp X - DanceAmp shows the title of the current song and (optionally) inserts pauses between songs

Staff review

Title display plugin

Does what it says... displays a window with track title when new song is played. Useful when you are at a distance from your computer and want to know the song title. Configuration is fairly straigtforward and allows you to change color, font, and delay time.


Perrrrrrfect - DanceAmp is just the ticket for the DJ. Now the DJ can more successfully automate Winamp and still join the fun. You get variable time delay between songs, number display or your choice of what you would like scrolled on screen. As a bonus you have a full range of colors and font settings. It overcomes Winamp's limitations with screen display and lack of delay settings. - February 15, 2002 by Gerald Christoffel

Nothing special ... - ... but good idea to create a mixture of a screensaver and a winamp plugin ! - February 5, 2002 by Thomas Anderson
