Creative Remote Control Plugin
Control Winamp with Creative's Infrared Remote Control
Control Winamp with Creative's Infrared Remote ControlUse the Creative Infrared Remotecontrol enclosed with SB-Live Platinum or SB-Audigy Platinum to control Winamp.Current version 2.1
Download pluginJuly 25, 2002 by Johann Anhofer | 54896 downloads |

Staff review
Creative remote controlAllows for you to control Winamp's base functions with a Creative Infrared Remote Control. For use with SB-Live Platinum or SB-Audigy Platinum. Installs ok... I don't have either Creative product, so I couldn't properly test it out. If anyone encounters any bugs, please let the author know.
Compatible with X-Fi RM-1800! - Snazztastic plug-in. Though it may be old, it worked with* Win Vista x64 Home Premium* X-Fi RM-1800 Remote* X-Fi Platinum Fatality* Winamp 5Couldnt ask for more!! Too bad the Creative MediaSource player and entertainment center suck so bad - July 11, 2009 by Casey
hope it works - I'll try it on media monkey - February 10, 2009 by pito perez
hmm.. - I have a question about this plugin... is there a way it could be used with Creative X-Fi 5.1 Surround with RM-850 remote control? I've tried everything I cannot find a way it could work with Winamp in harmony.. please help.. :( - October 22, 2008 by Patrick Kerkel
Works fine - It works with SB X-Fi Fatal1ty remote control. Good plugin. - April 27, 2008 by Rafael RAFi
badazz - works great for me, running a soundblaster x-fi platinum fatal1ty edition with a RM-1800 remote and winamp 5. Definitely a five star plugin - February 18, 2008 by sam rayner
Better than the rest - Wasn't the easiest to use but it certainly had the smallest footprint compare to other programs. It took a while to config but after that it works flawlessly. great plugin. I'm using winamp 2.91 and winxp sp2. - August 16, 2007 by Jeremy Wai
x-fi fatal1ty - Just tried this plugin with my x-fi fatal1ty and RM-1800 remote and all works fine. Quite the relief as I've tried allsorts of plugins for quite a while now and this is the only one that has worked. Brilliant stuff. - December 25, 2006 by th3 d00d
Dang! - It's exactly what I want, and sounds like it'll do exactly what it should! But i'm getting the same error as Brien Frary about the out of range thing. Anyone got any fixes? Much appreciated! - October 20, 2006 by Sam N
works okay, but.. - I like the plugin, thanks for it. But I do have a few issues. I'm running an Audigy 2 ZS platinum, RM-1500. For starters, I don't know what the "Speaker" button is in the readme. Perhaps this is something from a different remote model? Either way, I now have no access to these commands, because i don't know which buttons to push. Also, I would really like to customize my controls. Also it would be great if there were playlist control from the media library, so that I can add/remove songs or playlists as i see fit. As of right now the plugin is kind of useless to me simply because if i want to change what i'm listening to, i have to get up and change it. That rather defeats the purpose of anything. So basically right now i'm limited to using "Mute" (can't turn the volume back up, though) and Play/Pause. Also only being able to select #'s 1-10 is pretty silly. It wouldn't be too difficult to add a time-out to the function which is accepting the # commands. If a number key is hit, wait 1000 ms and wait for another # key. When 1000ms passes (or whatever, you could even make it a user option) then jump tot he track. Some documentation would be great. There's also always developers looking to help- if you want to email me the source so i can play around with it i certainly wouldn't mind. I like the plugin, just needs some new features. Good work overall. - July 28, 2006 by J B
Works Perfect!!! - This works perfect with Soundblaster audigy and the RM900b-remote! I had to choose MIDI IO 2-port in the preferences - July 15, 2006 by Alfonz Aberg
Excellent! - This Plug-In is really nice! It works with my Creative X-FI Platinum perfektly. There are some problems with the hotkeys of the different remote-models. 4 stars for the plug-in i've searched for so long :) (sorry for my english... ;) ) Greetings - June 10, 2006 by Markus Schumacher
audigy 4 w/ rm-1500 remote. - i got same setup as Kristian cept i don\'t see the mpu-401 on mine, just had some outta range error on plugin. - March 16, 2006 by Brien Frary
Doesnt work - Hi, it doesn't seem to work for me. I have the Audigy4 and the RM-1500 with the USB-reciever. I've tried both plugin versions but they only show one option which is "MPU-401" in the MIDI-List. I've enabled "Enable control of Window Application" in the Remote Control Settings, but I have no more options there except choosing transmittor, which could help. What should I do? - March 4, 2006 by Kristian Gerardsson
Willys opinion.. - Works really nice. I have the Audigy 4 RM-1500 IR and there where no problems with install and setup. Tanks Johann... - February 19, 2006 by Willy Tullgren
nice - works also with sound blaster "creative audigy 4pro retail" - February 12, 2006 by lual lual
Not expected to work - After reading alot of other reviews i did't think it would work with my Creative X.Fi Elite but it does. Great work - January 2, 2006 by Danny Nilsson
Ideal Conditions only... - Doesn't function with newer cards that use the I-1500 USB remote, or the I-900 remotes with my Audigy 4. Noticed some buttons are in english while others are in ... german? Whatever the case, PROVIDE some documentation, the development community is here to help. Its probably powerful for those that can use it, and I commend your efforts in providing a versatile plugin. - October 23, 2005 by Will J
New version (1.3) available - A more stable version can be downloaded for free from But there is still no support for the external sound cards like the Audigy 2nx. See the readme for changes. Johann - September 6, 2005 by Johann Anhofer
very good plugin - i very well please by how easy it was to set it up, the only problem i have with it is i have 3000+ mp3's and i could not key in track 2000 , and play it. in fact i could not skip to anymore than the first 10 track on the playlist via the number buttons. is there anyway to do it or am i just being stupid? the card i use is the sb audigy2 zs platinium pr and the RM-1500 remote. - September 3, 2005 by jay hewitt
a little help - this plug-in is a bit tricky to get up and running... but once you do it works great. Here\'s a little help for who ever may need it (the read me file is also a bit difficult to understand... not very detailed). after you\'ve installed the pluggin in, start winamp and go into preferences (you shouldn\'t have to move the.dll file around like the read me says.) Under the plug-ins section click on general purpose... then highlight the \"Creative Infrared Control Plug-In\" and click on the configure button. Once that screen comes up, select the correct midi input (this may be different for alot of people, so I would just experiment with each input until you can use your remote.) and then click close and you\'re done. After that you should be able to use your remote instantly, and if not... go back and try another midi input. - July 10, 2005 by Tristan Hall
would be nice, if it worked - I've tried everything I can think of to get this damned thing to work (changing MIDI settings, reinstalling the plug in, reinstalling Winamp, etc), but the best it seems to be able to do is let me use the remote control 3 times, and on the fourth it crashes Winamp every time. I'm using Winamp v 5.09 and a Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS with RM-1500 remote, running on Win2K. Any suggestions on how to get this thing to actually work would be greatly appreciated! - July 6, 2005 by jon f
Lifesaver! - Briliant!. Simple and easy to use. I have the Creative RM-1000 and it works a treat! Very nice plugin :) - June 2, 2005 by Matt F
Very tastey - Have the SB Audigy 2 ZS Platinum currently and worked right after I switched the MIDI option. Great work!!! :) - March 22, 2005 by Tim Wiedenhoft
finally!!! - I've been looking around for a solution to remote control winamp, but the solution was so near! The remote was just lying around. Now my PC is a real hifi-soundsystem. But unfortunately it can command only winamp... - March 11, 2005 by Sandro Gaehler
It Really Kicks The LiveDrive's @$$! - This thing rocks. I didn't have to configure it at all, the readme just opened after install and I started winamp. Worked exactly as it says. I also don't have just a plain Live or Audigy card. I have the Audigy 2 ZS Platinum with the LiveDrive! 2. Remote control isn't the listed RM-900 that this plugin was made for, the remote is an RM-1500, it made no difference! It's so nice to be able to control winamp with my soundcard. A little more configurability would have been nice. And an updated plugin with support for the new RM-1500 would have been nice, but just a few buttons having no use is ok for now. - March 2, 2005 by A D
Very convenient, but not customizable - For a while I used the creative program for music, but I couldn't ditch winamp. I decided to sacrifice my remote control for winamp, but thanks to this, that is no longer the case. A few complaints though (ascending): 4. Incomplete Readme (go to C:\Program Files\Creative\MediaSource\RemoteControl\CTRCPAGE.exe for remote control settings) 3. No way to start winamp with control 2. Using the number keys, I can't chose anything besides 1-10. 1. Can't customize keys Other than these small problems, it's a great plug-in, deserves a 4 easily! - December 31, 2004 by Bryan Dodd
Works as promised. - I have an SB Extigy. Tip for those installing this plug-in: one has to tell the remote center to control winamp. - October 20, 2004 by David Wofford
Works. - Ok.. Downloaded it, and it works with my Audigy 2 Plat. Only thing is, you have to have the "Remote Center" closed or the Audigy software player tries to kick in. - October 4, 2004 by Keith Ramsey
Super Cool! - I thought I would never use the Creative remote control again until I found this plug-in. The only thing I could want for is perhaps the ability to configure the buttons on the remote to activate different Winamp functions. 4 Stars from me - Great Plug-In! - August 18, 2004 by OracleThree Boon
Awesome! - I have the Audigy 2 Platinum and this works great! Be sure when you configure the plug in that you test both MIDI and MIDI II! At first I thought it didn't work but mine had to be set to MIDI II. (set it to MIDI or MIDI II and press any button on the remote while in the plug in config screen and if stuff starts showing up in the window you got it!) - July 15, 2004 by Brendan Corcoran
Fantastic! - Lovely job on the plugin, i just came here on the odd chance that someone had created such a plugin, an someone had! One thing that'd make it that little bit more awesome, is if you could add the option to "ignore" some of the buttons, ie, for example, so you can have winamp only respond to the next/previous/play/pause buttons, and nothing else. Great Job :) - June 19, 2004 by Craig Rose
Doesn't work with my card - Nice idea, too bad I have the new USB Audigy 2 NX and it doesn't support it :-( - June 12, 2004 by David Kohen
Does what it says - I would like to have a little more control with this plug-in. Perhaps making the buttons customizable instead of hardcoded. - November 17, 2003 by Brian Rackliffe
Excellent! - Been wanting this for ages - much rather have Winamp than Creative MediaSource! A must have for anyone with a Creative SB Audigy! - June 4, 2003 by Andrew Butler
Does the Job- no more no less ;) - I just got me a shiney new SB Extigy and I'm looking for a winamp plugin for the remote (cos creative play centre sucks the llama's ass). So I find this one. Download it. I tell my remote to control winamp and all off a suddent eh plug in kicks in and I'got total control. Niiiiiiiiice! - January 10, 2003 by Graham Lord
Nice Toy - Well i have the Audigy Platium eX but the remote is still not working ... now i have your plugin and the remote works perfect (in winamp). Nice toy, Thanks :-) - July 28, 2002 by Pieter D'Hoossche