Chronotron v3 5a
Time and Pitch Scaling Plug-in for Winamp
Time and Pitch Scaling Plug-in for WinampTime stretching and pitch scaling plug-in.
Chronotron 3.5a is an improved version of the popular DSP plug-in that allows you to manipulate tempo and pitch separately, in other words, it allows you to change the tempo of the music without affecting pitch (time stretching) and/or change pitch without affecting tempo (key change).
Based on a phase vocoder, Chronotron is the first plug-in to deliver high quality audio in real-time at reasonable scaling ratios.
A lot of fixes since v3.12. Check the readme file for more information.
January 19, 2004 by Ianier Munoz | 376538 downloads |

Staff review
Cool timestretching/pitch control dsp pluginChronotron allows for you to change the key and tempo of a song independent of one another. So you can change the tempo of a song without affecting the pitch, and vice versa. You can come up with some nifty sounding efx with this plug. The interface is clear and easy to use.
Fun plugin - It's great for doing what it does... crashes at times but nothing major. Get around the 15 day by changing your system's clock past the previous 15 days, or just change it a year behind... and you'll see 15days for a while ;) - March 5, 2009 by Michael Hein
fantastic - fantastic i like it.Thank,s - January 26, 2009 by Nick Eckhardt
works ok but no need to buy it - Get Procrustes. Just as good and really free. The author has big ones to charge $25 or whatever after the trial period. - January 6, 2008 by John DeFranco
Best sound, crashes at high slowdown - This is the best sounding of the tempo shifting plugins. It costs $25 beyond a 15 day trial. The author also has a better version on his website, and a pro version that sounds better at high slowdown. It works well for all of the tested files FLAC, MP3, MP4, and wave. Unfortunately this plugin suffers from the dreaded crash when changing tracks. It only seems to happen when the tempo is extremely slowed down. The plugin seems to be stable outside of the red region. It is too bad that it can't be turned off. The crashing problem is new with 5.3xx versions of Winamp. The Pro version may be free of transient smearing unlike 3.5. If it is behind the Winamp window, it annoyingly pops up when the cursor is over the tempo control. It kills the spectrum display when slowing down FLAC files, but that is a common problem in other plugins. The next nearest competitor in sound is Procrustes, and it crashes on FLAC files, and won't slowdown mono files. - September 29, 2007 by John Clement
NOT FREE AFTER 15 DAYS - Ok, so I downloaded this product to change the tempo as I am a dancer & it is a helpful tool in training.I was so excitited this worked sooooooo well.But....... 15 days after I dowloaded this so called "Free Plug-in" they say it's only a free trial & you have to pay for it!That should have been explained upong the downloading process. It tool me ages to figure out how to get the damn thing onto my laptop, & now it's not even working. I'm pissed off, & feel that it was false advertising! - September 28, 2007 by Melissa Driessen
A post for you - I tried it, what it does is really handy and funny at the same time, but when it is used during random switching the numbers who start normally silent give a tick! Unfortunately this tick is currently when i stop this plug-in too, random ticks in the music where there should not be ticks... For the rest it is very good. Worth supporting i think so that Ianier can find the little bugs.... - April 21, 2007 by Av Andel
What a disappointment. - I thought this plugin was frickin' awesome... until I saw that you have to buy the thing after 15 days. It's the Internet, for freedom's sake; you simply can't charge for something like this and expect people to be stupid enough to pay for it, because there are literally millions of bored coders out there making plugins exactly like this (and even better probably) and don't charge a dime. While I don't care for the country, that's Capitolism at it's finest. - November 15, 2005 by deleted Costanzo
Some Ups and Downs - Works well, smooth sounding, easy to use. Handles extreme settings like a champ, even with extremely low tempo and extremely high key. (I love messing with those.) Down side is that it kind of merges the center channel into the left and right channels in a surroundish manner. Another is that it softens hard sounds and insrtuments, most notably on drums and high pitch cymbols. And I'm not sure what it is, but it sounds like the higher frequencies get a little muffled, probably due to the "smoothing" effect. But good plug-in otherwise. - October 28, 2005 by Dennis Goends
Not Quite There - This thing does work and it's about as usable as you can get. Definitely fun for changing the texture of electronic music. All that said, it has issues. For something with such a high price, it should be harder to crash. Oddly, it seems to work better on some files than others. Some get distorted; this may not be fixable. The UI is fine, although if it's going to have a nice black look, it would be nice to have the window border, etc. match that look -- again the pricetag is a factor there. I'm not going to register this. I think I'll go find an open-source plugin that does the same thing (if one exists). At least that way I can help stop any crashes! :-) - July 30, 2005 by Annalee Call
NOT !! - I rated this Plug-In 0 stars but my rating doesn't show. For me this Pug-In is completely worthless. When I pitch up my tracks the kick looses his power, at zero it's ok, but when pitched up.. So UNinstalled it immediatly again. NO THANKS !! - March 17, 2005 by Eric Zwieten
Great an inespensive!!! - I just downloaded the program and is great. $26.00 is cheaper than paying $10.00 a track to get the pitch you want. Thanks for Chronotron! - January 29, 2005 by Luis Nazario
$26? - I wish there had been some information beforehand that this program costs $26...more than the Winamp cost! Works great but expensive. Jeez. - January 16, 2005 by Virginia Kozlowski
chronotron - he don't wurk ? - December 16, 2004 by anton vermeulen
the simple things - yeah so i got this so i wouldnt have the retune my guitar so much when im learning something. but then i noticed that a lot of old favorites that im just sick of actually listening to soune pretty good if the tempo is cranked up 110%-125%.. huh. damn those licks sound good played fast! the rythme textures change, little stuff you didnt notice before jumps out.. and if you drop the key one or two notches (100-200 cents), those screechy rock'n'rollers suddenly sould like, well, men. axel rose, robert plant, heck all or em. the girls sound nice and smokey too.. mmm.. grrr! so when its my turn to soundtrack for the office, i twiddle the chronotron on a playlist of classics.. hey who's that? zeppelin. yeah but whos that playing it? zeppelin.. - November 25, 2004 by dan kloke
make this a full freeware - makes you control pitch and tempo independently. its a good plug-in, very good indeed if speaking in a musicians point of view. a great tool for musicians and aspiring ones. this is a great help/tool in capturing those fast licks and fast runs without missing any note! :) i would probably give this a FULL 5 star if only its for free. damn mine's about to expire.. :( - September 14, 2004 by bim balanza
Great for Karaoke files - This is excellent for using with Karaoke tracks. It would be a nice feature to have it go by semitones instead of cents but either way is fine. Great Plugin! - September 4, 2004 by Windle L
Works well but... - ... it's not freeware and at AUD$37 is not easily affordable *sigh*. And sometimes it just gives me an error message, something to do with a floating point error (probably because I selected it before playing a song and so it has nothing to process, hence a floating point error). Would be nice if it would stop doing that, since there is nothing that the user can do about it except start the song. And it doesn't advise you to do that in the error message, so that makes it pointless. Also, would be nice if it could show markers so that the user knows when the pitch has been shifted a full key, though I suspect that a full tone is every 100 cents and a semitone is 50. - July 21, 2004 by Jeffrey Teo
This thing - Is really works, This was just what i need! Donwload it and try it! Greetzz, Sven - February 13, 2004 by Sven de_Hoog