BogProg WebJockey 1.4
Allow your webpages to present your playlist online and make requests.
Allow your webpages to present your playlist online and make requests.This plug-in allows your script enabled web pages to show your visitors your play list and make requests from it. Detailed instructions and documentation is embedded in the included example php script page. 1.4 version includes the ability to temporarily deactivate while updating the plug-in and the ability to activate a workaround for broken virtual Win32 environments (i.e. Wine) 1.3 version includes activity logging, an optional status window, and a minor un-install bug fix. 1.2 includes address adapter binding and bug fixes. 1.1 version includes optionally sorting the currently playing entry on top.
Download pluginAugust 23, 2009 by think tink | 5695 downloads |

Staff review
Online song requesterOnce installed and files setup as needed in your server configuration (tested with a local php server) this allowed you to see what was in Winamp's playlist and to request the next song to play which it did. Overall this seemed to work ok and there is a lot of information in the example php file to allow for customisation of this plug-in. It is designed for usage on a server and not remote/phone controlled playback. Altogether a stable plug-in from the review test and should fit quite a few people's requirements for such a system.