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Bluecave Winamp Slider

Featured Plugin.

Version 1.9.97. Winamp Auto-hide, Playback Resume, System-Wide Hotkeys, Auto-Shutdown and more. Bluecave Winamp Slider! Automatically Hides your Winamp from screen after being inactive some time. When taking mouse to screen edge Winamp is brought back. Plug-In features advanced hot edges which makes possible to customize the mouse hot edges completely as you want them.Slider features smart Plug-In/Dialog window detector so all Plug-In windows are automatically slided along the Winamp's windows.Windows 2000/XP users can configure fade effect as well. You can have sliding and fading at the same time too!To make this Plug-In the ultimate general purpose one it features also System-Wide Hotkey Support, Auto Playback Resume and Automatic Winamp Shutdown. Of course those can be customized to suit your needs as well. Plug-In also extends Winamp MouseWheel support and adds support for resuming playback on computer suspend/standby. Great for laptops!This new version is updated version 1.9.9666 with some bug fixes. Mostly tray icon and XP related fixes.

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February 1, 2003 by Jouni Airaksinen138134 downloads

Bluecave Winamp Slider - Featured Plugin.

Staff review

Now this is a complete plug-in

The main feature allows you to stylishly hide Winamp by sliding it off the screen. But, upon further inspection of the configuration options, you will find many many more handy Winamp tasks to suit your plug-in needs. Allows for you to set playback resume, program hotkeys (for just about everything in Winamp), as well as extensively configure the sliding aspect of the plug-in. Even comes equipped with balloon hints to help you along your way. This is a multipurpose tool that definitely is worth downloading. Updated version with numerous bug fixes.


Come on... - Oh, Come-on bart, your downrating what IS a really great Plug-in! - August 25, 2006 by Jerry Windrim

slider - i am so sick of getting something, only to be let down by "registering". as i've said before, i haven't found a plug-in worth paying $5 for, when there are hundreds to choose from for free. these people making these bullshit plug-ins for profit, or "donation", are a bunch of shallow, greedy bitches. does it mean that much to you to make a buck off a plug-in? it's a plug-in, that's all, nothing more. where do you people get off that you feel that your plug-ins are better than others, and "need" to claim some compensation out of it. i know it's hard work, but come on, the player is free. i wouldn't start charging for skins, so what the fuck? get off you high horses, and come back down to earth, your shit isn't that good! or that innovative.... - June 15, 2004 by bart heyman

Works great - I'm using the registered version (only 5?), and the newest beta version (2.0.0 build 202). If I see a bug, the developer fixes it very fast. At least I'm statisfied. With TomSteady audio filter and AlbumList plugins my Winamp 2.81 is complete. - March 22, 2003 by Pelle Hermanni

Serious Compatibility Issues with Win2k - "explorer exe has generated errors and must be shut down" - "the shell has unexpectedly crashed and was restarted" Along with a complete freeze-up and loss of functionality. Traced the cause of this problem down to the slider. It's a cool program, but it will mess up your system. Needs work - January 24, 2003 by D Ray

good plugin, bad buisness - very extensive plugin, hotkeys and autoshutdown are extrordinarily usefull- however, i find it idiotic to be forced to pay for a modification to a free program, especially with the ammount of bugs in the program (had to manually close winamp every time i shut down my computer, or it would hang indeffinately) - July 31, 2002 by bad fish

Just what i allways wanted - Now i can have all the pretty skins i want without having to colaps or minimize Winamp when i need to use the upper part of my screen. If it where just a little bit more stable (on my win 2K) i would give it 5 stars... - July 28, 2002 by Simon Albinson

How did I live without this... - I don't know how I lived without this plugin! I find it to be best when set to appear and disappear in the fastest time possible, with the hotspot set at the upper-left corner. ...anyway, this is an amazing plugin that nobody should be without! (Especially Win2K users... I LOVE that fade effect!) - May 1, 2002 by Nutty Schmo

Slider! 2 public beta - Slider! 2 public beta fixes a whole bunch of bugs and works just fine on my XP. Haven't had problems.. Actually the beta is highly recommended for XP users. - March 12, 2002 by Jouni Airaksinen

Win XP Whoas and Foes - Found this totally swEEEEEt plugin in the middle of Nov. 01, installed it on my XP box, and totally love(d) it--that is, until it decided my box would be better off restarting every time I tried using it. I've heard, and read the reviews about the various problems with XP. I plan on going to their website, and giving them a gripe too, so hopefully they'll fix this bug--Otherwise, this plugin is TOTALLY useful. I find my Winamp actually comes up as the active window faster than any other method i've seen so far. Great plugin if you want an easy way to make your Winamp virtualy invisible--I use it alongside of Niver's Tray Control plugin to put the basic controls in my system taskbar--talk about never seeing Winamp! :P - March 7, 2002 by Greg Postma

Good - This is great. Good improvements over the previous version, which wasn't too shabby to begin with; I also like the new hotkeys. - December 23, 2001 by Ben Bassett

Problems with 2000 - This is a badass plug-in, but has bugs. It worked great for two days, then it stopped showing the main winamp window when i tried to open winamp. Work out the bugs please, I would like to use this one. Thanks for the work so far. - December 15, 2001 by Joe Cool

I WANT MY 'SHIFT'+'V' - One of my favorite keystrokes for winamp is the 'shift'+'v' to fade my music out (it's so rude to the ear to just kill a good song in the middle of it) and not only does slider seem to eat that command on my IBM craptop... uh, I mean laptop it seems to eat all the keystrokes! I didn't have a problem with this under XP, or (I presume) under a previous version. - December 10, 2001 by Alastair Drong

Cool S$%t - Works Great here too. I've got Windows 2000 professinal and so far, no problems yet. In my mind its like the coolest autohide for a program I've ever seen - December 9, 2001 by Jeff Johnson

Screamin - Works great, looks great. Haven't seen any bugs in XP as of yet. Best general plugin I've seen to date for winamp. Very functional. Thanks. - December 3, 2001 by Bryan Dugger

=] - this plugin rox! nice work. i'm using win98 and i hadn't noticed any bugs or errors yet. - November 27, 2001 by . .

Useful features, but not robust at all - I found Winamp Slider to be an extremely useful plugin with some excellent, original features, notably the sliding and the song position saving. Why, then, did I only give it two stars? The answer is simple - it has one hell of a bug. If I closed winamp while a song was playing or paused, then try to open it by playing an associated file, this plugin will fight with winamp as to whether it gets to pick up where it left off or winamp gets to play the song I just selected. The result? I get to deal with the dreaded blue screen of death. I would suggest that Blue Cave fix this bug - otherwise, this plugin isn't worth the trouble it causes. - November 12, 2001 by Tim Bocek

XP problem work around - Sliding works well but a bunch of errors (20) when the tray icon is right clicked. There is a work around, disable the tray menu and then it works fine (menu and all, go figure, disable to enable.) Fading works well in XP. Grammar is a big problem in this plug-in ("Do not change these, unless you don't know what you're doing. You've been warned!") - November 9, 2001 by Mike Stafford

Problems with XP - The fade effect was awesome and the features are all good, but when I right clicked the icon in XP it gave me about 10 error messages in a row. When I closed Winamp and restarted, the entire program crashed completely. I had to uninstall Winamp and redownload. Apparently needs some bugs fixed for Win XP, but otherwise I bet it's a great plug-in. (See how it works for you.) - November 8, 2001 by Justin Steffman

Looks good on mates W2k system, but - It crashes whenever I hover the mouse over the system tray icon in WinXP. It didn't even *want* to work for me, so 0 for it. - November 4, 2001 by Bagpuss The Cat

Bluecave - I do say this is niffty or something rather good job. - November 3, 2001 by Ryan Kruzan

Interesting.... - This thing rulz, one thing, when you download it, remember that u gotta click on the icon at the in the tray menu on your start bar ot bring it up and put it away, i tried to close it but something say incorrect paraemeter, so just remember. - November 1, 2001 by Project Deth

This plugin rocks - It Kicks Ass. It is the best plugin I have ever used. Very user friendly. I love the fade efect in win2k. This should be included in with Winamp then it would really whip the Llama's ass. Thanks for this great and FREE plugin. Two big thumbs up to ya. - October 31, 2001 by Michael Demel

Doesn't work too well in XP - Crashes when you right-click the tray-icon in (at least my version of) XP. And the hotfix required isn't very practical :-S. - October 28, 2001 by Sjoerd Cranen

other - bensiz olmaz - October 20, 2001 by ilker sancar

Way Too Buggy - Way too buggy needs an updated version w\o the bugs I gave it one star for the originality and idea of it but like I said earlier it needs and updated version with less bugs!!!!!!!!! - October 7, 2001 by Beau Briscoe

Pretty good - I've been running it for a few hours now, and I had only one problem: right-clicking the tray icon gave an error "Parameter is incorrect." Apparently the mouse right-click is mapped to use for the program, but the procedure either points to something invalid or nothing at all. The reason it doesn't slide in Win9x systems is because none of the Win9x's API doesn't support alpha blending. Running Windows XP Final OEM; works great on here. - October 6, 2001 by Laebshade Lampcover

bit unstable - Bugware-tastic! application errors whenever starting winamp. sometimes ignores clicks on the taskbar to bring winamp back. hmmm interesting, but currently should be classed as beta. - October 4, 2001 by Anthony Shortland

This Kicks ass - This is a realy cool plugin. Why hasn't someone made something this useful before now ? It has some "Violation Error in GEN_SLIDER.DLL" error though - running Win ME. If you diable it in the system tray this goes away. - September 29, 2001 by Loopy Loopy

Maybe cool for W2K but for Win9x... - I've tried this plugin and I think there will be better plugins, for Win9x it really only slides the Winamp without any kind of effects... and the hotkeys doesn't seem to work in Win9x (Violation Error in GEN_SLIDER.DLL)... I don't know how it works in W2K/WinXP... - September 12, 2001 by Michael Santos
