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Axis Winamp Timer

Let you choose a certain time to stop winamp playing or to play a certain winamp file...

Let you choose a certain time to stop winamp playing or to play a certain winamp file...

Axis Winamp Shutdown Timer


For people who like to go to sleeep with long playlists...

You can choose between Countdown Shutdown (The user enter a certain amount of time til' winamp will stop playing) and Timer Shutdown (The user choose a certain hour to stop winamp from playing).
Now you can also choose to play a certain winamp file in a certain time.

Download plugin

May 27, 2004 by Axi Nadeel22817 downloads

Axis Winamp Timer - Let you choose a certain time to stop winamp playing or to play a certain winamp file...

Staff review

Auto shutdown of Winamp

Fairly straightforward timer program to shut Winamp down at a user specified time or with a countdown. The countdown worked ok, but, I couldn't get the timer to work. Tested on a Win2000 system.


Unable to install - I'm not even able to install it; receive an error "Component 'COMDLG32.OCX" or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid". - October 6, 2009 by james.kuypers

Used it, okay but... - I've used this for shutting down WinAmp so my laptop could hibernate after we're asleep (because due to some WinAmp problem the computer won't hibernate when WinAmp is running). It worked okay for that, no problems and easy to use... okay, once you do an online search for the dll the plugin requires and install it. That isn't too hard for semi-tech savvy folk but for others it's a pain at best. (If you search for the name of the dll you'll turn up sites like which have it and instructions on how to install it -- it involves copying the file to a folder on your C: drive and registering the dll, which is not really all that difficult, so give it a whirl.)But now we're home and I tried using this to play a file after we're asleep -- we listen to an online radio station at first and then switch over to a nice babbling brook sound file I recorded -- and the problem there is that due to some quirk this introduces a gap at the end of the sound file before it loops. That's every 48 seconds in this case. Annoying if you wake and try to fall back asleep while it's on.I like the "play a file after" option but this doesn't seem to have been tested very well. Unfortunately I don't see another plugin with that option. - February 2, 2009 by Qrazy Qat

Thanks a Lot - I am Trying for this Kind of Plugin. I like it. Plz send/host the Installation file as ZIP or RAR Format. I can't download .exe files. Thanks a Lot Regards.. Venkatesh [email protected] - December 12, 2006 by venkatesh ramasamy

similar problem with the alarm plugin... - I have an alarm plugin for winamp, that has the same problem, in that I cant seem to set the time with any certainty. I will think I have set it,and later (usually when I wake up late), I find out that it didn't set. Instead it reset to the original time. I more or less figured out how to make the alarm one work but I can't seem to make this one hold the timer time. The issue is probably the same as the the other plugin, something to do with how the interface accepts a new value in the window. *shrugs* If I get it working better I will update the stars. PS: LOVE the idea, but... - October 14, 2004 by HPMmfs M

install failure - pretty neat looking - on the screenshot. i wasn't even able to install it on a win2k-sp4 machine because of a missing MSSTDFMT.dll the installer needs. still i'd like to revise my opinion, if that problem is fixed. - June 30, 2004 by Karl Arsch

axis winamp timer - download - June 3, 2004 by achyar ganteng
