ANDs Dolby Sorround
Simulation of virtual sound environment and other effects, which can really improve your sound.
Simulation of virtual sound environment and other effects, which can really improve your sound.Very useful for modules playing, and not only :) It's really improve your sound. Full freeware.
Download pluginMarch 13, 2002 by Dmitry Andreev | 112795 downloads |

Staff review
Surround dsp pluginFairly good configuration options enable you to tweak away to get different sound environments. It would be nice to include presets to quickly be able to dial in the sound you are looking for.
MEGA BASS!! (maybe) - Hey!! My old speakers have a mega bass now with X Bass!! - August 2, 2007 by anhilatorr _
Real good shit ... - Real smooth sound ... don't need 2 adjust original settings - July 24, 2006 by george ursu
Pretty "OK" - This plugin does an excellent job of increasing the spatiality of audio and has decent reverb, but aside from the freeware license it's nothing much special. Sidebar: Matthew Lubner, why would you want to be outputting lossy compressed audio rather than uncompressed 6-channel PCM? That's just stupid. - April 13, 2004 by Colin Snover
ANDs Dolby Surround Review - I have a Sound Blaster Extigy for my laptop (I'm an audiophile) and a Logitech 5.1 surround setup that winamp outputs to. The speakers have a dolby decoder built into them, and when they recieve a dolby signal it tells you. I was hoping this plugin would send a true dolby signal over my digital output line, but there was no such thing. Therefore this plugin should be called FO-dolby, because it is NOT REAL DOLBY. In fact, I should have known that because anything that was true dolby would have been under OUTPUTS. Someone please hack the dolby output from a dvd player program and put it into a winamp plugin or something to that effect so we can have real dolby output. - March 11, 2004 by Matthew Lubner
ehh - wheres the bass? nice idea but it doesnt work with my 5.1 very well. - March 23, 2003 by Rob Aldred
did well on my computer - my sound is alot better but do improve the stereo and bass things..but keep it real..rock on - September 11, 2002 by Emily Voelker
An OK dsp - Interesting features, but needs a lot of work. Since there's no instructions on what each slider does, it's obviously still in the beta stages. It shares a common bug that crashes winamp whenever you switch dsp's in winamp preferences while playing. Ambient doesn't even work. Nice little interface, but not dockable. The other features like bass and stereo don't work well/not as powerful as other DSP's. But this lowers cpu usage. However, I would love to wait for future versions to fix these problems:) - March 14, 2002 by Jo Tora