AndrewLabs ATSurround for Winamp
Enjoy your music in true surround and make full use of your 5.1 system.
Enjoy your music in true surround and make full use of your 5.1 system.Enjoy your music in true surround and make full use of your 5.1 system. Immerse yourself in virtual-surround with the Headphone decoding mode.Compatible with Dolby and similar processors. ATSurround extracts the encoded surround information in your music and enables it to be played in full surround. The ATSurround Headphone decoding mode allows the listening of audio sources which sound like they're really coming from a live 5-point surround system. Music no longer sounds like it's "inside" your head, listening fatigue is reduced.
Download pluginMarch 27, 2009 by Andrew Tan | 523098 downloads |

Staff review
Surround Sound Processing For 5.1 Systems / HeadphonesWith a number of options and predefined processing modes there should be enough with this output plugin to suit most people's needs to get more from your audio.The headphone mode worked well and overall output quality is very good on the various media tested with.Note: This is a trial version and will introduce noise into the output randomly as advised on the author's site.
Unusable trial with a lot of noise. - July 25, 2010 by Deux
Love it, just think the GUi is a bit crappy and unintuitive. - February 13, 2010 by EviL FazZ
Nice - Looks good but the random noises ruin it for me.These noises shouldn't even be in the plugin ,even in trail mode.Unusable - October 10, 2009 by elco.nguyen
Awesome...but wait - This plug-in does not have can choose between 3.1 or 5.0, unless someone can correct me...3.1 does use SL and RL but very poorly5.0 uses all speakers, except for the sub, instead the C speaker is used as sub. - July 26, 2009 by Dennis Cheret
Superb - The right choice for quality lovers..! - June 24, 2009 by sucharithan suji
Skeptical... However proven wrong! - I've got to say I'm impressed, this so far as been the best surround sound plug-in I've used!Keep up the good work. also a question, are you perhaps going to release one for 6-7.1 as well? If so awesome! If not, at least this one is really good :)Can email a response to snkbyt3d at yahoo dot com(I didn't want to post a live email link for anyone who might be a bit grumpy about it :) ) - June 10, 2009 by Capslok