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Albumwrap Tool

fast forward to the file offsets in an albumwrap

fast forward to the file offsets in an albumwrap

Albumwrap tool lets you jump to the mp3 offset in an Albumwrap mp3. Have Winamp running and control it via this application, CODED IN C# so REQUIRES .NET FRAMEWORK v1.1+

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March 18, 2006 by Jeremy Lake6008 downloads

Albumwrap Tool - fast forward to the file offsets in an albumwrap

Staff review

This runs as an external program to the Winamp process and requires the .NET framework to be installed. Thank you for your submission.


Albumwrap - Another product that does what it says but doesn't go far enough, One of the biggest problems I have with Albumwrap and don't get me wrong I use it extensively, but there isn't a product out there, that will take the tracklist including track times or any tag info from an albumwrap file and allow you export the info to html, txt, csv format. I'm amazed that no one has done this including the manufacturer of the product, It would allow quick and easy exporting to a database. I guess I'll will have to still wait till someone feels the same need I do, and has the programming skills to make it happen. - October 8, 2006 by Alan Whitley
