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Aezay Caption Draw

Version 1.1

Version 1.1 - Draws various information on the caption bar of the active window, such as the current song title.

This plugin can draw song title, filename, playlist pos, song length and a lot of other neat stuff.It can also register hotkeys to control winamp, when it doesn't have keyboard focus.

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February 24, 2003 by Anders Jakobsen5841 downloads

Aezay Caption Draw - Version 1.1 - Draws various information on the caption bar of the active window, such as the current song title.

Staff review

Display Winamp information in window title bars.

Allows for you to display Winamp information in your Window title bars. You can configure this to display song title, file name, song length, etc. You can also tweak the text color. Winamp hotkeys are thrown in there too... not configurable for this version tho. Check the '?' for all the options on how to tweak the title bar display info and the hotkey list. Configuring is fairly easy, but, it's not the most functional way of doing things. You constantly have to check the '?' list to remember what values do what.


best titlebar plugin ever! even works with XP themes! - Great little plugin. works neatly with windows XP themes. Otherwise, does what it says on the tin... - November 1, 2002 by sensei chartattack
