4ormulator Vocoder Extreme
Featured Plugin, January 9, 2003.24 New Effects with this version. A cool sound tool for Winamp. The Ultimate Vocoder Plug-In. Explore the wilds of new sonic kingdoms today with this free plug-in: Pitch-Augmentation - Sympathetic Drones - Re-synthesis Effects - Formant Effects - Voice Disguisers - Multi-Band Ring Modulation - Vocoder Effects - Sub-harmonic Bass Generation - Robot Voices - Talking Instruments - Sci-Fi Effects - Ambient Generators. Up to 520 'analog' bandpass filters and a unique architecture that includes stereo harmonic effects in addition to resonance control, spectral envelope generators, internal carrier options, LFO modulators, and more... The Basic edition is limited to 32 effects.Visit www.vocoder-plugins.com/winamp for more information.
Download pluginSeptember 16, 2003 by Richard Wolton | 113709 downloads |

Staff review
Cool effects.Make it sound the way you want to hear it.
This is horrendous it should be free for winamp or at least have a useable demo, take it down, this is aweful - January 24, 2010 by pommy
this is an awesome tool. - create new music out of existing music, makes great ambient space music. it can be used for backgrounds for building other music on top of...i mean music production....i love this tool...who needs mind altering drugs when you can get Vocoder Extreme! - November 12, 2008 by Dreadhawk DotCom
Not recommended - This could be a funny thing to play with for a few minutes, but the crippled DEMO version that's downloadable here isn't useful at all. Perhaps the unlocked PAY-version of it would be better, but when visiting the website linked from withing the plugin, it says: "4ormulator Vocoder Extreme is no longer available for Winamp". No reason downloading it then, and i wonder why it's still listed here. - October 1, 2005 by Bjorn Moxica
Unbelievable sound effects - Since all the DSP FX start without any dry sound in the mix, you need to bring up the dry slider to mix in the CD original music sounds. But when you DO set it right, WHOA! truly amazing ambient, industrial, electronica FX tweeks can get added to any music CD! Damn, I wanna play my guitar through this. Never heard anything like it. - February 7, 2003 by Bill Moulton
I dont see why ?? - well its fine if you want bells and chimes in place of your music but other than that not really. - January 25, 2003 by michael jordaan
I don't hear the music anymore... - I know this should be an DSP plugin, which means Digital Signal Processing... but when I chose one of the processing styles, I heard only chimes, or a bizarre sound... I still want to hear the music you people! - January 15, 2003 by Andrei Toma
Mayor slowdown of system - The idea is good but you need to optimize it because it frezes on my system (C433@540 winxp) - January 10, 2003 by Mikula FKM
Hehe - Didn't try it, nor do i any desire to, just found Romeo Fe's post quite annoying, thats all. =) - January 9, 2003 by Phlux Phlux