Winamp's woes: How the greatest MP3 player undid itself - Ars Technica
Ars Technica | Winamp's woes: How the greatest MP3 player undid itself Ars Technica Enter Winamp, the skin-able, customizable MP3 player that "really whips the llama's ass." In the late 1990s, every music geek had a copy; llama-whipping had gone global, and the big-money acquisition offers quickly followed. AOL famously acquired the ... |

This site is dedicated to the great Winamp Media Player.
Since 1997, Winamp has been the definitive music player of the mp3 era. Its continuous development and solid user base made it the best music player for Windows. However, in December 2013, AOL decided to shut down its development and website.
Our aim is to collect legacy resources for Winamp, including the best skins, plugins and visualizations and make them available to download freely.